mod utils; use std::{collections::HashMap, fs::File, sync::Arc}; use arrow_array::RecordBatch; use arrow_csv::ReaderBuilder; use arrow_schema::SchemaRef; use arrow_select::concat::concat_batches; use futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt}; use icelake::{ catalog::load_catalog, io::{TableScan, TableScanBuilder}, types::{AnyValue, Field, Struct, StructValueBuilder}, Table, TableIdentifier, }; pub use utils::*; pub struct ScanTestCase TableScan> { docker_compose: DockerCompose, poetry: Poetry, catalog_type: String, table_scan: F, // List of csv file paths. results: Vec, // Inited after docker. catalog_configs: HashMap, } impl TableScan> ScanTestCase { fn new(catalog_type: &str, table_scan: F, results: Vec, test_name: String) -> Self { set_up(); let docker_compose = match catalog_type { "storage" => DockerCompose::new(test_name, "iceberg-fs"), "rest" => DockerCompose::new(test_name, "iceberg-rest"), _ => panic!("Unrecognized catalog : {catalog_type}"), }; let poetry = Poetry::new(format!("{}/../testdata/python", env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))); ScanTestCase { docker_compose, poetry, catalog_type: catalog_type.to_string(), table_scan, results, catalog_configs: HashMap::new(), } } async fn run(mut self) { self.setup_docker(); self.init_data(); self.perform_and_check_table_scan().await; } fn setup_docker(&mut self) {; let warehouse_root = "demo"; let table_namespace = "s1"; let table_name = "t1"; let catalog_configs = match self.catalog_type.as_str() { "storage" => HashMap::from([ ("", "demo".to_string()), ("iceberg.catalog.type", "storage".to_string()), ( "iceberg.catalog.demo.warehouse", format!("s3://icebergdata/{}", &warehouse_root), ), ("", "us-east-1".to_string()), ( "", format!( "http://{}:{}", self.docker_compose.get_container_ip("minio"), MINIO_DATA_PORT ), ), ("", "icebergdata".to_string()), ("", warehouse_root.to_string()), ("", "admin".to_string()), ("", "password".to_string()), ]), "rest" => HashMap::from([ ("", "demo".to_string()), ("iceberg.catalog.type", "rest".to_string()), ( "iceberg.catalog.demo.uri", format!( "http://{}:{REST_CATALOG_PORT}", self.docker_compose.get_container_ip("rest") ), ), ("", "us-east-1".to_string()), ( "", format!( "http://{}:{}", self.docker_compose.get_container_ip("minio"), MINIO_DATA_PORT ), ), ("", "icebergdata".to_string()), ( "", format!("{}/{}/{}", warehouse_root, table_namespace, table_name,), ), ("", "admin".to_string()), ("", "password".to_string()), ]), _ => panic!("Unrecognized catalog type: {}", self.catalog_type), }; self.catalog_configs = catalog_configs .iter() .map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v.to_string())) .collect(); } fn init_data(&self) { let args = vec![ "-s".to_string(), self.spark_connect_url(), "--sql".to_string(), ]; let init_sqls = vec![ "CREATE SCHEMA if not exists s1;".to_string(), " CREATE TABLE s1.t1 ( id long, v_int int, v_long long, v_float float, v_double double, v_varchar string, v_bool boolean, v_date date, v_decimal decimal(36, 10) ) USING iceberg PARTITIONED BY (truncate(1, v_varchar)) TBLPROPERTIES ('format-version'='2'); " .to_string(), " INSERT INTO s1.t1 VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1.1, 1.1, '1abc', true, date '2020-01-01', 1.1), (2, 2, 2, 2.2, 2.2, '2abc', true, date '2020-02-02', 2.2), (3, 3, 3, 3.3, 3.3, '3abc', true, date '2020-03-03', 3.3), (4, 4, 4, 4.4, 4.4, '1abc', true, date '2020-04-04', 4.4), (5, 5, 5, 5.5, 5.5, '2abc', true, date '2020-05-05', 5.5), (6, 6, 6, 6.6, 6.6, '3abc', true, date '2020-06-06', 6.6), (7, 7, 7, 7.7, 7.7, '1abc', true, date '2020-07-07', 7.7), (8, 8, 8, 8.8, 8.8, '2abc', true, date '2020-08-08', 8.8), (9, 9, 9, 9.9, 9.9, '3abc', true, date '2020-09-09', 9.9); " .to_string(), ]; let args: Vec = args.into_iter().chain(init_sqls).collect(); self.poetry.run_file("", args, "Init t1 with spark") } fn spark_connect_url(&self) -> String { format!( "sc://{}:{}", self.docker_compose.get_container_ip("spark"), SPARK_CONNECT_SERVER_PORT ) } async fn create_icelake_table(&self) -> Table { let catalog = load_catalog(&self.catalog_configs).await.unwrap(); catalog .load_table(&TableIdentifier::new(vec!["s1", "t1"].into_iter()).unwrap()) .await .unwrap() } async fn perform_and_check_table_scan(mut self) { let table = self.create_icelake_table().await; let table_scan_builder = table.new_scan_builder(); let mut result = (self.table_scan)(table_scan_builder) .scan(&table) .await .unwrap(); while let Some(file_scan) = { let file_scan = file_scan.unwrap(); let path = file_scan.path().to_string(); assert!(!self.results.is_empty(), "Unexpected path: {}", path); let csv = self.results.remove(0); let record_batches: Vec = file_scan.scan().await.unwrap().try_collect().await.unwrap(); let schema = record_batches[0].schema().clone(); let record_batch = concat_batches(&schema, &record_batches).unwrap(); let expected_batches = self.read_csv(schema, &csv); assert_eq!( record_batch, expected_batches, "Data mismatch for path: {}", path ); } assert!(self.results.is_empty(), "Missing paths: {:?}", self.results); } fn read_csv(&self, schema: SchemaRef, path: &str) -> RecordBatch { let file = File::open(format!( "{}/../testdata/csv/{}", env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), path )) .unwrap(); let csv_reader = ReaderBuilder::new(schema.clone()) .with_header(false) .build(file) .unwrap(); let batches =|r| r.unwrap()).collect::>(); concat_batches(&schema, &batches).unwrap() } } #[tokio::test] async fn test_scan_all() { let case = ScanTestCase::new( "rest", |builder: TableScanBuilder|, vec![ "1.csv".to_string(), "2.csv".to_string(), "3.csv".to_string(), ], normalize_test_name(format!("{}_test_scan_all_rest_catalog", module_path!())), ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_scan_partition() { let case = ScanTestCase::new( "rest", |builder: TableScanBuilder| { let partition_type = Struct::new(vec![Arc::new(Field::optional( 1000, "v_varchar_trunc", icelake::types::Any::Primitive(icelake::types::Primitive::String), ))]); let mut partition_value_builder = StructValueBuilder::new(partition_type.into()); partition_value_builder .add_field( 1000, Some(AnyValue::Primitive(icelake::types::PrimitiveValue::String( "1".to_string(), ))), ) .unwrap(); let partition_value =; builder .with_partition_value(Some(partition_value)) .build() .unwrap() }, vec!["1.csv".to_string()], normalize_test_name(format!( "{}_test_scan_partition_rest_catalog", module_path!() )), ); }