Ok( VJournal { dtstamp: Local( 1997-09-01T15:00:00+02:00, ), uid: Text { params: {}, text: "19970901T130000Z-123405@example.com", }, class: None, created: None, dtstart: Date( 1997-03-17, ), last_modified: None, organizer: None, recurid: None, sequence: None, status: None, summary: Some( Text { params: {}, text: "Staff meeting minutes", }, ), url: None, rrule: None, attach: [], attendee: [], categories: [], comment: [], contact: [], description: [ Text { params: {}, text: "1. Staff meeting: Participants include Joe\\,Lisa\\, and Bob. Aurora project plans were reviewed.There is currently no budget reserves for this project.Lisa will escalate to management. Next meeting on Tuesday.\\n2. Telephone Conference: ABC Corp. sales representativecalled to discuss new printer. Promised to get us a demo byFriday.\\n3. Henry Miller (Handsoff Insurance): Car wastotaled by tree. Is looking into a loaner car. 555-2323(tel).", }, ], exdate: [], related_to: [], rdate: [], rstatus: [], x_prop: {}, iana_prop: {}, }, )