# InterlockLedger ILTag for Rust ## Description This is the implementation of **InterlockLedger** **ILTag** for **Rust**. For more information, see the [specification of IL2](https://github.com/interlockledger/specification/tree/master). ## Dependencies This library has been developed to run without any external dependencies aside for the Rust standard library. ## License This library is licensed under a 3-Clause BSD license. ## Maintainers - Fabio Jun Takada Chino - Cesar Luiz Ferracin ## Version history - 1.4.0: - `il2_iltags::io::array:ByteArrayWriter` is back; - Some traits are now enforcing `Sync`; - `ILSignedILInt64Tag` and `IL_SIGNED_ILINT_TAG_ID` are now reexported by `il2_iltags::tags::standard`; - `ILRawTag.set_value()` added; - `Deref` and `DerefMut` implemented for `ILGenericPayloadTag` as an experimental feature for now; - Documentation updated; - Method `Reader::skip_u64()` added; - Implementation of `Reader` for `std::io::Read` + `std::io::Seek` added; - Implementation of `Writer` for `std::io::Write` + `std::io::Seek` added; - Implementation of `std::convert::Into>` for `VecWriter`added; - Module `il2_iltags::tags::raw` added. It allow the manipulation of tags over byte sequences; - Integration with for `std::io` moved to the module `il2_iltags::io::std_io`; - Method `ILTag::to_bytes()` added; - Method `ILTagFactory::from_bytes()` added; - 1.3.0: - Automatic conversion from `il2_iltags::io::ErrorKind` to `il2_iltags::tags::ErrorKind` added; - Applying code cleanup suggested by clippy; - Method `il2_iltags::tags::serialization::ByteArraySerializer::serialize_bytes()` has been deprecated; - Support to the new **ILInt** sign encoding added; - Support to the new **ILIntSigned** tag added; - Method `ILTagFactory.deserialize_into()` added; - Exposing `UntouchbleTagFactory` to the public API; - 1.2.0: - Version history updated; - Documentation of `ILGenericPayloadTag` updated. Now the example presented in the documentation is a valid Rust code; - New set of IO wrapper traits added. This should make the implementation of custom tags easier; - Minor adjustments in the unit test code in order to make it easier to be reused within other unit tests; - 1.1.1: - Additional `ILTag` downcast functions added; - Base tag for custom payloads added; - All `ErrorKind` defined by this library now implements Debug trait; - 1.1.0: - `il2_iltags::io::BorrowedVecWriter` added; - Adding new traits to the module `il2_iltags::io::data` to make the usage of the read/write functions easier to use over `Reader` and `Writer` implementators; - 1.0.1: - Issue #1 - Invalid code snippets marked as ignored; - 1.0.0: - Initial release;