use imagepipe::{Pipeline, ImageSource}; use image::{ImageBuffer, DynamicImage}; fn roundtrip_8bit(fast: bool) { // Create a source with all possibilities of u8 (R,G,B) pixels let mut image_data: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(256 * 256 * 256 * 3); for r in 0..=u8::MAX { for g in 0..=u8::MAX { for b in 0..=u8::MAX { image_data.push(r); image_data.push(g); image_data.push(b); } } } let image = ImageBuffer::from_raw(4096, 4096, image_data.clone()).unwrap(); let source = ImageSource::Other(DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(image)); let mut pipeline = Pipeline::new_from_source(source).unwrap(); pipeline.globals.settings.use_fastpath = fast; let decoded = pipeline.output_8bit(None).unwrap(); for (pixin, pixout) in image_data.chunks_exact(3).zip( { assert_eq!(pixout, pixin); } } #[test] fn roundtrip_8bit_fastpath() { roundtrip_8bit(true); } #[test] fn roundtrip_8bit_slowpath() { roundtrip_8bit(false); } fn roundtrip_16bit(fast: bool) { let mut start = (0,0,0); loop { // Create a source with a bunch of possibilities of u16 (R,G,B) pixels // We need to do this in blocks or we'd end up allocating huge buffers let mut image_data: Vec = vec![0; 256 * 256 * 256 * 3]; let mut pos = 0; let mut newstart = None; 'outer: for r in (start.0..=u16::MAX).step_by(89) { for g in (start.1..=u16::MAX).step_by(97) { for b in (start.2..=u16::MAX).step_by(101) { if pos >= image_data.len() { newstart = Some((r,g,b)); break 'outer } image_data[pos+0] = r; image_data[pos+1] = g; image_data[pos+2] = b; pos += 3; } } } let image = ImageBuffer::from_raw(4096, 4096, image_data.clone()).unwrap(); let source = ImageSource::Other(DynamicImage::ImageRgb16(image)); let mut pipeline = Pipeline::new_from_source(source).unwrap(); pipeline.globals.settings.use_fastpath = fast; let decoded = pipeline.output_16bit(None).unwrap(); for (pixin, pixout) in image_data.chunks_exact(3).zip( { assert_eq!(pixout, pixin); } if let Some(newstart) = newstart { start = newstart; } else { break; } } } #[test] fn roundtrip_16bit_fastpath() { roundtrip_16bit(true); } #[test] fn roundtrip_16bit_slowpath() { roundtrip_16bit(false); }