#include "cs.h" /* allocate a sparse matrix (triplet form or compressed-column form) */ cs *cs_spalloc (CS_INT m, CS_INT n, CS_INT nzmax, CS_INT values, CS_INT triplet) { cs *A = cs_calloc (1, sizeof (cs)) ; /* allocate the cs struct */ if (!A) return (NULL) ; /* out of memory */ A->m = m ; /* define dimensions and nzmax */ A->n = n ; A->nzmax = nzmax = CS_MAX (nzmax, 1) ; A->nz = triplet ? 0 : -1 ; /* allocate triplet or comp.col */ A->p = cs_malloc (triplet ? nzmax : n+1, sizeof (CS_INT)) ; A->i = cs_malloc (nzmax, sizeof (CS_INT)) ; A->x = values ? cs_malloc (nzmax, sizeof (CS_ENTRY)) : NULL ; return ((!A->p || !A->i || (values && !A->x)) ? cs_spfree (A) : A) ; } /* change the max # of entries sparse matrix */ CS_INT cs_sprealloc (cs *A, CS_INT nzmax) { CS_INT ok, oki, okj = 1, okx = 1 ; if (!A) return (0) ; if (nzmax <= 0) nzmax = (CS_CSC (A)) ? (A->p [A->n]) : A->nz ; nzmax = CS_MAX (nzmax, 1) ; A->i = cs_realloc (A->i, nzmax, sizeof (CS_INT), &oki) ; if (CS_TRIPLET (A)) A->p = cs_realloc (A->p, nzmax, sizeof (CS_INT), &okj) ; if (A->x) A->x = cs_realloc (A->x, nzmax, sizeof (CS_ENTRY), &okx) ; ok = (oki && okj && okx) ; if (ok) A->nzmax = nzmax ; return (ok) ; } /* free a sparse matrix */ cs *cs_spfree (cs *A) { if (!A) return (NULL) ; /* do nothing if A already NULL */ cs_free (A->p) ; cs_free (A->i) ; cs_free (A->x) ; return ((cs *) cs_free (A)) ; /* free the cs struct and return NULL */ } /* free a numeric factorization */ csn *cs_nfree (csn *N) { if (!N) return (NULL) ; /* do nothing if N already NULL */ cs_spfree (N->L) ; cs_spfree (N->U) ; cs_free (N->pinv) ; cs_free (N->B) ; return ((csn *) cs_free (N)) ; /* free the csn struct and return NULL */ } /* free a symbolic factorization */ css *cs_sfree (css *S) { if (!S) return (NULL) ; /* do nothing if S already NULL */ cs_free (S->pinv) ; cs_free (S->q) ; cs_free (S->parent) ; cs_free (S->cp) ; cs_free (S->leftmost) ; return ((css *) cs_free (S)) ; /* free the css struct and return NULL */ } /* allocate a cs_dmperm or cs_scc result */ csd *cs_dalloc (CS_INT m, CS_INT n) { csd *D ; D = cs_calloc (1, sizeof (csd)) ; if (!D) return (NULL) ; D->p = cs_malloc (m, sizeof (CS_INT)) ; D->r = cs_malloc (m+6, sizeof (CS_INT)) ; D->q = cs_malloc (n, sizeof (CS_INT)) ; D->s = cs_malloc (n+6, sizeof (CS_INT)) ; return ((!D->p || !D->r || !D->q || !D->s) ? cs_dfree (D) : D) ; } /* free a cs_dmperm or cs_scc result */ csd *cs_dfree (csd *D) { if (!D) return (NULL) ; /* do nothing if D already NULL */ cs_free (D->p) ; cs_free (D->q) ; cs_free (D->r) ; cs_free (D->s) ; return ((csd *) cs_free (D)) ; /* free the csd struct and return NULL */ } /* free workspace and return a sparse matrix result */ cs *cs_done (cs *C, void *w, void *x, CS_INT ok) { cs_free (w) ; /* free workspace */ cs_free (x) ; return (ok ? C : cs_spfree (C)) ; /* return result if OK, else free it */ } /* free workspace and return CS_INT array result */ CS_INT *cs_idone (CS_INT *p, cs *C, void *w, CS_INT ok) { cs_spfree (C) ; /* free temporary matrix */ cs_free (w) ; /* free workspace */ return (ok ? p : (CS_INT *) cs_free (p)) ; /* return result, or free it */ } /* free workspace and return a numeric factorization (Cholesky, LU, or QR) */ csn *cs_ndone (csn *N, cs *C, void *w, void *x, CS_INT ok) { cs_spfree (C) ; /* free temporary matrix */ cs_free (w) ; /* free workspace */ cs_free (x) ; return (ok ? N : cs_nfree (N)) ; /* return result if OK, else free it */ } /* free workspace and return a csd result */ csd *cs_ddone (csd *D, cs *C, void *w, CS_INT ok) { cs_spfree (C) ; /* free temporary matrix */ cs_free (w) ; /* free workspace */ return (ok ? D : cs_dfree (D)) ; /* return result if OK, else free it */ }