# Declare the files needed to compile our vendored BLAS copy add_library( blas_vendored OBJECT EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL dscal.c dswap.c lsame.c dnrm2.c daxpy.c dgemv.c dger.c dgemm.c dcopy.c dtrmm.c dtrmv.c drot.c ddot.c dasum.c dsymv.c dsyr2k.c dsyr2.c dtrsm.c dsyrk.c dtrsv.c idamax.c $ ) target_include_directories( blas_vendored PRIVATE $ ) if (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set_property(TARGET blas_vendored PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) endif() # Declare the files needed to compile our vendored LAPACK copy add_library( lapack_vendored OBJECT EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL dgeev.c dgebak.c dgebal.c disnan.c dlaisnan.c dgehrd.c dgehd2.c dlarf.c iladlc.c iladlr.c dlarfg.c dlapy2.c dlahr2.c dlacpy.c dlarfb.c ilaenv.c ieeeck.c iparmq.c dhseqr.c dlahqr.c dlabad.c dlanv2.c dlaqr0.c dlaqr3.c dlaqr4.c dlaqr2.c dlaset.c dormhr.c dormqr.c dlarft.c dorm2r.c dtrexc.c dlaexc.c dlange.c dlassq.c dlarfx.c dlartg.c dlasy2.c dlaqr5.c dlaqr1.c dlascl.c dorghr.c dorgqr.c dorg2r.c dtrevc.c dlaln2.c dladiv.c dsyevr.c dlansy.c dormtr.c dormql.c dorm2l.c dstebz.c dlaebz.c dstein.c dlagtf.c dlagts.c dlarnv.c dlaruv.c dstemr.c dlae2.c dlaev2.c dlanst.c dlarrc.c dlarre.c dlarra.c dlarrb.c dlaneg.c dlarrd.c dlarrk.c dlasq2.c dlasq3.c dlasq4.c dlasq5.c dlasq6.c dlasrt.c dlarrj.c dlarrr.c dlarrv.c dlar1v.c dlarrf.c dsterf.c dsytrd.c dlatrd.c dsytd2.c dlanhs.c dgeqr2.c dtrsen.c dlacn2.c dtrsyl.c dlasr.c dsteqr.c dgeevx.c dtrsna.c dlaqtr.c dgetrf.c dgetf2.c dlaswp.c dgetrs.c dgesv.c dpotrf.c dpotf2.c xerbla.c len_trim.c dlamch.c fortran_intrinsics.c $ ) target_include_directories( lapack_vendored PRIVATE $ ) if (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set_property(TARGET lapack_vendored PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) endif() # Declare the files needed to compile our vendored ARPACK copy add_library( arpack_vendored OBJECT EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL dnaupd.c dnaup2.c dgetv0.c dvout.c second.c dmout.c dnaitr.c ivout.c dnapps.c dnconv.c dneigh.c dlaqrb.c dngets.c dsortc.c dstatn.c dneupd.c dsaupd.c dsaup2.c dsaitr.c dsapps.c dsconv.c dseigt.c dstqrb.c dsgets.c dsortr.c dstats.c dseupd.c dsesrt.c $ ) target_include_directories( arpack_vendored PRIVATE $ ) if (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set_property(TARGET arpack_vendored PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) endif() # Suppress some warnings that occur in the output because we do not want to # mess around with the source of lapack too much to fix these if(NOT MSVC) target_compile_options(blas_vendored PRIVATE $<$:-Wno-logical-op-parentheses> ) target_compile_options(lapack_vendored PRIVATE $<$:-Wno-logical-op-parentheses -Wno-shift-op-parentheses> ) endif()