mod redis_helpers; mod test_helpers; use approx::relative_eq; use futures::Future; use ilp_node::InterledgerNode; use redis_helpers::*; use reqwest::{self, r#async::Body}; use serde_json::{json, Number, Value}; use test_helpers::*; use tokio::runtime::Builder as RuntimeBuilder; use warp::http; // Integration tests of node settings APIs const NODE_ILP_ADDRESS: &str = "example.node"; const USERNAME: &str = "test_account"; const ASSET_CODE: &str = "XRP"; const ASSET_SCALE: usize = 9; const XRP_RATE: f64 = 1.0; const ETH_RATE: f64 = 1.2; const SETTLEMENT_ENGINE_ASSET_CODE: &str = "XRP"; const SETTLEMENT_ENGINE_URL: &str = "http://localhost:3000/"; #[test] fn node_settings_test() { install_tracing_subscriber(); let mut runtime = RuntimeBuilder::new().build().unwrap(); let redis_test_context = TestContext::new(); let node_http_port = get_open_port(Some(7770)); let node_settlement_port = get_open_port(Some(3000)); let mut connection_info = redis_test_context.get_client_connection_info(); connection_info.db = 1; let node: InterledgerNode = serde_json::from_value(json!({ "ilp_address": NODE_ILP_ADDRESS, "admin_auth_token": "admin", "redis_connection": connection_info_to_string(connection_info), "http_bind_address": format!("{}", node_http_port), "settlement_api_bind_address": format!("{}", node_settlement_port), "secret_seed": random_secret(), "route_broadcast_interval": 200, "exchange_rate_poll_interval": 60000, "exchange_rate_poll_failure_tolerance": 5, })) .unwrap(); let node_to_serve = node.clone(); let node_context = move |_| Ok(node); let get_root = move |node: InterledgerNode| { // GET / (stat) let client = reqwest::r#async::Client::new(); client .get(&format!( "http://localhost:{}/", node.http_bind_address.port() )) .send() .map_err(|err| panic!(err)) .and_then(|mut res| { let content = res.text().wait().expect("Error getting response!"); assert!(res.error_for_status_ref().is_ok(), "{}", &content); let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&content) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not parse JSON! JSON: {}", &content)); if let Value::Object(account) = json { assert_eq!( account.get("status").expect("status was expected"), &Value::String("Ready".to_owned()) ); assert_eq!( account .get("ilp_address") .expect("ilp_address was expected"), &Value::String( node.ilp_address .clone() .expect("ILP address was expected") .to_string() ) ); } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } Ok(node) }) }; let put_rates = move |node: InterledgerNode| { // PUT /rates let client = reqwest::r#async::Client::new(); client .put(&format!( "http://localhost:{}/rates", node.http_bind_address.port() )) .header( "Authorization", &format!("Bearer {}", node.admin_auth_token), ) .json(&json!({ "XRP": XRP_RATE, "ETH": ETH_RATE, })) .send() .map_err(|err| panic!(err)) .and_then(move |mut res| { let content = res.text().wait().expect("Error getting response!"); assert!(res.error_for_status_ref().is_ok(), "{}", &content); let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&content) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not parse JSON! JSON: {}", &content)); if let Value::Object(rates) = json { if let Value::Number(num) = rates.get("XRP").expect("XRP was expected") { assert!(relative_eq!( XRP_RATE, num.as_f64().expect("rate is expected to be f64"), epsilon = std::f64::EPSILON )); } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } if let Value::Number(num) = rates.get("ETH").expect("ETH was expected") { assert!(relative_eq!( ETH_RATE, num.as_f64().expect("rate is expected to be f64"), epsilon = std::f64::EPSILON )); } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } Ok(node) }) }; let get_rates = move |node: InterledgerNode| { // GET /rates let client = reqwest::r#async::Client::new(); client .get(&format!( "http://localhost:{}/rates", node.http_bind_address.port() )) .send() .map_err(|err| panic!(err)) .and_then(move |mut res| { let content = res.text().wait().expect("Error getting response!"); assert!(res.error_for_status_ref().is_ok(), "{}", &content); let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&content) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not parse JSON! JSON: {}", &content)); if let Value::Object(rates) = json { if let Value::Number(num) = rates.get("XRP").expect("XRP was expected") { assert!(relative_eq!( XRP_RATE, num.as_f64().expect("rate is expected to be f64"), epsilon = std::f64::EPSILON )); } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } if let Value::Number(num) = rates.get("ETH").expect("ETH was expected") { assert!(relative_eq!( ETH_RATE, num.as_f64().expect("rate is expected to be f64"), epsilon = std::f64::EPSILON )); } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } Ok(node) }) }; let get_routes = move |node: InterledgerNode| { // GET /routes let client = reqwest::r#async::Client::new(); client .get(&format!( "http://localhost:{}/routes", node.http_bind_address.port() )) .send() .map_err(|err| panic!(err)) .and_then(move |mut res| { let content = res.text().wait().expect("Error getting response!"); assert!(res.error_for_status_ref().is_ok(), "{}", &content); let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&content) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not parse JSON! JSON: {}", &content)); if let Value::Object(_rates) = json { // nothing so far } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } Ok(node) }) }; // This is not a part of the tests. This is tested in ``. let post_accounts = move |node: InterledgerNode| { // POST /accounts let client = reqwest::r#async::Client::new(); client .post(&format!( "http://localhost:{}/accounts", node.http_bind_address.port() )) .header( "Authorization", &format!("Bearer {}", node.admin_auth_token), ) .json(&json!({ "username": USERNAME, "asset_code": ASSET_CODE, "asset_scale": ASSET_SCALE })) .send() .map_err(|err| panic!(err)) .and_then(|mut res| { let content = res.text().wait().expect("Error getting response!"); assert!(res.error_for_status_ref().is_ok(), "{}", &content); let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&content) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not parse JSON! JSON: {}", &content)); if let Value::Object(account) = json { account .get("id") .map(|value| match value { Value::String(string) => string, _ => panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content), }) .expect("id was expected"); let ilp_address = account .get("ilp_address") .map(|value| match value { Value::String(string) => string, _ => panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content), }) .expect("ilp_address was expected"); Ok((node, ilp_address.to_owned())) } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } }) }; let put_routes_static = move |(node, ilp_address): (InterledgerNode, String)| { // PUT /routes/static let client = reqwest::r#async::Client::new(); client .put(&format!( "http://localhost:{}/routes/static", node.http_bind_address.port() )) .header( "Authorization", &format!("Bearer {}", node.admin_auth_token), ) .json(&json!({ "example.a": USERNAME, "example.b": USERNAME, "example.c": USERNAME, })) .send() .map_err(|err| panic!(err)) .and_then(move |mut res| { let content = res.text().wait().expect("Error getting response!"); assert!(res.error_for_status_ref().is_ok(), "{}", &content); let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&content) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not parse JSON! JSON: {}", &content)); if let Value::Object(account) = json { assert_eq!( account.get("example.a").expect("example.a was expected"), USERNAME, ); assert_eq!( account.get("example.b").expect("example.b was expected"), USERNAME, ); assert_eq!( account.get("example.c").expect("example.c was expected"), USERNAME, ); } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } Ok((node, ilp_address)) }) }; let put_routes_static_prefix = move |(node, ilp_address): (InterledgerNode, String)| { // PUT /routes/static/:prefix let client = reqwest::r#async::Client::new(); client .put(&format!( "http://localhost:{}/routes/static/{}", node.http_bind_address.port(), ilp_address )) .header( "Authorization", &format!("Bearer {}", node.admin_auth_token), ) .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(USERNAME) .send() .map_err(|err| panic!(err)) .and_then(move |mut res| { let content = res.text().wait().expect("Error getting response!"); assert!(res.error_for_status_ref().is_ok(), "{}", &content); assert_eq!(content, USERNAME); Ok((node, ilp_address)) }) }; // Should cause Unauthorized let put_routes_static_prefix_unauthorized = move |(node, ilp_address): (InterledgerNode, String)| { // PUT /routes/static/:prefix let client = reqwest::r#async::Client::new(); client .put(&format!( "http://localhost:{}/routes/static/{}", node.http_bind_address.port(), ilp_address )) .header("Authorization", &format!("Bearer {}", "wrong_token")) .body(Body::from(USERNAME)) .send() .map_err(|err| panic!(err)) .and_then(move |mut res| { let content = res.text().wait().expect("Error getting response!"); let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&content) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not parse JSON! JSON: {}", &content)); if let Value::Object(account) = json { assert_eq!( account.get("status").expect("status was expected"), &Value::Number(Number::from(http::StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED.as_u16())) ); } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } Ok(node) }) }; // The API can't find the settlement engine actually but it is OK because // this is just testing if the API correctly accepts the requests or not. let put_settlement_engines = move |node: InterledgerNode| { // PUT /settlement/engines let client = reqwest::r#async::Client::new(); client .put(&format!( "http://localhost:{}/settlement/engines", node.http_bind_address.port() )) .header( "Authorization", &format!("Bearer {}", node.admin_auth_token), ) .json(&json!({ SETTLEMENT_ENGINE_ASSET_CODE: SETTLEMENT_ENGINE_URL, })) .send() .map_err(|err| panic!(err)) .and_then(move |mut res| { let content = res.text().wait().expect("Error getting response!"); assert!(res.error_for_status_ref().is_ok(), "{}", &content); let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&content) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not parse JSON! JSON: {}", &content)); if let Value::Object(account) = json { assert_eq!( account .get(SETTLEMENT_ENGINE_ASSET_CODE) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!( "{} was expected", SETTLEMENT_ENGINE_ASSET_CODE )), &Value::String(SETTLEMENT_ENGINE_URL.to_owned()) ); } else { panic!("Invalid response JSON! {}", &content); } Ok(node) }) }; runtime .block_on( node_to_serve .serve() .and_then(node_context) .and_then(get_root) .and_then(put_rates) .and_then(get_rates) .and_then(get_routes) .and_then(post_accounts) .and_then(put_routes_static) .and_then(put_routes_static_prefix) .and_then(put_routes_static_prefix_unauthorized) .and_then(put_settlement_engines), ) .expect("Could not spin up node and tests."); }