# Ilmen-http DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION A small, home made, weird little http server. With Default configuration and no-security ``` fn main() { let config=Config::new(8082, SecurityProtocol::Basic(auth_method)); let server= HttpServer::new(config, routes()); server.start(); } fn auth_validate(couple :(String, String)) -> bool { return true; } routes = vec![ Route {verb: Verb::GET, route: "/book/{id}".to_string(),method: get_book, need_security: true}, ] pub fn get_book(handler: ParamsHandler) -> Response { return handler.params .get("id") .ok_or(TechnicalError::from("Missing Id")) .and_then(|id| id.parse::().unwrap()) .and_then(|id| database::get_one_book(id)) .and_then(|book| serde_json::to_string(&rappel).unwrap()) .map(|rows| Response::from((200, rows.to_string()))) .unwrap_or_else(Response::from); } ```