/* IGraph library. Copyright (C) 2021 The igraph development team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "test_utilities.inc" void init_vm(igraph_vector_t *type_dist, int v0, int v1, igraph_matrix_t *pref_matrix, int m00, int m10, int m01, int m11) { igraph_vector_init_int_end(type_dist, -1, v0, v1, -1); igraph_matrix_init(pref_matrix, 2, 2); MATRIX(*pref_matrix, 0, 0) = m00; MATRIX(*pref_matrix, 1, 0) = m10; MATRIX(*pref_matrix, 0, 1) = m01; MATRIX(*pref_matrix, 1, 1) = m11; } #define DESTROY_GVM() do { \ igraph_destroy(&g); \ igraph_vector_destroy(&type_dist); \ igraph_matrix_destroy(&pref_matrix); \ } while(0) int main() { igraph_t g; igraph_vector_t type_dist, node_types; igraph_matrix_t pref_matrix; igraph_bool_t bipartite; igraph_rng_seed(igraph_rng_default(), 42); /*Zero matrix elements for only possible vertex type means no edges*/ init_vm(&type_dist, 1, 0, &pref_matrix, 0, 0, 0, 1); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_callaway_traits_game(&g, /*nodes*/ 20, /*types*/ 2, /*edges_per_step*/ 5, &type_dist, &pref_matrix, /*directed*/ 0, NULL) == IGRAPH_SUCCESS); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_ecount(&g) == 0); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_vcount(&g) == 20); DESTROY_GVM(); /*No vertices*/ init_vm(&type_dist, 1, 0, &pref_matrix, 0, 0, 0, 1); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_callaway_traits_game(&g, /*nodes*/ 0, /*types*/ 2, /*edges_per_step*/ 0, &type_dist, &pref_matrix, /*directed*/ 0, NULL) == IGRAPH_SUCCESS); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_vcount(&g) == 0); IGRAPH_ASSERT(!igraph_is_directed(&g)); DESTROY_GVM(); /*Two types with only cross terms makes a bipartite graph*/ init_vm(&type_dist, 2, 1, &pref_matrix, 0, 1, 1, 0); igraph_vector_init(&node_types, 0); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_callaway_traits_game(&g, /*nodes*/ 20, /*types*/ 2, /*edges_per_step*/ 5, &type_dist, &pref_matrix, /*directed*/ 1, &node_types) == IGRAPH_SUCCESS); igraph_is_bipartite(&g, &bipartite, NULL); IGRAPH_ASSERT(bipartite); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_is_directed(&g)); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_vector_size(&node_types) == igraph_vcount(&g)); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_vector_min(&node_types) == 0); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_vector_max(&node_types) == 1); igraph_vector_destroy(&node_types); DESTROY_GVM(); /*Automatically determined type_dist*/ init_vm(&type_dist, 0, 0, &pref_matrix, 0, 1, 1, 0); igraph_vector_init(&node_types, 0); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_callaway_traits_game(&g, /*nodes*/ 20, /*types*/ 2, /*edges_per_step*/ 3, /*type_dist*/ NULL, &pref_matrix, /*directed*/ 0, &node_types) == IGRAPH_SUCCESS); igraph_is_bipartite(&g, &bipartite, NULL); IGRAPH_ASSERT(bipartite); IGRAPH_ASSERT(!igraph_is_directed(&g)); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_vector_size(&node_types) == igraph_vcount(&g)); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_vector_min(&node_types) == 0); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_vector_max(&node_types) == 1); igraph_vector_destroy(&node_types); DESTROY_GVM(); VERIFY_FINALLY_STACK(); igraph_set_error_handler(igraph_error_handler_ignore); /*Distribution of types should have at least one positive value*/ init_vm(&type_dist, 0, 0, &pref_matrix, 0, 1, 1, 0); IGRAPH_ASSERT(igraph_callaway_traits_game(&g, /*nodes*/ 20, /* types*/ 2, /*edges_per_step*/ 5, &type_dist, &pref_matrix, /*directed*/ 0, NULL) == IGRAPH_EINVAL); DESTROY_GVM(); VERIFY_FINALLY_STACK(); return 0; }