Ok( VEvent { dtstamp: Local( 2013-10-21T04:55:52+02:00, ), uid: Text { params: {}, text: "ak30b02u7858q1oo6ji9dm4mgg@google.com", }, dtstart: DateTime( Naive( 2013-09-07T12:00:00, ), ), class: None, created: Some( Local( 2013-09-03T20:14:53+02:00, ), ), description: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "The Fieldhouse and Hard Rock Cafe are working with PhillyRising to provide live entertainment on Friday and Saturday afternoons throughout the Summer.", }, ), geo: None, last_modified: Some( Local( 2013-10-15T23:09:27+02:00, ), ), location: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "12th and Market Streets (weather permitting)", }, ), organizer: None, priority: None, sequence: Some( 0, ), status: Some( Confirmed, ), summary: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "Market East Live!", }, ), transp: Some( Opaque, ), url: None, recurid: None, rrule: Some( Recur { freq: Weekly, until: Some( DateTime( Local( 2013-10-25T05:59:59+02:00, ), ), ), count: None, interval: 1, by_second: [], by_minute: [], by_hour: [], by_day: [ WeekdayNum { weekday: Friday, ord: None, }, WeekdayNum { weekday: Saturday, ord: None, }, ], by_monthday: [], by_yearday: [], by_weekno: [], by_month: [], by_setpos: [], wkst: None, }, ), dtend: Some( DateTime( Naive( 2013-09-07T17:00:00, ), ), ), duration: None, attach: [], attendee: [], categories: [], comment: [], contact: [], exdate: [ DateTime( Naive( 2013-10-11T12:00:00, ), ), ], rstatus: [], related_to: [], resources: [], rdate: [], alarms: [], x_prop: {}, iana_prop: {}, }, )