use toml::{self, Value as TomlValue}; fn main() { // The Cargo.lock file can be in any of the following locations: // * The current directory, when built by `cargo install`. // * The grandparent directory, when built by `cargo build`. // * The great-grandparent directory, when publishing to // * ... and probably many others that I haven't encountered yet. let cargo_lock = (0..6) .find_map(|depth| { std::fs::read_to_string(format!("{}Cargo.lock", "../".repeat(depth))).ok() }) .expect("Failed to read Cargo.lock in idl2json_cli"); let cargo_lock: TomlValue = toml::from_str(&cargo_lock).expect("Failed to parse Cargo.lock as toml"); let cargo_lock = if let TomlValue::Array(entries) = &cargo_lock["package"] { entries } else { panic!("Malformed cargo lock file"); }; let cargo_lock = cargo_lock .iter() .find(|entry| entry["name"] == TomlValue::String("candid".to_string())) .expect("Could not find candid"); let version = if let TomlValue::String(version) = &cargo_lock["version"] { version } else { panic!("Candid version not specified in Cargo.lock") }; println!("cargo:rustc-env=CARGO_CANDID_VERSION={version}"); }