ROOT_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) RFC_6890_TXT := $(ROOT_DIR)/ift-gen/src/rfc6890_entries.txt RFC_6890_ENTRIES_RS := $(ROOT_DIR)/src/rfc/ .PHONY: pre-hook pre-hook: lint fmt fix .PHONY: lint lint: cargo clippy .PHONY: fix fix: cargo fix --edition-idioms --broken-code .PHONY: fmt fmt: cargo +nightly fmt --all .PHONY: download download: curl -s > $(RFC_6890_TXT) .PHONY: gen-rfc-6890 gen-rfc-6890: # first create a dummy file echo "use crate::rfc::WithRfc6890;" > $(RFC_6890_ENTRIES_RS) echo "pub fn entries() -> WithRfc6890 { WithRfc6890 { entries: vec![] }}" >> $(RFC_6890_ENTRIES_RS) # then write the real one to a tmp loc echo "use crate::rfc::WithRfc6890;" > $(RFC_6890_ENTRIES_RS).tmp echo "use crate::rfc::Rfc6890Entry;" >> $(RFC_6890_ENTRIES_RS).tmp echo "pub fn entries() -> WithRfc6890 { WithRfc6890 { entries: vec![" >> $(RFC_6890_ENTRIES_RS).tmp cargo run -p ift-gen -- rfc 6890 >> $(RFC_6890_ENTRIES_RS).tmp echo "]}}" >> $(RFC_6890_ENTRIES_RS).tmp # then move it into the correct loc mv $(RFC_6890_ENTRIES_RS).tmp $(RFC_6890_ENTRIES_RS) .PHONY: gen gen: download gen-rfc-6890 fmt .PHONY: update update: cargo readme > .PHONY: test test: cargo test .PHONY: dev-tools dev-tools: rustup install nightly rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain nightly rustup component add clippy cargo install cargo-release cargo install cargo-readme .PHONY: clean clean: cargo clean