# Idasen Control IKEA IDÅSEN standing desk via Bluetooth. [![Crates.io Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/idasen)](https://crates.io/crates/idasen) [![Crates.io License](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/idasen)](https://crates.io/crates/idasen) ## Usage ```rust use idasen::{get_instance, Idasen, Device}; // instantiate the struct, this will attempt to connect to the desk // and discover its characteristics let desk: Idasen = get_instance().await?; // alternatively, if there's more than one desk you can get the // correct one by it's mac address // for some reason, using MAC seems to be more reliable when it // comes to device discovering: // let desk = get_instance_by_mac("EC:86:F6:44:D3:31")?; // move desk up and down desk.up().await; desk.down().await; // stop desk from moving desk.stop().await; // move desk to desired position: // minimum: 6200 (62cm), maximum: 12700 (1.27m) desk.move_to(7400).await; // get the position as an integer (10 = 1mm) println!("Position: {}", desk.position()?); ```