# IF97 The **if97** is the Python API of the high-speed IAPWS-IF97 package in Rust. It is suitable for computation-intensive calculations, such as heat cycle calculations, simulations of non-stationary processes, real-time process monitoring and optimizations. Through the high-speed package, the results of the IAPWS-IF97 are accurately produced at about 5-20x speed-up compared to using the `powi()` of the Rust standard library in the `for`loop directly when computing the basic equations of Region 1,2,3. **The Fast Methods** 1. The multi-step method unleashes the full power of the compiler optimizations while using `powi()` with the `for` loop 2. The recursive method computes the polynomial values of the base variable and its derivatives In if97, [36 thermodynamic, transport and further properties](#properties) can be calculated. The following 12 input pairs are implemented: ```txt (p,t) (p,h) (p,s) (p,v) (p,x) (t,x) (h,x) (s,x) (t,h) (t,s) (t,v) (h,s) ``` ## The functions The type of functions are provided in the if97 package: ```python ??(in1,in2,o_id) ``` * the first,second input parameters : the input propertry pairs * the third input parametes: the property ID of the calculated property - [o_id](#properties) * the return: the calculated property value of o_id ```python pt(p,t,o_id) ph(p,h,o_id) ps(p,s,o_id) pv(p,v,o_id) th(t,h,o_id) ts(t,s,o_id) tv(t,v,o_id) hs(h,s,o_id) px(p,x,o_id) tx(p,x,o_id) hx(h,x,o_id) sx(s,x,o_id) ``` ## Examples ```python from if97 import * OH=4 OS=5 p=16.0 t=535.1 h=pt(p,t,OH) s=pt(p,t,OS) print(f"p={p}, t={t} h={h:.3f} s={s:.3f}") ``` ## Properties | Propertry | Unit | Symbol | o_id | o_id(i32)| | ------------------------------------- | :---------: |:------:|------:|:--------:| | Pressure | MPa | p | OP | 0 | | Temperature | °C | t | OT | 1 | | Density | kg/m³ | ρ | OD | 2 | | Specific Volume | m³/kg | v | OV | 3 | | Specific enthalpy | kJ/kg | h | OH | 4 | | Specific entropy | kJ/(kg·K) | s | OS | 5 | | Specific exergy | kJ/kg | e | OE | 6 | | Specific internal energy | kJ/kg | u | OU | 7 | | Specific isobaric heat capacity | kJ/(kg·K) | cp | OCP | 8 | | Specific isochoric heat capacity | kJ/(kg·K) | cv | OCV | 9 | | Speed of sound | m/s | w | OW | 10 | | Isentropic exponent | | k | OKS | 11 | | Specific Helmholtz free energy | kJ/kg | f | OF | 12 | | Specific Gibbs free energy | kJ/kg | g | OG | 13 | | Compressibility factor | | z | OZ | 14 | | Steam quality | | x | OX | 15 | | Region | | r | OR | 16 | | Isobari cubic expansion coefficient | 1/K | ɑv | OEC | 17 | | Isothermal compressibility | 1/MPa | kT | OKT | 18 | | Partial derivative (∂V/∂T)p | m³/(kg·K) |(∂V/∂T)p| ODVDT | 19 | | Partial derivative (∂V/∂p)T | m³/(kg·MPa) |(∂v/∂p)t| ODVDP | 20 | | Partial derivative (∂P/∂T)v | MPa/K |(∂p/∂t)v| ODPDT | 21 | | Isothermal throttling coefficient | kJ/(kg·MPa) | δt | OIJTC | 22 | | Joule-Thomson coefficient | K/MPa | μ | OJTC | 23 | | Dynamic viscosity | Pa·s | η | ODV | 24 | | Kinematic viscosity | m²/s | ν | OKV | 25 | | Thermal conductivity | W/(m.K) | λ | OTC | 26 | | Thermal diffusivity | m²/s | a | OTD | 27 | | Prandtl number | | Pr | OPR | 28 | | Surface tension | N/m | σ | OST | 29 | | Static Dielectric Constant | | ε | OSDC | 30 | | Isochoric pressure coefficient | 1/K | β | OPC | 31 | | Isothermal stress coefficient | kg/m³ | βp | OBETAP| 32 | | Fugacity coefficient | | fi | OFI | 33 | | Fugacity | MPa | f* | OFU | 34 | | Relative pressure coefficient | 1/K | αp | OAFLAP| 35|