Ok( VCalendar { prodid: Text { params: {}, text: "-//Plönë.org//NONSGML plone.app.event//EN", }, version: Text { params: {}, text: "2.0", }, calscale: None, method: None, alarms: [], events: [ VEvent { dtstamp: Local( 2010-10-10T12:00:00+02:00, ), uid: Text { params: {}, text: "123456", }, dtstart: DateTime( Local( 2010-10-10T12:00:00+02:00, ), ), class: None, created: Some( Local( 2010-10-10T02:00:00+02:00, ), ), description: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "icalendar should be able to de/serialize non-ascii.", }, ), geo: None, last_modified: None, location: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "Tribstrül", }, ), organizer: None, priority: None, sequence: None, status: None, summary: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "Non-ASCII Test: ÄÖÜ äöü €", }, ), transp: None, url: None, recurid: None, rrule: None, dtend: Some( DateTime( Local( 2010-10-10T14:00:00+02:00, ), ), ), duration: None, attach: [], attendee: [], categories: [], comment: [], contact: [], exdate: [], rstatus: [], related_to: [], resources: [], rdate: [], alarms: [], x_prop: {}, iana_prop: {}, }, VEvent { dtstamp: Local( 2010-10-10T12:00:00+02:00, ), uid: Text { params: {}, text: "123456", }, dtstart: DateTime( Local( 2010-10-10T02:00:00+02:00, ), ), class: None, created: None, description: None, geo: None, last_modified: None, location: None, organizer: None, priority: None, sequence: None, status: None, summary: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "åäö", }, ), transp: None, url: None, recurid: None, rrule: None, dtend: None, duration: None, attach: [], attendee: [], categories: [], comment: [], contact: [], exdate: [], rstatus: [], related_to: [], resources: [], rdate: [], alarms: [], x_prop: {}, iana_prop: {}, }, VEvent { dtstamp: Local( 2010-10-10T12:00:00+02:00, ), uid: Text { params: {}, text: "123456", }, dtstart: DateTime( Local( 2010-10-10T02:00:00+02:00, ), ), class: None, created: None, description: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "äöüßÄÖÜ", }, ), geo: None, last_modified: None, location: None, organizer: None, priority: None, sequence: None, status: None, summary: None, transp: None, url: None, recurid: None, rrule: None, dtend: None, duration: None, attach: [], attendee: [], categories: [], comment: [], contact: [], exdate: [], rstatus: [], related_to: [], resources: [], rdate: [], alarms: [], x_prop: {}, iana_prop: {}, }, ], freebusy: [], journals: [], todo: [], timezones: [], x_prop: { "X-WR-CALDESC": ContentLine { params: {}, value: "test non ascii: äöü ÄÖÜ €", }, "X-WR-CALNAME": ContentLine { params: {}, value: "äöü ÄÖÜ €", }, "X-WR-RELCALID": ContentLine { params: {}, value: "12345", }, }, iana_prop: {}, }, )