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Many code/algorithms were taken from it at first; but in order to but more “Rusty”, a complete rewrite was made. ## [Documentation](https://peltoche.github.io/ical-rs/ical/) ## Installing Put this in your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] ical = "0.10" ``` ## Overview There are several ways to use the `ical` crate, depending on the level of parsing you want. Some new wrappers/formatters could appear in future releases. By default all the features are included, but you can include only the features you need in your project. #### Warning The parsers (`PropertyParser` and `IcalParser`) only parse the content and uppercase the case-insensitive fields. No checks are made on the fields’ validity. ### `IcalParser` / `VcardParser` Wraps the result of the `PropertyParser` into components. Each component can contains properties (ie: `Property`) or sub-components. * The `IcalParser` returns `IcalCalendar` * The `VcardParser` returns `VcardContact` Cargo.toml: ```toml [dependencies.ical] version = "0.10" default-features = false features = ["ical", "vcard"] ``` Code: ```rust extern crate ical; use std::io::BufReader; use std::fs::File; fn main() { let buf = BufReader::new(File::open("/tmp/component.ics") .unwrap()); let reader = ical::IcalParser::new(buf); for line in reader { println!("{:?}", line); } } ``` Output: ``` IcalCalendar { properties: [], events: [ IcalEvent { properties: [ Property { ... }, ... ], alarms: [ IcalAlarm { properties: [ Property { ... } ] } ] } ], alarms: [], todos: [], journals: [], free_busys: [], timezones: [] } ``` ### PropertyParser Parse the result of `LineReader` into three parts: - The name of the line attribute formatted in uppercase. - A vector of `(key, value)` tuples for the parameters: - The param key is formatted in uppercase. - The param value is untouched. - The property value is untouched. It work for both the vCard and iCal formats. #### Example: Cargo.toml: ```toml [dependencies.ical] version = "0.10" default-features = false features = ["property"] ``` Code: ```rust extern crate ical; use std::io::BufReader; use std::fs::File; fn main() { let buf = BufReader::new(File::open("/tmp/component.ics") .unwrap()); let reader = ical::PropertyParser::from_reader(buf); for line in reader { println!("{:?}", line); } } ``` Input -> Output: ``` begin:VCALENDAR Ok(Property { name: "BEGIN", params: None, value: Some("VCALENDAR") }) ATTENDEE;cn=FooBar:mailto:foo3@bar -> Ok(Property { name: "ATTENDEE", params: Some([("CN", "FooBar")]), value: Some("mailto:foo3@bar") }) DESCRIPTION: Ok(Property { name: "DESCRIPTION": params: None, value: None }) END:VCALENDAR Ok(Property { name: "END", params: None, value: Some("VCALENDAR") }) ``` ### `LineReader` This is a very low-level parser. It cleans empty lines and unfolds them. It work for both the vCard and iCal formats. #### Example: Cargo.toml: ```toml [dependencies.ical] version = "0.10" default-features = false features = ["line"] ``` Code: ```rust extern crate ical; use std::io::BufReader; use std::fs::File; fn main() { let buf = BufReader::new(File::open("/tmp/component.ics") .unwrap()); let reader = ical::LineReader::new(buf); for line in reader { println!("{}", line); } } ``` Input -> Output: ``` BEGIN:VCALENDAR Line 0: BEGIN:VCALENDAR BEGIN:VEVENT Line 1: BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:foo and -> Line 3: SUMMARY:foo andbar bar END:VEVENT Line 4: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR Line 5: END:VCALENDAR ``` ### Generator The other way to use `ical` is to generate ical/ics files. Builder for Events, Calendar and VCards ensure filling of mandatory fields. A fair knowledge of the iCal-standards is necessary to create usable ics-files, even so the `IcalEventBuilder` helps to stick to the formalities. Cargo.toml: ```toml [dependencies.ical] version = "0.10" default-features = false features = ["ical", "vcard", "generator"] ``` Code: ```rust extern crate ical; use crate::ical::{generator::*, *}; fn main() { let mut cal = IcalCalendarBuilder::version("2.0") .gregorian() .prodid("-//ical-rs//github.com//") .build(); let event = IcalEventBuilder::tzid("Europe/Berlin") .uid("UID for identifying this event.") .changed("20210115") .one_day("20220101") .set(ical_property!("SUMMARY", "New Year")) .build(); cal.events.push(event); print!("{}", cal.generate()); } ```