pub mod builder; pub mod encode; pub mod formats; pub mod packbits; use builder::ImageBuilder; use encode::IconFamily; pub use formats::IconFormats; use image::DynamicImage; /// The main encoder struct /// Create a new encoder with `IcnsEncoder::new()` pub struct IcnsEncoder { data: DynamicImage, formats: Vec, } impl IcnsEncoder { /// Creates a new IcnsEncoder /// /// Usage: /// ```no_run /// use icns_rs::{IcnsEncoder, IconFormats}; /// use image::open; /// use std::fs::File; /// use std::io::prelude::*; /// /// // Open the image /// let image = match open("512x512@2.png") { /// Ok(image) => image, /// Err(e) => { /// println!("Error: {}", e); /// std::process::exit(1); /// } /// }; /// /// // Create the encoder /// let mut encoder = IcnsEncoder::new(); /// ///; /// encoder.formats(IconFormats::recommended()); /// /// // Encode the image /// let data = match { /// Ok(data) => data, /// Err(e) => { /// println!("Error ould not encode image"); /// std::process::exit(1); /// } /// }; /// /// // Write data to file /// let mut file = match File::create("example.icns") { /// Ok(file) => file, /// Err(e) => { /// println!("Error: {}", e); /// std::process::exit(1); /// } /// }; /// /// match file.write_all(&data) { /// Ok(_) => println!("Successfully wrote to file"), /// Err(e) => { /// println!("Error: {}", e); /// std::process::exit(1); /// } /// }; /// ``` pub fn new() -> Self { Self { data: DynamicImage::new_rgb8(1, 1), formats: Vec::new(), } } /// Sets the image data. Encode a png and pass it as a DynamicImage. pub fn data(&mut self, data: DynamicImage) -> &mut Self { = data; self } /// Sets the image formats to be encoded pub fn formats(&mut self, formats: Vec) -> &mut Self { self.formats = formats; self } /// Encodes the image as an ICNS file pub fn build(&self) -> Result, String> { let mut file = IconFamily::new(); let mut image_encoder = ImageBuilder::new();; for format in &self.formats { let image = image_encoder.format(format.clone()).build()?; file.add_data(image); } Ok( } }