# vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: # # This file is a YAML representation of the signatures of most igraph # functions. They are currently used by some of the higher level interfaces to # generate code using our internal tool called Stimulus # # See https://github.com/igraph/stimulus for more information ####################################### # The basic interface ####################################### igraph_empty: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n=0, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_add_edges: PARAMS: INOUT GRAPH graph, VECTOR edges, ATTRIBUTES attr igraph_add_vertices: PARAMS: INOUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nv, ATTRIBUTES attr igraph_delete_edges: PARAMS: INOUT GRAPH graph, EDGESET edges DEPS: edges ON graph igraph_delete_vertices: PARAMS: INOUT GRAPH graph, VERTEXSET vertices DEPS: vertices ON graph igraph_vcount: PARAMS: GRAPH graph RETURN: INTEGER igraph_ecount: PARAMS: GRAPH graph RETURN: INTEGER igraph_neighbors: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR neis, INTEGER vid, NEIMODE mode=ALL igraph_is_directed: PARAMS: GRAPH graph RETURN: BOOLEAN igraph_degree: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=ALL, BOOLEAN loops DEPS: vids ON graph igraph_edge: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, INTEGER eid, OUT INTEGER from, OUT INTEGER to igraph_edges: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, EDGESET eids, OUT VECTOR edges DEPS: eids ON graph igraph_get_eid: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER eid, INTEGER from, INTEGER to, BOOLEAN directed=True, BOOLEAN error=True igraph_get_eids: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR eids, OPTIONAL VECTOR pairs, OPTIONAL VECTOR path, BOOLEAN directed=True, BOOLEAN error=True igraph_incident: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR eids, INTEGER vid, NEIMODE mode=ALL igraph_is_same_graph: PARAMS: GRAPH graph1, GRAPH graph2, OUT BOOLEAN res ####################################### # Constructors, deterministic ####################################### igraph_create: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, VECTOR edges, INTEGER n=0, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_adjacency: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, MATRIX adjmatrix, ADJACENCYMODE mode=DIRECTED igraph_weighted_adjacency: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, MATRIX adjmatrix, ADJACENCYMODE mode=DIRECTED, CSTRING attr="weight", BOOLEAN loops igraph_star: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, STARMODE mode=OUT, INTEGER center=0 igraph_lattice: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, VECTOR dimvector, INTEGER nei=1, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN mutual=False, BOOLEAN circular=False igraph_ring: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN mutual=False, BOOLEAN circular=True igraph_tree: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, INTEGER children=2, TREEMODE type=OUT igraph_full: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN loops=False igraph_full_citation: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_atlas: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INT number=0 igraph_extended_chordal_ring: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, MATRIX W, BOOLEAN directed=False igraph_connect_neighborhood: PARAMS: INOUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER order=2, NEIMODE mode=ALL igraph_linegraph: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT GRAPH linegraph igraph_de_bruijn: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER m, INTEGER n igraph_kautz: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER m, INTEGER n igraph_famous: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, CSTRING name="" igraph_lcf_vector: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, VECTOR shifts, INTEGER repeats=1 igraph_adjlist: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, ADJLIST adjlist, NEIMODE mode=OUT, BOOLEAN duplicate=True igraph_full_bipartite: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR_BOOL_OR_0 types, INTEGER n1, INTEGER n2, BOOLEAN directed=False, NEIMODE mode=ALL igraph_realize_degree_sequence: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, VECTOR out_deg, VECTOR_OR_0 in_deg=NULL, EDGE_TYPE_SW allowed_edge_types=SIMPLE, REALIZE_DEGSEQ_METHOD method=SMALLEST ####################################### # Constructors, games ####################################### igraph_barabasi_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, REAL power=1.0, INTEGER m=1, VECTOR_OR_0 outseq, BOOLEAN outpref=False, REAL A=1.0, BOOLEAN directed=True, BARABASI_ALGORITHM algo=BAG, GRAPH_OR_0 start_from=0 igraph_erdos_renyi_game_gnp: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, REAL p, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN loops=False igraph_erdos_renyi_game_gnm: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, REAL m, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN loops=False igraph_degree_sequence_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, VECTOR out_deg, VECTOR_OR_0 in_deg, DEGSEQMODE method=SIMPLE igraph_growing_random_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, INTEGER m=1, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN citation=False igraph_barabasi_aging_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, INTEGER m=1, VECTOR_OR_0 outseq, BOOLEAN outpref=False, REAL pa_exp=1.0, REAL aging_exp=0.0, INTEGER aging_bin=1, REAL zero_deg_appeal=1.0, REAL zero_age_appeal=0.0, REAL deg_coef=1.0, REAL age_coef=1.0, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_recent_degree_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, REAL power=1.0, INTEGER window=1, INTEGER m=1, VECTOR_OR_0 outseq, BOOLEAN outpref=False, REAL zero_appeal=1.0, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_recent_degree_aging_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, INTEGER m=1, VECTOR_OR_0 outseq, BOOLEAN outpref=False, REAL pa_exp=1.0, REAL aging_exp=0.0, INTEGER aging_bin=1, INTEGER window=1, REAL zero_appeal=1.0, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_callaway_traits_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, INTEGER types, INTEGER edges_per_step=1, VECTOR type_dist, MATRIX pref_matrix, BOOLEAN directed=False, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR node_type_vec igraph_establishment_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, INTEGER types, INTEGER k=1, VECTOR type_dist, MATRIX pref_matrix, BOOLEAN directed=True, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR node_type_vec igraph_grg_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, REAL radius, BOOLEAN torus=False, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR x, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR y igraph_preference_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, INTEGER types, VECTOR type_dist, BOOLEAN fixed_sizes=False, MATRIX pref_matrix, OUT VECTOR node_type_vec, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN loops=False igraph_asymmetric_preference_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, INTEGER out_types, INTEGER in_types, MATRIX type_dist_matrix, MATRIX pref_matrix, OUT VECTOR node_type_in_vec, OUT VECTOR node_type_out_vec, BOOLEAN loops=False igraph_rewire_edges: PARAMS: |- INOUT GRAPH graph, REAL prob, BOOLEAN loops=False, BOOLEAN multiple=False igraph_rewire_directed_edges: PARAMS: |- INOUT GRAPH graph, REAL prob, BOOLEAN loops=False, NEIMODE mode=OUT igraph_watts_strogatz_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER dim, INTEGER size, INTEGER nei, REAL p, BOOLEAN loops=False, BOOLEAN multiple=False igraph_lastcit_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, INTEGER edges_per_node=1, INTEGER agebins=1, VECTOR preference, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_cited_type_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, VECTOR types, VECTOR pref, INTEGER edges_per_step=1, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_citing_cited_type_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, VECTOR types, MATRIX pref, INTEGER edges_per_step=1, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_forest_fire_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER nodes, REAL fw_prob, REAL bw_factor=1, INTEGER ambs=1, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_simple_interconnected_islands_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER islands_n, INTEGER islands_size, REAL islands_pin, INTEGER n_inter igraph_static_fitness_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER no_of_edges, VECTOR fitness_out, VECTOR_OR_0 fitness_in=NULL, BOOLEAN loops=False, BOOLEAN multiple=False igraph_static_power_law_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER no_of_nodes, INTEGER no_of_edges, REAL exponent_out, REAL exponent_in=-1, BOOLEAN loops=False, BOOLEAN multiple=False, BOOLEAN finite_size_correction=True igraph_k_regular_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER no_of_nodes, INTEGER k, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN multiple=False igraph_sbm_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, MATRIX pref_matrix, VECTOR_INT block_sizes, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN loops=False igraph_hsbm_game: INTERNAL: true PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, INTEGER m, VECTOR rho, MATRIX C, REAL p igraph_hsbm_list_game: INTERNAL: true PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, VECTOR_INT mlist, VECTORLIST rholist, MATRIXLIST Clist, REAL p igraph_correlated_game: PARAMS: |- GRAPH old_graph, OUT GRAPH new_graph, REAL corr, REAL p=edge_density(old.graph), VECTORM1_OR_0 permutation=NULL igraph_correlated_pair_game: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph1, OUT GRAPH graph2, INTEGER n, REAL corr, REAL p, BOOLEAN directed=False, VECTORM1_OR_0 permutation=NULL igraph_dot_product_game: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, MATRIX vecs, BOOLEAN directed=False igraph_sample_sphere_surface: PARAMS: |- INTEGER dim, INTEGER n=1, REAL radius=1, BOOLEAN positive=True, OUT MATRIX res igraph_sample_sphere_volume: PARAMS: |- INTEGER dim, INTEGER n=1, REAL radius=1, BOOLEAN positive=True, OUT MATRIX res igraph_sample_dirichlet: PARAMS: INTEGER n, VECTOR alpha, OUT MATRIX res ####################################### # Basic query functions ####################################### igraph_are_connected: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, INTEGER v1, INTEGER v2, OUT BOOLEAN res ####################################### # Structural properties ####################################### igraph_diameter: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT REAL res, OUT INTEGER from, OUT INTEGER to, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 path, BOOLEAN directed=True, BOOLEAN unconnected=True igraph_diameter_dijkstra: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, OUT REAL res, OUT INTEGER from, OUT INTEGER to, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 path, BOOLEAN directed=True, BOOLEAN unconnected=True DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_closeness: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX res, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 reachable_count, OPTIONAL OUT BOOLEAN all_reachable, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=OUT, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, BOOLEAN normalized=False DEPS: vids ON graph, weights ON graph, res ON graph vids igraph_closeness_cutoff: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX res, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 reachable_count, OPTIONAL OUT BOOLEAN all_reachable, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=OUT, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, BOOLEAN normalized=False, REAL cutoff=-1 DEPS: vids ON graph, weights ON graph, res ON graph vids igraph_shortest_paths: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, VERTEXSET from=ALL, VERTEXSET to=ALL, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: from ON graph, to ON graph igraph_get_shortest_paths: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSETLIST vertices, OPTIONAL OUT EDGESETLIST edges, VERTEX from, VERTEXSET to=ALL, NEIMODE mode=OUT, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR_LONG predecessors, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR_LONG inbound_edges DEPS: edges ON graph, from ON graph, to ON graph igraph_get_all_shortest_paths: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST res, OUT VECTOR nrgeo, VERTEX from, VERTEXSET to, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: res ON graph, from ON graph, to ON graph igraph_shortest_paths_dijkstra: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, VERTEXSET from=ALL, VERTEXSET to=ALL, EDGEWEIGHTS weights, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: from ON graph, to ON graph, weights ON graph igraph_get_shortest_paths_dijkstra: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSETLIST vertices, OPTIONAL OUT EDGESETLIST edges, VERTEX from, VERTEXSET to=ALL, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, NEIMODE mode=OUT, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR_LONG predecessors=0, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR_LONG inbound_edges=0 DEPS: |- vertices ON graph, edges ON graph, from ON graph, to ON graph, weights ON graph igraph_get_shortest_paths_bellman_ford: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSETLIST vertices, OPTIONAL OUT EDGESETLIST edges, VERTEX from, VERTEXSET to=ALL, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, NEIMODE mode=OUT, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR_LONG predecessors=0, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR_LONG inbound_edges=0 DEPS: |- vertices ON graph, edges ON graph, from ON graph, to ON graph, weights ON graph igraph_get_all_shortest_paths_dijkstra: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST res, OUT VECTOR nrgeo, VERTEX from, VERTEXSET to=ALL, EDGEWEIGHTS weights, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: weights ON graph, to ON graph, res ON graph, from ON graph igraph_shortest_paths_bellman_ford: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, VERTEXSET from=ALL, VERTEXSET to=ALL, EDGEWEIGHTS weights, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: from ON graph, to ON graph, weights ON graph igraph_shortest_paths_johnson: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, VERTEXSET from=ALL, VERTEXSET to=ALL, EDGEWEIGHTS weights DEPS: from ON graph, to ON graph, weights ON graph igraph_get_all_simple_paths: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSET_INT res, VERTEX from, VERTEXSET to=ALL, INTEGER cutoff=-1, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: from ON graph, to ON graph, res ON graph igraph_subcomponent: # TODO(ntamas): vid is a double; this is correct but this is actually # a mistake in 0.9.x. This should be fixed in 0.10. PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSET res, REAL vid, NEIMODE mode=ALL DEPS: vid ON graph, res ON graph igraph_betweenness: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, BOOLEAN directed=True, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL DEPS: weights ON graph, vids ON graph, res ON graph vids igraph_betweenness_cutoff: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, BOOLEAN directed=True, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, REAL cutoff=-1 DEPS: vids ON graph, weights ON graph, res ON graph vids igraph_edge_betweenness: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, BOOLEAN directed=True, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_edge_betweenness_cutoff: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, BOOLEAN directed=True, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, REAL cutoff=-1 DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_harmonic_centrality: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=OUT, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, BOOLEAN normalized=False DEPS: weights ON graph, vids ON graph, res ON graph vids igraph_harmonic_centrality_cutoff: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=OUT, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, BOOLEAN normalized=False, REAL cutoff=-1 DEPS: vids ON graph, weights ON graph, res ON graph vids igraph_pagerank: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, PAGERANKALGO algo=PRPACK, OUT VERTEXINDEX vector, OUT REAL value, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, BOOLEAN directed=True, REAL damping=0.85, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, INOUT PAGERANKOPT options=NULL DEPS: |- vids ON graph, weights ON graph, vector ON graph vids, options ON algo igraph_personalized_pagerank: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, PAGERANKALGO algo=PRPACK, OUT VERTEXINDEX vector, OUT REAL value, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, BOOLEAN directed=True, REAL damping=0.85, VECTOR_OR_0 personalized=NULL, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, INOUT PAGERANKOPT options=NULL DEPS: |- vids ON graph, weights ON graph, vector ON graph vids, options ON algo igraph_rewire: PARAMS: INOUT GRAPH rewire, INTEGER n, REWIRINGMODE mode=SIMPLE igraph_induced_subgraph: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT GRAPH res, VERTEXSET vids, SUBGRAPH_IMPL impl=AUTO DEPS: vids ON graph igraph_subgraph_edges: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT GRAPH res, EDGESET eids, BOOLEAN delete_vertices=True DEPS: eids ON graph igraph_average_path_length: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, PRIMARY OUT REAL res, OUT REAL unconn_pairs=NULL, BOOLEAN directed=True, BOOLEAN unconn=True igraph_average_path_length_dijkstra: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, PRIMARY OUT REAL res, OUT REAL unconn_pairs=NULL, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, BOOLEAN directed=True, BOOLEAN unconn=True DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_path_length_hist: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, OUT REAL unconnected, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_simplify: PARAMS: |- INOUT GRAPH graph, BOOLEAN remove_multiple=True, BOOLEAN remove_loops=True, EDGE_ATTRIBUTE_COMBINATION edge_attr_comb=Default igraph_transitivity_undirected: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT REAL res, TRANSITIVITYMODE mode=NAN igraph_transitivity_local_undirected: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, TRANSITIVITYMODE mode=NAN igraph_transitivity_avglocal_undirected: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT REAL res, TRANSITIVITYMODE mode=NAN igraph_transitivity_barrat: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, TRANSITIVITYMODE mode=NAN DEPS: res ON graph, vids ON graph, weights ON graph igraph_reciprocity: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT REAL res, BOOLEAN ignore_loops=True, RECIP mode=Default igraph_constraint: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, VECTOR_OR_0 weights DEPS: vids ON graph igraph_maxdegree: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=ALL, BOOLEAN loops=True DEPS: vids ON graph igraph_density: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT REAL res, BOOLEAN loops=False igraph_neighborhood_size: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, VERTEXSET vids, INTEGER order, NEIMODE mode=ALL, INTEGER mindist=0 DEPS: vids ON graph igraph_neighborhood: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST res, VERTEXSET vids, INTEGER order, NEIMODE mode=ALL, INTEGER mindist=0 DEPS: res ON graph, vids ON graph igraph_neighborhood_graphs: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT GRAPHLIST res, VERTEXSET vids, INTEGER order, NEIMODE mode=ALL, INTEGER mindist=0 DEPS: vids ON graph igraph_topological_sorting: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, NEIMODE mode=OUT igraph_feedback_arc_set: # Default algorithm is the approximate method because it is faster and the # function is _not_ called igraph_minimum_feedback_arc_set PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT EDGESET result, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, FAS_ALGORITHM algo=APPROX_EADES DEPS: result ON graph, weights ON graph igraph_is_loop: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR_BOOL res, EDGESET es=ALL DEPS: es ON graph igraph_is_dag: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT BOOLEAN res igraph_is_simple: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT BOOLEAN res igraph_is_multiple: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR_BOOL res, EDGESET es=ALL DEPS: es ON graph igraph_has_loop: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT BOOLEAN res igraph_has_multiple: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT BOOLEAN res igraph_count_multiple: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, EDGESET es=ALL DEPS: es ON graph igraph_girth: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER girth, OUT VERTEXSET circle DEPS: circle ON graph igraph_add_edge: PARAMS: INOUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER from, INTEGER to igraph_eigenvector_centrality: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX vector, OUT REAL value, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN scale=True, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, INOUT ARPACKOPT options=arpack_defaults DEPS: weights ON graph, vector ON graph igraph_hub_score: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX vector, OUT REAL value, BOOLEAN scale=True, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, INOUT ARPACKOPT options=arpack_defaults DEPS: weights ON graph, vector ON graph igraph_authority_score: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX vector, OUT REAL value, BOOLEAN scale=True, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, INOUT ARPACKOPT options=arpack_defaults DEPS: weights ON graph, vector ON graph igraph_arpack_rssolve: # TODO(ntamas): this should probably not be exposed to higher-level # interfaces; igraph's goal is not to provide an ARPACK wrapper PARAMS: |- ARPACKFUNC fun, EXTRA extra, INOUT ARPACKOPT options=arpack_defaults, INOUT ARPACKSTORAGE storage, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR values, OPTIONAL OUT MATRIX vectors igraph_arpack_rnsolve: # TODO(ntamas): this should probably not be exposed to higher-level # interfaces; igraph's goal is not to provide an ARPACK wrapper PARAMS: |- ARPACKFUNC fun, EXTRA extra, INOUT ARPACKOPT options=arpack_defaults, INOUT ARPACKSTORAGE storage, OPTIONAL OUT MATRIX values, OPTIONAL OUT MATRIX vectors igraph_arpack_unpack_complex: # TODO(ntamas): this should probably not be exposed to higher-level # interfaces; igraph's goal is not to provide an ARPACK wrapper PARAMS: INOUT MATRIX vectors, INOUT MATRIX values, LONGINT nev igraph_unfold_tree: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT GRAPH tree, NEIMODE mode=ALL, VECTOR roots, OUT VECTORM1_OR_0 vertex_index igraph_is_mutual: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR_BOOL res, EDGESET es=ALL DEPS: es ON graph igraph_maximum_cardinality_search: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL OUT VECTORM1 alpha, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSET alpham1 DEPS: alpham1 ON graph igraph_is_chordal: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VECTORM1 alpha=NULL, OPTIONAL VECTORM1 alpham1=NULL, OPTIONAL OUT BOOLEAN chordal, OUT VECTORM1_OR_0 fillin, OUT GRAPH_OR_0 newgraph DEPS: alpham1 ON graph igraph_avg_nearest_neighbor_degree: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=ALL, NEIMODE neighbor_degree_mode=ALL, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXINDEX knn, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 knnk, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL DEPS: vids ON graph, weights ON graph, knn ON graph vids igraph_strength: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=ALL, BOOLEAN loops=True, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL DEPS: vids ON graph, weights ON graph, res ON graph vids igraph_centralization: PARAMS: VECTOR scores, REAL theoretical_max=0, BOOLEAN normalized=True RETURN: REAL igraph_centralization_degree: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, NEIMODE mode=ALL, BOOLEAN loops=True, OUT REAL centralization, OUT REAL theoretical_max, BOOLEAN normalized=True igraph_centralization_degree_tmax: # The general consensus is that the 'loops' argument of this function # should not have a default value; see this comment from @torfason: # https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/issues/369#issuecomment-939893681 PARAMS: |- GRAPH_OR_0 graph=NULL, INTEGER nodes=0, NEIMODE mode=ALL, BOOLEAN loops, OUT REAL res igraph_centralization_betweenness: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, BOOLEAN directed=True, OUT REAL centralization, OUT REAL theoretical_max, BOOLEAN normalized=True igraph_centralization_betweenness_tmax: PARAMS: |- GRAPH_OR_0 graph=NULL, INTEGER nodes=0, BOOLEAN directed=True, OUT REAL res igraph_centralization_closeness: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, NEIMODE mode=OUT, OUT REAL centralization, OUT REAL theoretical_max, BOOLEAN normalized=True igraph_centralization_closeness_tmax: PARAMS: |- GRAPH_OR_0 graph=NULL, INTEGER nodes=0, NEIMODE mode=OUT, OUT REAL res igraph_centralization_eigenvector_centrality: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR vector, OUT REAL value, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN scale=True, INOUT ARPACKOPT options=arpack_defaults, OUT REAL centralization, OUT REAL theoretical_max, BOOLEAN normalized=True igraph_centralization_eigenvector_centrality_tmax: PARAMS: |- GRAPH_OR_0 graph=NULL, INTEGER nodes=0, BOOLEAN directed=False, BOOLEAN scale=True, OUT REAL res igraph_assortativity_nominal: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VECTORM1 types, OUT REAL res, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_assortativity: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VECTOR types1, VECTOR_OR_0 types2=NULL, OUT REAL res, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_assortativity_degree: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT REAL res, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_contract_vertices: PARAMS: |- INOUT GRAPH graph, VECTORM1 mapping, VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_COMBINATION vertex_attr_comb=Default igraph_eccentricity: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=ALL DEPS: vids ON graph, res ON graph vids igraph_radius: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT REAL radius, NEIMODE mode=ALL igraph_diversity: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, OUT VERTEXINDEX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL DEPS: weights ON graph, vids ON graph, res ON graph vids igraph_random_walk: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSET walk, VERTEX start, NEIMODE mode=OUT, INTEGER steps, RWSTUCK stuck=RETURN DEPS: start ON graph, walk ON graph igraph_random_edge_walk: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, OUT EDGESET edgewalk, VERTEX start, NEIMODE mode=OUT, INTEGER steps, RWSTUCK stuck=RETURN DEPS: start ON graph, weights ON graph, edgewalk ON graph igraph_global_efficiency: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT REAL res, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, BOOLEAN directed=True DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_local_efficiency: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXINDEX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, BOOLEAN directed=True, NEIMODE mode=ALL DEPS: vids ON graph, weights ON graph, res ON graph vids igraph_average_local_efficiency: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT REAL res, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, BOOLEAN directed=True, NEIMODE mode=ALL DEPS: weights ON graph ####################################### # Degree sequences ####################################### igraph_is_bigraphical: PARAMS: |- VECTOR degrees1, VECTOR degrees2, EDGE_TYPE_SW allowed_edge_types=SIMPLE, OUT BOOLEAN res igraph_is_degree_sequence: PARAMS: VECTOR out_deg, VECTOR_OR_0 in_deg=NULL, OUT BOOLEAN res FLAGS: DEPRECATED igraph_is_graphical: PARAMS: |- VECTOR out_deg, VECTOR_OR_0 in_deg=NULL, EDGE_TYPE_SW allowed_edge_types=SIMPLE, OUT BOOLEAN res igraph_is_graphical_degree_sequence: PARAMS: VECTOR out_deg, VECTOR_OR_0 in_deg=NULL, OUT BOOLEAN res FLAGS: DEPRECATED ####################################### # Visitors ####################################### igraph_bfs: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INTEGER root, VECTOR_OR_0 roots, NEIMODE mode=OUT, BOOLEAN unreachable, VECTOR_OR_0 restricted, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 order, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 rank, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 father, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 pred, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 succ, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 dist, BFS_FUNC callback, EXTRA extra igraph_dfs: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INTEGER root, NEIMODE mode=OUT, BOOLEAN unreachable, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 order, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 order_out, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 father, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 dist, DFS_FUNC in_callback, DFS_FUNC out_callback, EXTRA extra ####################################### # Bipartite graphs ####################################### igraph_bipartite_projection_size: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, BIPARTITE_TYPES types=NULL, OUT INTEGER vcount1, OUT INTEGER ecount1, OUT INTEGER vcount2, OUT INTEGER ecount2 DEPS: types ON graph igraph_bipartite_projection: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, BIPARTITE_TYPES types=NULL, OUT GRAPH proj1, OUT GRAPH proj2, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 multiplicity1, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 multiplicity2, INTEGER probe1=-1 DEPS: types ON graph igraph_create_bipartite: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, IN VECTOR_BOOL types, VECTORM1 edges, BOOLEAN directed=False igraph_incidence: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR_BOOL types, MATRIX incidence, BOOLEAN directed=False, NEIMODE mode=ALL, BOOLEAN multiple=False igraph_get_incidence: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, BIPARTITE_TYPES types=NULL, OUT MATRIX res, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 row_ids, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 col_ids DEPS: types ON graph igraph_is_bipartite: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT BOOLEAN res, OUT VECTOR_BOOL_OR_0 type igraph_bipartite_game_gnp: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR_BOOL_OR_0 types, INTEGER n1, INTEGER n2, REAL p, BOOLEAN directed, NEIMODE mode igraph_bipartite_game_gnm: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR_BOOL_OR_0 types, INTEGER n1, INTEGER n2, INTEGER m, BOOLEAN directed, NEIMODE mode ####################################### # Spectral properties ####################################### igraph_laplacian: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 res, OUT SPARSEMAT_OR_0 sparseres, BOOLEAN normalized=False, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL DEPS: weights ON graph ####################################### # Components ####################################### igraph_clusters: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR membership, OUT VECTOR csize, OUT INTEGER no, CONNECTEDNESS mode=WEAK igraph_is_connected: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT BOOLEAN res, CONNECTEDNESS mode=WEAK igraph_decompose: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT GRAPHLIST components, CONNECTEDNESS mode=WEAK, LONGINT maxcompno=-1, LONGINT minelements=1 igraph_articulation_points: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSET res DEPS: res ON graph igraph_biconnected_components: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER no, OPTIONAL OUT EDGESETLIST tree_edges, OPTIONAL OUT EDGESETLIST component_edges, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSETLIST components, OUT VERTEXSET articulation_points DEPS: |- tree_edges ON graph, component_edges ON graph, components ON graph, articulation_points ON graph igraph_bridges: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT EDGESET res DEPS: res ON graph ####################################### # Cliques ####################################### igraph_cliques: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST res, INTEGER min_size=0, INTEGER max_size=0 DEPS: res ON graph igraph_cliques_callback: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INTEGER min_size=0, INTEGER max_size=0, CLIQUE_FUNC cliquehandler_fn, EXTRA arg igraph_clique_size_hist: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR hist, INTEGER min_size=0, INTEGER max_size=0 igraph_largest_cliques: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST res DEPS: res ON graph igraph_maximal_cliques: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST res, INTEGER min_size=0, INTEGER max_size=0 DEPS: res ON graph igraph_maximal_cliques_callback: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, CLIQUE_FUNC cliquehandler_fn, EXTRA arg, INTEGER min_size=0, INTEGER max_size=0 igraph_maximal_cliques_count: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER no, INTEGER min_size=0, INTEGER max_size=0 igraph_maximal_cliques_file: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUTFILE res, INTEGER min_size=0, INTEGER max_size=0 igraph_maximal_cliques_hist: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR hist, INTEGER min_size=0, INTEGER max_size=0 igraph_clique_number: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER no igraph_weighted_cliques: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VERTEXWEIGHTS vertex_weights=NULL, OUT VERTEXSETLIST res, REAL min_weight=0, REAL max_weight=0, BOOLEAN maximal=False DEPS: vertex_weights ON graph, res ON graph igraph_largest_weighted_cliques: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VERTEXWEIGHTS vertex_weights=NULL, OUT VERTEXSETLIST res DEPS: vertex_weights ON graph, res ON graph igraph_weighted_clique_number: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, VERTEXWEIGHTS vertex_weights=NULL, OUT REAL res DEPS: vertex_weights ON graph igraph_independent_vertex_sets: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST res, INTEGER min_size=0, INTEGER max_size=0 DEPS: res ON graph igraph_largest_independent_vertex_sets: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST res DEPS: res ON graph igraph_maximal_independent_vertex_sets: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST res DEPS: res ON graph igraph_independence_number: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER no ####################################### # Layouts ####################################### igraph_layout_random: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res igraph_layout_circle: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, VERTEXSET order=ALL DEPS: order ON graph igraph_layout_star: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, VERTEX center=V(graph)[1], VECTORM1_OR_0 order=NULL DEPS: center ON graph igraph_layout_grid: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, LONGINT width=0 igraph_layout_grid_3d: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, LONGINT width=0, LONGINT height=0 igraph_layout_fruchterman_reingold: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INOUT MATRIX coords=NULL, BOOLEAN use_seed=False, INTEGER niter=500, REAL start_temp=sqrt(vcount(graph)), LAYOUT_GRID grid=AUTO, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 minx=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 maxx=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 miny=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 maxy=NULL, DEPRECATED coolexp, DEPRECATED maxdelta, DEPRECATED area, DEPRECATED repulserad DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_layout_kamada_kawai: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INOUT MATRIX coords, BOOLEAN use_seed=False, INTEGER maxiter=500, REAL epsilon=0.0, REAL kkconst=vcount(graph), EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 minx=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 maxx=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 miny=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 maxy=NULL DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_layout_lgl: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, INTEGER maxiter=150, REAL maxdelta=VCOUNT(graph), REAL area=VCOUNT(graph)^2, REAL coolexp=1.5, REAL repulserad=VCOUNT(graph)^3, REAL cellsize=VCOUNT(graph), INTEGER root=-1 igraph_layout_reingold_tilford: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, NEIMODE mode=OUT, OPTIONAL VECTOR roots, OPTIONAL VECTOR rootlevel igraph_layout_reingold_tilford_circular: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, NEIMODE mode=OUT, OPTIONAL VECTOR roots, OPTIONAL VECTOR rootlevel igraph_layout_random_3d: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res igraph_layout_sphere: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res igraph_layout_fruchterman_reingold_3d: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INOUT MATRIX coords=NULL, BOOLEAN use_seed=False, INTEGER niter=500, REAL start_temp=sqrt(vcount(graph)), EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 minx=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 maxx=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 miny=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 maxy=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 minz=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 maxz=NULL, DEPRECATED coolexp, DEPRECATED maxdelta, DEPRECATED area, DEPRECATED repulserad DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_layout_kamada_kawai_3d: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INOUT MATRIX coords, BOOLEAN use_seed=False, INTEGER maxiter=500, REAL epsilon=0.0, REAL kkconst=vcount(graph), EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 minx=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 maxx=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 miny=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 maxy=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 minz=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 maxz=NULL DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_layout_graphopt: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INOUT MATRIX res, INTEGER niter=500, REAL node_charge=0.001, REAL node_mass=30, REAL spring_length=0, REAL spring_constant=1, REAL max_sa_movement=5, BOOLEAN use_seed=False igraph_layout_drl: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INOUT MATRIX res, BOOLEAN use_seed=False, DRL_OPTIONS options=drl_defaults$default, VECTOR_OR_0 weights=NULL, VECTOR_BOOL_OR_0 fixed=NULL igraph_layout_drl_3d: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INOUT MATRIX res, BOOLEAN use_seed=False, DRL_OPTIONS options=drl_defaults$default, VECTOR_OR_0 weights=NULL, VECTOR_BOOL_OR_0 fixed=NULL igraph_layout_merge_dla: PARAMS: GRAPHLIST graphs, MATRIXLIST coords, OUT MATRIX res igraph_layout_sugiyama: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, OUT GRAPH_OR_0 extd_graph, OUT VECTORM1_OR_0 extd_to_orig_eids, VECTORM1_OR_0 layers=NULL, REAL hgap=1, REAL vgap=1, LONGINT maxiter=100, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_layout_mds: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, MATRIX_OR_0 dist=NULL, LONGINT dim=2 igraph_layout_bipartite: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, BIPARTITE_TYPES types=NULL, OUT MATRIX res, REAL hgap=1, REAL vgap=1, LONGINT maxiter=100 DEPS: types ON graph igraph_layout_gem: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INOUT MATRIX res=matrix(), BOOLEAN use_seed=False, INTEGER maxiter=40*vcount(graph)^2, REAL temp_max=vcount(graph), REAL temp_min=1/10, REAL temp_init=sqrt(vcount(graph)) igraph_layout_davidson_harel: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INOUT MATRIX res=matrix(), BOOLEAN use_seed=False, INTEGER maxiter=10, INTEGER fineiter=FINEITER, REAL cool_fact=0.75, REAL weight_node_dist=1.0, REAL weight_border=0.0, REAL weight_edge_lengths=ELENW, REAL weight_edge_crossings=ECROSSW, REAL weight_node_edge_dist=NEDISTW ####################################### # Cocitation and other similarity measures ####################################### igraph_cocitation: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL DEPS: vids ON graph igraph_bibcoupling: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL DEPS: vids ON graph igraph_similarity_jaccard: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=ALL, BOOLEAN loops=False DEPS: vids ON graph res, mode ON vids igraph_similarity_dice: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=ALL, BOOLEAN loops=False DEPS: vids ON graph igraph_similarity_inverse_log_weighted: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL, NEIMODE mode=ALL DEPS: vids ON graph ####################################### # Community structure ####################################### igraph_compare_communities: PARAMS: |- VECTOR comm1, VECTOR comm2, OUT REAL res, COMMCMP method=VI igraph_community_spinglass: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VECTOR_OR_0 weights, OUT REAL modularity, OUT REAL temperature, OUT VECTOR membership, OUT VECTOR csize, INTEGER spins=25, BOOLEAN parupdate=False, REAL starttemp=1, REAL stoptemp=0.01, REAL coolfact=0.99, SPINCOMMUPDATE update_rule=CONFIG, REAL gamma=1.0, SPINGLASS_IMPLEMENTATION implementation=ORIG, REAL lambda=1.0 igraph_community_spinglass_single: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VECTOR_OR_0 weights, INTEGER vertex, OUT VECTOR community, OUT REAL cohesion, OUT REAL adhesion, OUT INTEGER inner_links, OUT INTEGER outer_links, INTEGER spins=25, SPINCOMMUPDATE update_rule=CONFIG, REAL gamma=1.0 igraph_community_walktrap: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VECTOR weights, INT steps=4, OUT MATRIX merges, OUT VECTOR modularity, OUT VECTOR membership igraph_community_edge_betweenness: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR result, OUT VECTOR edge_betweenness, OUT MATRIX merges, OUT VECTORM1 bridges, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 modularity, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 membership, BOOLEAN directed=True, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_community_eb_get_merges: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, BOOLEAN directed, VECTOR edges, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, OUT MATRIX merges, OUT VECTORM1 bridges, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 modularity, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 membership DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_community_fastgreedy: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VECTOR_OR_0 weights, OUT MATRIX merges, OUT VECTOR modularity, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 membership igraph_community_to_membership: PARAMS: |- MATRIX merges, INTEGER nodes, INTEGER steps, OUT VECTOR membership, OUT VECTOR csize igraph_le_community_to_membership: PARAMS: |- MATRIX merges, INTEGER steps, INOUT VECTOR membership, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 csize igraph_modularity: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VECTOR membership, IN VECTOR_OR_0 weights=NULL, REAL resolution=1.0, BOOLEAN directed=True, OUT REAL modularity igraph_modularity_matrix: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, REAL resolution=1.0, OUT MATRIX modmat, BOOLEAN directed=True DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_reindex_membership: PARAMS: |- INOUT VECTOR membership, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 new_to_old, OUT INTEGER nb_clusters igraph_community_leading_eigenvector: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, OUT MATRIX merges, OUT VECTOR membership, INTEGER steps=-1, INOUT ARPACKOPT options=arpack_defaults, OUT REAL modularity, BOOLEAN start=False, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 eigenvalues, OPTIONAL OUT VECTORLIST eigenvectors, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 history, LEVCFUNC callback, EXTRA callback_extra igraph_community_fluid_communities: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INTEGER no_of_communities, OUT VECTOR membership, OUT REAL modularity igraph_community_label_propagation: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR membership, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, VECTOR_OR_0 initial=NULL, VECTOR_BOOL_OR_0 fixed=NULL, OUT REAL modularity DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_community_multilevel: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, REAL resolution=1.0, OUT VECTOR membership, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 memberships, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 modularity DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_community_optimal_modularity: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT REAL modularity, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 membership, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_community_leiden: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, VERTEXWEIGHTS vertex_weights=NULL, REAL resolution_parameter, REAL beta, BOOLEAN start, INOUT VECTOR_OR_0 membership, OUT INTEGER nb_clusters, OUT REAL quality DEPS: weights ON graph, vertex_weights ON graph igraph_split_join_distance: PARAMS: |- VECTOR comm1, VECTOR comm2, OUT INTEGER distance12, OUT INTEGER distance21 igraph_hrg_fit: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INOUT HRG hrg=Default, BOOLEAN start=False, INT steps=0 igraph_hrg_game: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, HRG hrg igraph_hrg_dendrogram: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, HRG hrg igraph_hrg_consensus: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR parents, OUT VECTOR weights, INOUT HRG hrg=Default, BOOLEAN start=False, INT num_samples=10000 igraph_hrg_predict: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSET edges, OUT VECTOR prob, INOUT HRG hrg=Default, BOOLEAN start=False, INT num_samples=10000, INT num_bins=25 DEPS: edges ON graph igraph_hrg_create: PARAMS: OUT HRG hrg, GRAPH graph, VECTOR prob DEPS: prob ON graph igraph_community_infomap: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EDGEWEIGHTS e_weights=NULL, VERTEXWEIGHTS v_weights=NULL, INT nb_trials=10, OUT VECTOR membership, OUT REAL codelength DEPS: e_weights ON graph, v_weights ON graph igraph_graphlets: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, OUT VERTEXSETLIST cliques, OUT VECTOR Mu, INT niter=1000 DEPS: weights ON graph, cliques ON graph igraph_graphlets_candidate_basis: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, OUT VERTEXSETLIST cliques, OUT VECTOR thresholds DEPS: weights ON graph, cliques ON graph igraph_graphlets_project: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, VERTEXSETLIST cliques, INOUT VECTOR Muc, BOOLEAN startMu=False, INT niter=1000 DEPS: weights ON graph ####################################### # Conversion ####################################### igraph_get_adjacency: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, GETADJACENCY type=BOTH, BOOLEAN eids=False igraph_get_edgelist: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, BOOLEAN bycol=False igraph_to_directed: PARAMS: INOUT GRAPH graph, TODIRECTED flags=MUTUAL igraph_to_undirected: PARAMS: |- INOUT GRAPH graph, TOUNDIRECTED mode=COLLAPSE, EDGE_ATTRIBUTE_COMBINATION edge_attr_comb=Default igraph_get_stochastic: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT MATRIX res, BOOLEAN column_wise=False igraph_get_stochastic_sparsemat: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT SPARSEMATPTR sparsemat, BOOLEAN column_wise=False ####################################### # Read and write foreign formats ####################################### igraph_read_graph_edgelist: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INFILE instream, INTEGER n=0, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_read_graph_ncol: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INFILE instream, OPTIONAL STRVECTOR predefnames, BOOLEAN names=True, ADD_WEIGHTS weights=True, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_read_graph_lgl: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INFILE instream, BOOLEAN names=True, ADD_WEIGHTS weights=True, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_read_graph_pajek: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INFILE instream igraph_read_graph_graphml: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INFILE instream, INT index=0 igraph_read_graph_dimacs: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH graph, INFILE instream, OPTIONAL OUT STRVECTOR problem, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR label, OPTIONAL OUT INTEGER source, OPTIONAL OUT INTEGER target, OPTIONAL OUT VECTOR capacity, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_read_graph_graphdb: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INFILE instream, BOOLEAN directed=False igraph_read_graph_gml: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INFILE instream igraph_read_graph_dl: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INFILE instream, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_write_graph_edgelist: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUTFILE outstream igraph_write_graph_ncol: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUTFILE outstream, CSTRING names="name", CSTRING weights="weight" igraph_write_graph_lgl: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUTFILE outstream, CSTRING names="name", CSTRING weights="weight", BOOLEAN isolates=True igraph_write_graph_leda: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUTFILE outstream, CSTRING names="name", CSTRING weights="weight" igraph_write_graph_graphml: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUTFILE outstream, BOOLEAN prefixattr=True igraph_write_graph_pajek: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUTFILE outstream igraph_write_graph_dimacs: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUTFILE outstream, LONGINT source=0, LONGINT target=0, VECTOR capacity igraph_write_graph_gml: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUTFILE outstream, VECTOR id, CSTRING creator="igraph" igraph_write_graph_dot: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUTFILE outstream ####################################### # Motifs ####################################### igraph_motifs_randesu: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR hist, INT size=3, VECTOR cut_prob igraph_motifs_randesu_estimate: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER est, INT size=3, VECTOR cut_prob, INTEGER sample_size, VECTOR_OR_0 sample igraph_motifs_randesu_no: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER no, INT size=3, VECTOR cut_prob igraph_dyad_census: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER mut, OUT INTEGER asym, OUT INTEGER null RETURN: ERROR igraph_triad_census: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res RETURN: ERROR igraph_adjacent_triangles: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, VERTEXSET vids=ALL DEPS: vids ON graph igraph_local_scan_0: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_local_scan_0_them: PARAMS: |- GRAPH us, GRAPH them, OUT VECTOR res, EDGEWEIGHTS weights_them=NULL, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: weights_them ON them igraph_local_scan_1_ecount: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_local_scan_1_ecount_them: PARAMS: |- GRAPH us, GRAPH them, OUT VECTOR res, EDGEWEIGHTS weights_them=NULL, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: weights_them ON them igraph_local_scan_k_ecount: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INT k, OUT VECTOR res, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_local_scan_k_ecount_them: PARAMS: |- GRAPH us, GRAPH them, INT k, OUT VECTOR res, EDGEWEIGHTS weights_them=NULL, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: weights_them ON them igraph_local_scan_neighborhood_ecount: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, VERTEXSETLIST_INT neighborhoods DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_list_triangles: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSET_INT res DEPS: res ON graph ####################################### # Graph operators ####################################### igraph_disjoint_union: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH res, GRAPH left, GRAPH right igraph_disjoint_union_many: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH res, GRAPHLIST graphs igraph_union: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH res, GRAPH left, GRAPH right, OUT VECTORM1 edge_map_left, OUT VECTORM1 edge_map_right DEPS: edge_map_left ON left, edge_map_right ON right igraph_union_many: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH res, GRAPHLIST graphs, OUT VECTORLIST edgemaps igraph_intersection: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH res, GRAPH left, GRAPH right, OUT VECTORM1 edge_map_left, OUT VECTORM1 edge_map_right DEPS: edge_map_left ON left, edge_map_right ON right igraph_intersection_many: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH res, GRAPHLIST graphs, OUT VECTORLIST edgemaps igraph_difference: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH res, GRAPH orig, GRAPH sub igraph_complementer: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH res, GRAPH graph, BOOLEAN loops=False igraph_compose: PARAMS: |- OUT GRAPH res, GRAPH g1, GRAPH g2, OUT VECTORM1 edge_map1, OUT VECTORM1 edge_map2 DEPS: edge_map1 ON g1, edge_map2 ON g2 ####################################### # Maximum flows, minimum cuts ####################################### igraph_maxflow: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT REAL value, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 flow, OUT VECTORM1_OR_0 cut, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSET partition1, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSET partition2, VERTEX source, VERTEX target, EDGECAPACITY capacity=NULL, OUT MAXFLOW_STATS stats DEPS: |- capacity ON graph, source ON graph, target ON graph, partition1 ON graph, partition2 ON graph, flow ON graph, cut ON graph igraph_maxflow_value: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT REAL value, VERTEX source, VERTEX target, VECTOR_OR_0 capacity, OUT MAXFLOW_STATS stats DEPS: source ON graph, target ON graph igraph_mincut_value: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT REAL res, VECTOR_OR_0 capacity igraph_st_mincut_value: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT REAL res, VERTEX source, VERTEX target, VECTOR_OR_0 capacity DEPS: source ON graph, target ON graph igraph_mincut: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT REAL value, OUT VECTORM1 partition1, OUT VECTORM1 partition2, OUT VECTORM1 cut, VECTOR_OR_0 capacity igraph_st_mincut: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT REAL value, OUT VECTORM1_OR_0 cut, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSET partition1, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSET partition2, VERTEX source, VERTEX target, EDGECAPACITY capacity=NULL DEPS: |- capacity ON graph, source ON graph, target ON graph, partition1 ON graph, partition2 ON graph, cut ON graph igraph_st_vertex_connectivity: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER res, VERTEX source, VERTEX target, VCONNNEI neighbors=NUMBER_OF_NODES DEPS: source ON graph, target ON graph igraph_vertex_connectivity: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER res, BOOLEAN checks=True igraph_st_edge_connectivity: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER res, VERTEX source, VERTEX target DEPS: source ON graph, target ON graph igraph_edge_connectivity: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER res, BOOLEAN checks=True igraph_edge_disjoint_paths: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER res, VERTEX source, VERTEX target DEPS: source ON graph, target ON graph igraph_vertex_disjoint_paths: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER res, VERTEX source, VERTEX target DEPS: source ON graph, target ON graph igraph_adhesion: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER res, BOOLEAN checks=True igraph_cohesion: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER res, BOOLEAN checks=True ####################################### # Listing s-t cuts, separators ####################################### igraph_dominator_tree: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, VERTEX root, OUT VECTORM1 dom, OUT GRAPH_OR_0 domtree, OUT VERTEXSET leftout, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: root ON graph, leftout ON graph igraph_all_st_cuts: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL OUT EDGESETLIST cuts, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSETLIST partition1s, VERTEX source, VERTEX target DEPS: |- source ON graph, target ON graph, cuts ON graph, partition1s ON graph igraph_all_st_mincuts: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT REAL value, OPTIONAL OUT EDGESETLIST cuts, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSETLIST partition1s, VERTEX source, VERTEX target, EDGEWEIGHTS capacity=NULL DEPS: |- capacity ON graph, source ON graph, target ON graph, cuts ON graph, partition1s ON graph igraph_is_separator: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, VERTEXSET candidate, OUT BOOLEAN res DEPS: candidate ON graph igraph_is_minimal_separator: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, VERTEXSET candidate, OUT BOOLEAN res DEPS: candidate ON graph igraph_all_minimal_st_separators: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST separators DEPS: separators ON graph igraph_minimum_size_separators: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST separators DEPS: separators ON graph igraph_cohesive_blocks: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEXSETLIST blocks, OUT VECTOR cohesion, OUT VECTORM1 parent, OUT GRAPH blockTree DEPS: blocks ON graph ####################################### # K-Cores ####################################### igraph_coreness: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR cores, NEIMODE mode=ALL ####################################### # Graph isomorphism ####################################### igraph_isoclass: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INTEGER isoclass igraph_isomorphic: PARAMS: GRAPH graph1, GRAPH graph2, OUT BOOLEAN iso igraph_isoclass_subgraph: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, VECTOR vids, OUT INTEGER isoclass DEPS: vids ON graph igraph_isoclass_create: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER size, INTEGER number, BOOLEAN directed=True igraph_isomorphic_vf2: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph1, GRAPH graph2, OPTIONAL VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color1, OPTIONAL VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color2, OPTIONAL EDGE_COLOR edge_color1, OPTIONAL EDGE_COLOR edge_color2, OUT BOOLEAN iso, OUT VECTORM1_OR_0 map12, OUT VECTORM1_OR_0 map21, OPTIONAL ISOCOMPAT_FUNC node_compat_fn, OPTIONAL ISOCOMPAT_FUNC edge_compat_fn, EXTRA extra DEPS: |- vertex_color1 ON graph1, vertex_color2 ON graph2, edge_color1 ON graph1, edge_color2 ON graph2 igraph_count_isomorphisms_vf2: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph1, GRAPH graph2, VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color1, VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color2, EDGE_COLOR edge_color1, EDGE_COLOR edge_color2, OUT INTEGER count, ISOCOMPAT_FUNC node_compat_fn, ISOCOMPAT_FUNC edge_compat_fn, EXTRA extra DEPS: |- vertex_color1 ON graph1, vertex_color2 ON graph2, edge_color1 ON graph1, edge_color2 ON graph2 igraph_get_isomorphisms_vf2: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph1, GRAPH graph2, VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color1, VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color2, EDGE_COLOR edge_color1, EDGE_COLOR edge_color2, OUT VECTORLIST maps, ISOCOMPAT_FUNC node_compat_fn, ISOCOMPAT_FUNC edge_compat_fn, EXTRA extra DEPS: |- vertex_color1 ON graph1, vertex_color2 ON graph2, edge_color1 ON graph1, edge_color2 ON graph2 igraph_subisomorphic_vf2: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph1, GRAPH graph2, VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color1, VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color2, EDGE_COLOR edge_color1, EDGE_COLOR edge_color2, OUT BOOLEAN iso, OUT VECTORM1_OR_0 map12, OUT VECTORM1_OR_0 map21, ISOCOMPAT_FUNC node_compat_fn, ISOCOMPAT_FUNC edge_compat_fn, EXTRA extra DEPS: |- vertex_color1 ON graph1, vertex_color2 ON graph2, edge_color1 ON graph1, edge_color2 ON graph2 igraph_count_subisomorphisms_vf2: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph1, GRAPH graph2, VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color1, VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color2, EDGE_COLOR edge_color1, EDGE_COLOR edge_color2, OUT INTEGER count, ISOCOMPAT_FUNC node_compat_fn, ISOCOMPAT_FUNC edge_compat_fn, EXTRA extra DEPS: |- vertex_color1 ON graph1, vertex_color2 ON graph2, edge_color1 ON graph1, edge_color2 ON graph2 igraph_get_subisomorphisms_vf2: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph1, GRAPH graph2, VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color1, VERTEX_COLOR vertex_color2, EDGE_COLOR edge_color1, EDGE_COLOR edge_color2, OUT VECTORLIST maps, ISOCOMPAT_FUNC node_compat_fn, ISOCOMPAT_FUNC edge_compat_fn, EXTRA extra DEPS: |- vertex_color1 ON graph1, vertex_color2 ON graph2, edge_color1 ON graph1, edge_color2 ON graph2 igraph_isomorphic_34: PARAMS: GRAPH graph1, GRAPH graph2, OUT BOOLEAN iso igraph_canonical_permutation: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL VERTEX_COLOR colors, OUT VECTORM1 labeling, BLISSSH sh="fm", OUT BLISSINFO info DEPS: colors ON graph igraph_permute_vertices: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT GRAPH res, VECTORM1 permutation igraph_isomorphic_bliss: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph1, GRAPH graph2, OPTIONAL VERTEX_COLOR colors1, OPTIONAL VERTEX_COLOR colors2, OUT BOOLEAN iso, OUT VECTORM1_OR_0 map12, OUT VECTORM1_OR_0 map21, BLISSSH sh="fm", OUT BLISSINFO info1, OUT BLISSINFO info2 DEPS: colors1 ON graph1, colors2 ON graph2 igraph_automorphisms: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL VERTEX_COLOR colors, BLISSSH sh="fm", OUT BLISSINFO info DEPS: colors ON graph igraph_automorphism_group: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL VERTEX_COLOR colors, PRIMARY OUT VERTEXSETLIST generators, BLISSSH sh="fm", OUT BLISSINFO info DEPS: colors ON graph, generators ON graph igraph_subisomorphic_lad: PARAMS: |- GRAPH pattern, GRAPH target, OPTIONAL VERTEXSETLIST domains, OPTIONAL OUT BOOLEAN iso, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 map, OPTIONAL OUT VECTORLIST maps, BOOLEAN induced, INT time_limit igraph_simplify_and_colorize: # Despite their names, vertex_color and edge_color are not really colors # but _multiplicities_, so we simply use VECTOR_INT there PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OUT GRAPH res, OUT VECTOR_INT vertex_color, OUT VECTOR_INT edge_color DEPS: vertex_color ON graph, edge_color ON graph ####################################### # SCG ####################################### igraph_scg_grouping: PARAMS: |- MATRIX V, OUT VECTORM1 groups, INTEGER nt, VECTOR_OR_0 nt_vec, SCGMAT mtype=Default, SCGALGO algo=Default, VECTOR_OR_0 p=NULL, INTEGER maxiter=100 igraph_scg_semiprojectors: PARAMS: |- VECTORM1 groups, SCGMAT mtype=Default, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 L, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 R, OPTIONAL OUT SPARSEMATPTR Lsparse, OPTIONAL OUT SPARSEMATPTR Rsparse, VECTOR_OR_0 p=NULL, SCGNORM norm=Default igraph_scg_norm_eps: PARAMS: |- MATRIX V, VECTORM1 groups, OUT VECTOR eps, SCGMAT mtype=Default, VECTOR_OR_0 p=NULL, SCGNORM norm=Default igraph_scg_adjacency: PARAMS: |- GRAPH_OR_0 graph, MATRIX_OR_0 matrix, SPARSEMAT_OR_0 sparsemat, VECTOR ev, INTEGER nt, VECTOR_OR_0 ntvec, SCGALGO algo, INOUT VECTOR_OR_0 values, INOUT MATRIX_OR_0 vectors, INOUT VECTORM1_OR_0 groups, BOOLEAN use_arpack=False, INTEGER maxiter, OUT GRAPH_OR_0 scg_graph, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 scg_matrix, OUT SPARSEMAT_OR_0 scg_sparsemat, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 L, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 R, OPTIONAL OUT SPARSEMATPTR Lsparse, OPTIONAL OUT SPARSEMATPTR Rsparse igraph_scg_stochastic: PARAMS: |- GRAPH_OR_0 graph, MATRIX_OR_0 matrix, SPARSEMAT_OR_0 sparsemat, VECTOR ev, INTEGER nt, VECTOR_OR_0 nt_vec, SCGALGO algo, SCGNORM norm=Default, OPTIONAL INOUT VECTOR_COMPLEX values, OPTIONAL INOUT MATRIX_COMPLEX vectors, INOUT VECTORM1_OR_0 groups, INOUT VECTOR_OR_0 p, BOOLEAN use_arpack=False, INTEGER maxiter, OUT GRAPH_OR_0 scg_graph, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 scg_matrix, OUT SPARSEMAT_OR_0 scg_sparsemat, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 L, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 R, OPTIONAL OUT SPARSEMATPTR Lsparse, OPTIONAL OUT SPARSEMATPTR Rsparse igraph_scg_laplacian: PARAMS: |- GRAPH_OR_0 graph, MATRIX_OR_0 matrix, SPARSEMAT_OR_0 sparsemat, VECTOR ev, INTEGER nt, VECTOR_OR_0 nt_vec, SCGALGO algo, SCGNORM norm=Default, SCGDIR direction=Default, OPTIONAL INOUT VECTOR_COMPLEX values, OPTIONAL INOUT MATRIX_COMPLEX vectors, INOUT VECTORM1_OR_0 groups, BOOLEAN use_arpack=False, INTEGER maxiter, OUT GRAPH_OR_0 scg_graph, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 scg_matrix, OUT SPARSEMAT_OR_0 scg_sparsemat, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 L, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 R, OPTIONAL OUT SPARSEMATPTR Lsparse, OPTIONAL OUT SPARSEMATPTR Rsparse ####################################### # Matching ####################################### igraph_is_matching: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL BIPARTITE_TYPES types=NULL, VECTOR_LONG_M1 matching, OUT BOOLEAN res DEPS: types ON graph, matching ON graph igraph_is_maximal_matching: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL BIPARTITE_TYPES types=NULL, VECTOR_LONG_M1 matching, OUT BOOLEAN res DEPS: types ON graph igraph_maximum_bipartite_matching: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL BIPARTITE_TYPES types=NULL, OPTIONAL OUT INTEGER matching_size, OPTIONAL OUT REAL matching_weight, OUT VECTOR_LONG_M1 matching, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, REAL eps=.Machine$double.eps DEPS: types ON graph, weights ON graph ####################################### # Embedding ####################################### igraph_adjacency_spectral_embedding: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INTEGER no, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, EIGENWHICHPOS which=ASE, BOOLEAN scaled=True, OUT MATRIX X, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 Y, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 D, VECTOR cvec=AsmDefaultCvec, INOUT ARPACKOPT options=igraph.arpack.default DEPS: weights ON graph, cvec ON graph igraph_laplacian_spectral_embedding: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, INTEGER no, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL, EIGENWHICHPOS which=ASE, LSETYPE type=Default, BOOLEAN scaled=True, OUT MATRIX X, OUT MATRIX_OR_0 Y, OUT VECTOR_OR_0 D, INOUT ARPACKOPT options=igraph.arpack.default DEPS: weights ON graph, type ON graph ####################################### # Eigensolvers ####################################### igraph_eigen_adjacency: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, EIGENALGO algorithm=ARPACK, EIGENWHICH which=Default, INOUT ARPACKOPT options=arpack_defaults, INOUT ARPACKSTORAGE storage, OUT VECTOR values, OUT MATRIX vectors, OUT VECTOR_COMPLEX cmplxvalues, OUT MATRIX_COMPLEX cmplxvectors ####################################### # Fitting power laws ####################################### igraph_power_law_fit: PARAMS: |- VECTOR data, OUT PLFIT res, REAL xmin=-1, BOOLEAN force_continuous=False ####################################### # Dynamics, on networks ####################################### igraph_sir: PARAMS: |- GRAPH graph, REAL beta, REAL gamma, INTEGER no_sim=100, OUT SIRLIST res ####################################### # Other, not graph related ####################################### igraph_running_mean: PARAMS: VECTOR data, OUT VECTOR res, INTEGER binwidth igraph_random_sample: PARAMS: OUT VECTOR res, REAL l, REAL h, INTEGER length igraph_convex_hull: PARAMS: MATRIX data, OUT VECTOR resverts, OUT MATRIX rescoords igraph_dim_select: PARAMS: VECTOR sv, OUT INTEGER dim ####################################### # Eulerian functions ####################################### igraph_is_eulerian: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT BOOLEAN has_path, OUT BOOLEAN has_cycle igraph_eulerian_path: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL OUT EDGESET edge_res, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSET vertex_res DEPS: edge_res ON graph, vertex_res ON graph igraph_eulerian_cycle: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OPTIONAL OUT EDGESET edge_res, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEXSET vertex_res DEPS: edge_res ON graph, vertex_res ON graph ####################################### # Trees ####################################### igraph_is_tree: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, PRIMARY OUT BOOLEAN res, OPTIONAL OUT VERTEX root, NEIMODE mode=OUT DEPS: root ON graph igraph_from_prufer: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INDEX_VECTOR prufer igraph_to_prufer: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT INDEX_VECTOR prufer igraph_minimum_spanning_tree: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR res, EDGEWEIGHTS weights=NULL DEPS: weights ON graph igraph_minimum_spanning_tree_unweighted: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT GRAPH mst igraph_minimum_spanning_tree_prim: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT GRAPH mst, VECTOR weights igraph_random_spanning_tree: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT EDGESET res, OPTIONAL VERTEX vid=-1 DEPS: res ON graph, vid ON graph igraph_tree_game: PARAMS: OUT GRAPH graph, INTEGER n, BOOLEAN directed=False, RANDOM_TREE_METHOD method=LERW ####################################### # Coloring ####################################### igraph_vertex_coloring_greedy: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VERTEX_COLOR colors, GREEDY_COLORING_HEURISTIC heuristic=NEIGHBORS DEPS: colors ON graph ####################################### # Other, (yet) undocumented functions ####################################### igraph_convergence_degree: PARAMS: GRAPH graph, OUT VECTOR result, OUT VECTOR in, OUT VECTOR out