include(CheckCCompilerFlag) if(MSVC) add_compile_options(/FS) add_compile_definitions(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) # necessary to compile for UWP endif() if (NOT MSVC) check_c_compiler_flag("-Wno-varargs" COMPILER_SUPPORTS_NO_VARARGS_FLAG) check_c_compiler_flag("-Wno-unknown-warning-option" COMPILER_SUPPORTS_NO_UNKNOWN_WARNING_OPTION_FLAG) endif() set( IGRAPH_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS ON CACHE BOOL "Treat warnings as errors with GCC-like compilers" ) macro(use_all_warnings TARGET_NAME) if(MSVC) target_compile_options(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE /W4 # enable most warnings, then disable: /wd4244 # 'conversion' conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data /wd4267 # 'var' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible loss of data /wd4996 # deprecated functions, e.g. 'sprintf': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using sprintf_s instead. /wd4456 # declaration of 'identifier' hides previous local declaration /wd4800 # forcing value to 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) /wd4204 # nonstandard extension used: non-constant aggregate initializer /wd4701 # potentially uninitialized local variable ) else() target_compile_options(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE # GCC-style compilers: $<$: $<$:-Werror> -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare > $<$:-Wno-varargs> $<$:-Wno-unknown-warning-option> # Intel compiler: $<$: # disable #279: controlling expression is constant; affecting assert(condition && "message") # disable #188: enumerated type mixed with another type; affecting IGRAPH_CHECK # disable #592: variable "var" is used before its value is set; affecting IGRAPH_UNUSED -wd279 -wd188 -wd592 -diag-disable=remark > ) endif() endmacro() # Helper function to add preprocesor definition of IGRAPH_FILE_BASENAME # to pass the filename without directory path for debugging use. # # Example: # # define_file_basename_for_sources(my_target) # # Will add -DIGRAPH_FILE_BASENAME="filename" for each source file depended # on by my_target, where filename is the name of the file. # # Source: function(define_file_basename_for_sources targetname) get_target_property(source_files "${targetname}" SOURCES) get_target_property(source_dir "${targetname}" SOURCE_DIR) foreach(sourcefile ${source_files}) # Turn relative paths into absolute get_filename_component(source_full_path "${sourcefile}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${source_dir}") # Figure out whether the relative path from the source or the build folder # is shorter file(RELATIVE_PATH source_rel_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${source_full_path}") file(RELATIVE_PATH binary_rel_path "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" "${source_full_path}") string(LENGTH "${source_rel_path}" source_rel_path_length) string(LENGTH "${binary_rel_path}" binary_rel_path_length) if(binary_rel_path_length LESS source_rel_path_length) set(basename "${binary_rel_path}") else() set(basename "${source_rel_path}") endif() # Add the IGRAPH_FILE_BASENAME=filename compile definition to the source file set_property( SOURCE "${sourcefile}" APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "IGRAPH_FILE_BASENAME=\"${basename}\"" ) endforeach() endfunction()