Ok( VEvent { dtstamp: Local( 2012-06-05T02:37:59+02:00, ), uid: Text { params: {}, text: "event_qtkfrcyqkbnb@meetup.com", }, dtstart: DateTime( Naive( 2012-07-12T18:30:00, ), ), class: Some( Public, ), created: Some( Local( 2012-01-11T13:03:39+01:00, ), ), description: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "DevOpsDC\\nThursday\\, July 12 at 6:30 PM\\n\\nThis will be a joint meetup / hack night with the DC jQuery Users Group. The idea behind the hack night: Small teams consisting of at least 1 member...\\n\\nDetails: http://www.meetup.com/DevOpsDC/events/47635522/", }, ), geo: Some( Geo { lat: 38.9, lon: -77.01, }, ), last_modified: Some( Local( 2012-05-22T19:44:06+02:00, ), ), location: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "Fathom Creative\\, Inc. (1333 14th Street Northwest\\, WashingtonD.C.\\, DC 20005)", }, ), organizer: None, priority: None, sequence: None, status: Some( Confirmed, ), summary: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "DevOps DC Meetup", }, ), transp: None, url: Some( Uri { params: {}, uri: "http://www.meetup.com/DevOpsDC/events/47635522/", }, ), recurid: None, rrule: None, dtend: Some( DateTime( Naive( 2012-07-12T21:30:00, ), ), ), duration: None, attach: [], attendee: [], categories: [], comment: [], contact: [], exdate: [], rstatus: [], related_to: [], resources: [], rdate: [], alarms: [], x_prop: {}, iana_prop: {}, }, )