// A simple web server that serves files. use actix_web::web; use once_cell::sync; use std::collections; use std::io; // This macro is used as an initializer below. // Due to macro evaluation, it needs to be defined first. macro_rules! initialize { ($relative_path:literal, $absolute_path:literal) => { Asset { path: $relative_path, // As this must be a constant expression, // we use `once_cell` to compute non-constant data (lazily). // Here we guess the media (MIME) type based on the file path. media_type: sync::Lazy::new(|| { let media_type = mime_guess::from_path($relative_path).first_or_octet_stream(); media_type.essence_str().into() }), contents: include_str!($absolute_path), } }; } #[iftree::include_file_tree( // The following string literal is the configuration in TOML format. " # Select files relative to this folder. base_folder = 'examples/assets' # Filter the files as follows (one pattern per line): # - Include any files in the base folder and its subfolders. # - But exclude hidden files or folders. paths = ''' ** !.* ''' # For each selected file, call the macro above. template.initializer = 'initialize' " )] pub struct Asset { path: &'static str, media_type: sync::Lazy, contents: &'static str, } // For efficient lookup, construct a map based on the generated `ASSETS` array. static ASSET_MAP: sync::Lazy> = sync::Lazy::new(|| ASSETS.iter().map(|asset| (asset.path, asset)).collect()); #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> io::Result<()> { let socket_address = ""; print_index(socket_address); actix_web::HttpServer::new(|| actix_web::App::new().route("/{_:.*}", web::get().to(get_asset))) .bind(socket_address)? .run() .await } fn print_index(socket_address: &str) { for path in ASSET_MAP.keys() { eprintln!("See: http://{socket_address}/{path}"); } } async fn get_asset(path: web::Path) -> impl actix_web::Responder { let path = path.into_inner(); // Use the URL path directly as file path. match ASSET_MAP.get(&*path) { None => actix_web::HttpResponse::NotFound().finish(), Some(asset) => actix_web::HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type(&**asset.media_type) .body(asset.contents), } }