use ida::{linear::*, nonlinear::*, tol_control::*, *}; use ndarray::{array, prelude::*}; use prettytable::{cell, row, table, Table}; /// compare the solution at the final time 4e10s to a reference solution computed using a relative /// tolerance of 1e-8 and absoltue tolerance of 1e-14 fn check_ans(y: ArrayBase, _t: f64, rtol: f64, atol: ArrayBase) where S1: ndarray::Data, S2: ndarray::Data, { //int passfail=0; /* answer pass (0) or fail (1) retval */ //N_Vector ref; /* reference solution vector */ //N_Vector ewt; /* error weight vector */ //realtype err; /* wrms error */ // create reference solution and error weight vectors // set the reference solution data let reference = array![ 5.2083474251394888e-08, 2.0833390772616859e-13, 9.9999994791631752e-01 ]; // compute the error weight vector, loosen atol // ewt = rtol*ewt + 10.0*atol let mut ewt = rtol * &reference.mapv(f64::abs); ewt.scaled_add(10.0, &atol); dbg!(&ewt); //if (N_VMin(ewt) <= ZERO) { // fprintf(stderr, "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: check_ans failed - ewt <= 0\n\n"); // return(-1); //} //N_VInv(ewt, ewt); let ewt = ewt.mapv(f64::recip); // compute the solution error let diff = &y - &reference; let err = diff.norm_wrms(&ewt); // is the solution within the tolerances? let fail = dbg!(err) >= 1.0; if fail { println!("SUNDIALS_WARNING: check_ans error={} \n\n", err); } } fn main() { pretty_env_logger::init(); #[cfg(feature = "profiler")] profiler::register_thread_with_profiler(); const RTOL: f64 = 1.0e-4; const ATOL: [f64; 3] = [1.0e-8, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-6]; let problem = ida::sample_problems::Roberts {}; let yy0 = array![1.0, 0.0, 0.0]; let yp0 = array![-0.04, 0.04, 0.0]; let ec = TolControlSV::new(RTOL, ndarray::Array1::from_iter(ATOL.iter().cloned())); //let t0 = 0.0; let header = &[ "idaRoberts_dns: Robertson kinetics DAE serial example problem for IDA Three equation chemical kinetics problem.", "Linear solver: DENSE, with user-supplied Jacobian.", &format!("Tolerance parameters: rtol = {:e} atol = [{:e}, {:e}, {:e}]", RTOL, ATOL[0], ATOL[1], ATOL[2]), &format!("Initial conditions y0 = [{:e} {:e} {:e}]", yy0[0], yy0[1], yy0[2]), "Constraints and id not used.", ].join("\n"); let th = table!([header]); th.printstd(); let mut table_out = Table::new(); table_out.set_titles(row!["t", "y1", "y2", "y3", "nst", "k", "h"]); table_out.set_format(*prettytable::format::consts::FORMAT_NO_LINESEP_WITH_TITLE); let mut ida: Ida<_, Dense<_>, Newton<_>, _> = Ida::new(problem, yy0, yp0, ec); // In loop, call IDASolve, print results, and test for error. // Break out of loop when NOUT preset output times have been reached. let mut iout = 0; let mut tout = 0.4; let mut tret = 0.0; let retval = loop { let retval = ida.solve(tout, &mut tret, IdaTask::Normal); let nst = ida.get_num_steps(); let kused = ida.get_last_order(); let hused = ida.get_last_step(); let yy = ida.get_yy(); //println!("\"yy\":{:.6e}, \"k\":{}, \"hh\":{:.6e}", yy, kused, hused); table_out.add_row(row![ format!("{:.5e}", tret), format!("{:.5e}", yy[0]), format!("{:.5e}", yy[1]), format!("{:.5e}", yy[2]), nst, kused, format!("{:.5e}", hused), ]); match retval { Err(_) => { break|_| ()); } Ok(IdaSolveStatus::Root) => { println!("Roots found: at t={:.6e}: {}", tret, ida.get_root_info()); } Ok(IdaSolveStatus::Success) => { iout += 1; tout *= 10.0; } _ => {} } if iout == 12 { break Ok(()); } }; table_out.printstd(); dbg!(retval.unwrap()); let mut stats = table!( ["Number of steps:", ida.get_num_steps()], [ "Number of residual evaluations:", ida.get_num_res_evals() + ida.get_num_lin_res_evals(), ], ["Number of Jacobian evaluations:", ida.get_num_jac_evals()], [ "Number of nonlinear iterations:", ida.get_num_nonlin_solv_iters(), ], [ "Number of error test failures:", ida.get_num_err_test_fails(), ], [ "Number of nonlinear conv. failures:", ida.get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails(), ], ["Number of root fn. evaluations:", ida.get_num_g_evals(),] ); stats.set_format(*prettytable::format::consts::FORMAT_NO_LINESEP_WITH_TITLE); stats.set_titles(row![bFgH2->"Final Run Statistics:"]); stats.printstd(); check_ans( ida.get_yy(), tret, RTOL, ndarray::Array1::from_iter(ATOL.iter().cloned()), ); #[cfg(feature = "profiler")] profiler::write_profile("profile.json"); }