## TODO * Add Search/Filter result where starts_with, contains, ends_with, key_regex, value_regex can be used multiple times * Separate BvObject and ByteVec string operations, i.e, stripping string length set by bincode::serialize, since ByteVec is also used for wrapping String.as_bytes and such * Operations requiring resize on tuples/vec? * Data deduplication? * Cached single-time deserialization for records * Nicer error-handling/more helpful panics * Implement some kind of basic ACID transactions * File-based sessions * Async feature * Migration functionality * Deref record with JIT/cached deserialization? **Macros** * [query] Implement order_by, group_by? * [query_deserialize] change params to only take type instead of $field:ident:$t:ty(ident used for tuple deconstruct atm, alternatives?) ### Storages **IndexedKvStructure** * Key seperated multi-indexed Vec(e.g "article:title:hashid") * Impl insert_many ### Databases **KV** * Search & filter only of type T(Create type name lookup maps), like redis HSCAN, SSCAN etc **Table** * Impl update * Column options(Primary Key, Foreign key?, Unique) * Byte slices helper functions ..* Strip ..* Count ..* Compare * Byte & bitwise operations on byte arrays of some types ..* String manipulation, comparison, char/word/seq search ..* Integer comparison(and add, sub etc?) ..* Datetime manipulation & comparison(?) ---