# Declare the files needed to compile our vendored plfit copy add_library( plfit_vendored OBJECT EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL gss.c hzeta.c kolmogorov.c lbfgs.c mt.c options.c platform.c plfit.c plfit_error.c rbinom.c sampling.c ) target_include_directories( plfit_vendored PRIVATE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) if (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set_property(TARGET plfit_vendored PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) endif() # Since these are included as object files, they should call the # function as is (without visibility specification) target_compile_definitions(plfit_vendored PRIVATE IGRAPH_STATIC) use_all_warnings(plfit_vendored) if (MSVC) target_compile_options( plfit_vendored PRIVATE /wd4100 ) # disable unreferenced parameter warning endif() if(IGRAPH_OPENMP_SUPPORT) target_link_libraries(plfit_vendored PRIVATE OpenMP::OpenMP_C) endif()