# icanhazdadjoke-sdk This is a crate for interacting with the [icanhazdadjoke API](https://icanhazdadjoke.com/). Here are some examples for how you can use it: ## Examples ```rust use icanhazdadjoke_sdk::{DadJokeSDK, PaginationOpts}; let dad_joke_sdk = DadJokeSDK::new("NAME_YOUR_APP".into()); // you can basically just put in here what your app is doing let random_joke = dad_joke_sdk.get_random_joke().await; // gets a random joke let paginated_jokes = dad_joke_sdk.query_jokes("pizza", PaginationOpts::default()).await; // you can specify more within the pagination options if you would like ``` ### Contributing First, install [cargo readme](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-readme). After that, just run the following command every time you edit the [README.md](./README.md) file: ```sh cargo readme > README.md ``` Also, make sure you run `cargo test` to make sure all the code is still working. ### License [See attached license](./LICENSE) License: MIT