# IdGenerator [![github-repo](https://img.shields.io/badge/github-BobAnkh/idgenerator-f5dc23?logo=github)](https://github.com/BobAnkh/idgenerator) [![LICENSE Apache-2.0](https://img.shields.io/github/license/BobAnkh/idgenerator?logo=Apache&color=green)](https://github.com/BobAnkh/idgenerator/blob/main/LICENSE) [![docs.rs](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs.rs-idgenerator-blue?logo=)](https://docs.rs/idgenerator) [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/idgenerator.svg?logo=rust&color=orange)](https://crates.io/crates/idgenerator) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/BobAnkh/idgenerator/branch/main/graph/badge.svg?token=XD4EOZI5ZH)](https://codecov.io/gh/BobAnkh/idgenerator) A powerful unique id generator. **ATTENTION**: Now this crate has upgraded to **v2**, meaning most of the interfaces in **v1** is deprecated. If you still want to use **v1**, please see branch `v1`. You can also see [deprecated.md](deprecated.md) for how to use **v1**. Shorter ID and faster generation with a new snowflake drift algorithm. The core is to shorten the ID length, but also can have a very high instantaneous concurrent processing capacity (about 50W/0.1s), and powerful configuration capacity. If you want to have such a high throughput, please set a higher `seq_bit_len` (e.g. 10 or 12). ## Usage ### Out-of-the-box Instances implemented by this lib This lib has implemented two out-of-the-box instances: - `IdInstance`: a instance with only one generator. See [examples/single.rs](examples/single.rs) for usage example. - `IdVecInstance`: a instance with multiple generators. See [examples/multiple.rs](examples/multiple.rs) for usage example. You can also see how lib test works in [src/lib.rs](src/lib.rs) or how benchmark works in [bench/id_bench.rs](bench/id_bench.rs). The steps mainly can be described as: 1. Setup the options(i.e. configure the instance). 2. Initialize the instance or set its options. 3. Call the `next_id` method to generate unique id. What you can configure about the instances is demonstrated as the struct `IdGeneratorOptions`: - `method`: 1 means snowflake with shift. - `base_time`: base time of the snowflake algorithm, in milliseconds, can not exceed the current system time. - `worker_id`: should be decided externally, smaller than `2^worker_id_bit_len-1`. - `worker_id_bit_len`: the bit length of worker_id, default to 8, in range \[1, 15\]. **`worker_id_bit_len + seq_bit_len` should be less than 22**. - `seq_bit_len`: the bit length of sequence, default to 8, in range \[3, 21\]. - `max_seq_num`: set the range of \[min_seq_num, 2^seq_bit_len-1\], default to 0 meaning `2^seq_bit_len-1`. - `min_seq_num`: default to 5, range \[5, max_seq_num\], reserved for manually value and time turned back. - `top_over_cost_count`: max shift count(included), default to 2000, recommended range is [500, 20000] (associated with computing ability). A very simple example: ```rust use idgenerator::*; fn main() { // Setup the option for the id generator instance. let options = IdGeneratorOptions::new().worker_id(1).worker_id_bit_len(6); // Initialize the id generator instance with the option. // Other options not set will be given the default value. let _ = IdInstance::init(options)?; // Call `next_id` to generate a new unique id. let id = IdInstance::next_id(); println!("id is {}", id); } ``` For more complex usage, see directory `examples`. ### Self-implement Instances This lib wraps the snowflake algorithm inside the `CoreIdGenerator` struct. You can wrap this struct inside your own instance of unique id generator. For more details, please refer to [Documentation](https://docs.rs/idgenerator). ## Credits - Inspired by [yitter/IdGenerator](https://github.com/yitter/IdGenerator)