#include #include "bench.h" int main() { igraph_t graph; igraph_vector_t betweenness; BENCH_INIT(); igraph_rng_seed(igraph_rng_default(), 42); igraph_vector_init(&betweenness, 0); /* Kautz and De Bruijn graphs are connected, therefore there should not be a dramatic difference * in the performance of the directed and undirected calculations. */ igraph_kautz(&graph, 4, 5); BENCH(" 1 Betweenness, Kautz(4,5), directed", igraph_betweenness(&graph, &betweenness, igraph_vss_all(), IGRAPH_DIRECTED, NULL)); BENCH(" 2 Betweenness, Kautz(4,5), undirected", igraph_betweenness(&graph, &betweenness, igraph_vss_all(), IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, NULL)); igraph_destroy(&graph); igraph_de_bruijn(&graph, 6, 5); BENCH(" 3 Betweenness, DeBruijn(6,5), directed", igraph_betweenness(&graph, &betweenness, igraph_vss_all(), IGRAPH_DIRECTED, NULL)); igraph_destroy(&graph); { igraph_vector_t dims; igraph_vector_init_int_end(&dims, -1, 8, 8, 8, 8, -1); igraph_lattice(&graph, &dims, 1, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, /* mutual */ 0, /* circular */ 0); BENCH(" 4 Betweenness, Grid(8,8,8,8), undirected", igraph_betweenness(&graph, &betweenness, igraph_vss_all(), IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, NULL)); igraph_destroy(&graph); igraph_vector_destroy(&dims); igraph_vector_init_int_end(&dims, -1, 10, 10, 10, 10, -1); igraph_lattice(&graph, &dims, 1, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, /* mutual */ 0, /* circular */ 0); BENCH(" 5 Betweenness, Grid(10,10,10,10), cutoff 5", igraph_betweenness_cutoff(&graph, &betweenness, igraph_vss_all(), IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, NULL, 5)); BENCH(" 6 Betweenness, Grid(10,10,10,10), cutoff 8", igraph_betweenness_cutoff(&graph, &betweenness, igraph_vss_all(), IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, NULL, 8)); igraph_destroy(&graph); igraph_vector_destroy(&dims); } igraph_barabasi_game(&graph, 8000, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 0, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, IGRAPH_BARABASI_PSUMTREE, NULL); BENCH(" 7 Betweenness, Barabasi n=8000 m=1, undirected", igraph_betweenness(&graph, &betweenness, igraph_vss_all(), IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, NULL)); BENCH(" 8 Betweenness, Barabasi n=8000 m=1, undirected, cutoff 6", igraph_betweenness_cutoff(&graph, &betweenness, igraph_vss_all(), IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, NULL, 6)); igraph_destroy(&graph); igraph_barabasi_game(&graph, 30000, 1, 5, NULL, 1, 0, IGRAPH_DIRECTED, IGRAPH_BARABASI_PSUMTREE, NULL); BENCH(" 9 Betweenness, Barabasi n=30000 m=5, directed", igraph_betweenness(&graph, &betweenness, igraph_vss_all(), IGRAPH_DIRECTED, NULL)); BENCH("10 Betweenness, Barabasi n=30000 m=5, directed, cutoff 5", igraph_betweenness_cutoff(&graph, &betweenness, igraph_vss_all(), IGRAPH_DIRECTED, NULL, 5)); igraph_destroy(&graph); igraph_vector_destroy(&betweenness); return 0; }