extern crate chrono; extern crate imap; extern crate lettre; extern crate native_tls; use chrono::{FixedOffset, TimeZone}; use lettre::Transport; use std::net::TcpStream; use crate::imap::extensions::sort::{SortCharset, SortCriterion}; use crate::imap::types::Mailbox; use crate::imap::{Connection, ConnectionMode}; fn test_host() -> String { std::env::var("TEST_HOST").unwrap_or("".to_string()) } fn test_smtp_host() -> String { std::env::var("TEST_SMTP_HOST") .unwrap_or_else(|_| std::env::var("TEST_HOST").unwrap_or("".to_string())) } fn test_imap_port() -> u16 { std::env::var("TEST_IMAP_PORT") .unwrap_or("3143".to_string()) .parse() .unwrap_or(3143) } fn test_imaps_port() -> u16 { std::env::var("TEST_IMAPS_PORT") .unwrap_or("3993".to_string()) .parse() .unwrap_or(3993) } fn test_smtps_port() -> u16 { std::env::var("TEST_SMTPS_PORT") .unwrap_or("3465".to_string()) .parse() .unwrap_or(3465) } fn clean_mailbox(session: &mut imap::Session) { session.select("INBOX").unwrap(); let inbox = session.search("ALL").unwrap(); if !inbox.is_empty() { session .store( inbox .iter() .map(|d| d.to_string()) .collect::>() .join(","), "+FLAGS (\\Deleted)", ) .unwrap(); } session.expunge().unwrap(); } fn wait_for_delivery() { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500)); } fn session_with_options(user: &str, clean: bool) -> imap::Session { let host = test_host(); let mut s = imap::ClientBuilder::new(&host, test_imaps_port()) .mode(ConnectionMode::Tls) .danger_skip_tls_verify(true) .connect() .unwrap() .login(user, user) .unwrap(); s.debug = true; if clean { clean_mailbox(&mut s); } s } fn get_greeting() -> String { let host = test_host(); let tcp = TcpStream::connect((host.as_ref(), test_imap_port())).unwrap(); let mut client = imap::Client::new(tcp); let greeting = client.read_greeting().unwrap(); String::from_utf8(greeting).unwrap() } fn delete_mailbox(s: &mut imap::Session, mailbox: &str) { // we are silently eating any error (e.g. mailbox does not exist) s.set_acl( mailbox, "cyrus", &"x".try_into().unwrap(), imap::types::AclModifyMode::Replace, ) .unwrap_or(()); s.delete(mailbox).unwrap_or(()); } fn session(user: &str) -> imap::Session { session_with_options(user, true) } fn smtp(user: &str) -> lettre::SmtpTransport { use lettre::{ transport::smtp::{ authentication::Credentials, client::{Tls, TlsParameters}, }, SmtpTransport, }; let creds = Credentials::new(user.to_string(), user.to_string()); let hostname = test_smtp_host(); let tls = TlsParameters::builder(hostname.clone()) .dangerous_accept_invalid_certs(true) .dangerous_accept_invalid_hostnames(true) .build() .unwrap(); SmtpTransport::builder_dangerous(hostname) .port(test_smtps_port()) .tls(Tls::Wrapper(tls)) .credentials(creds) .build() } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "test-full-imap")] fn connect_insecure_then_secure() { let host = test_host(); // Not supported on greenmail because of https://github.com/greenmail-mail-test/greenmail/issues/135 imap::ClientBuilder::new(&host, test_imap_port()) .mode(ConnectionMode::StartTls) .danger_skip_tls_verify(true) .connect() .unwrap(); } #[test] fn connect_secure() { let host = test_host(); imap::ClientBuilder::new(&host, test_imaps_port()) .mode(ConnectionMode::Tls) .danger_skip_tls_verify(true) .connect() .unwrap(); } #[test] fn login() { session("readonly-test@localhost"); } #[test] fn logout() { let mut s = session("readonly-test@localhost"); s.logout().unwrap(); } #[test] fn inbox_zero() { // https://github.com/greenmail-mail-test/greenmail/issues/265 let mut s = session("readonly-test@localhost"); s.select("INBOX").unwrap(); let inbox = s.search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 0); } #[test] fn inbox() { let to = "inbox@localhost"; // first log in so we'll see the unsolicited e-mails let mut c = session(to); c.select("INBOX").unwrap(); // then send the e-mail let s = smtp(to); let e = lettre::message::Message::builder() .from("sender@localhost".parse().unwrap()) .to(to.parse().unwrap()) .subject("My first e-mail") .body("Hello world from SMTP".to_string()) .unwrap(); s.send(&e.into()).unwrap(); // send a second e-mail let e = lettre::message::Message::builder() .from("sender2@localhost".parse().unwrap()) .to(to.parse().unwrap()) .subject("My second e-mail") .body("Hello world from SMTP".to_string()) .unwrap(); s.send(&e.into()).unwrap(); wait_for_delivery(); // now we should see the e-mails! let inbox = c.search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 2); assert!(inbox.contains(&1)); assert!(inbox.contains(&2)); // we should also get two unsolicited responses: Exists and Recent c.noop().unwrap(); let mut unsolicited = Vec::new(); while let Ok(m) = c.unsolicited_responses.try_recv() { unsolicited.push(m); } assert_eq!(unsolicited.len(), 2); assert!(unsolicited .iter() .any(|m| m == &imap::types::UnsolicitedResponse::Exists(2))); assert!(unsolicited .iter() .any(|m| m == &imap::types::UnsolicitedResponse::Recent(2))); // let's see that we can also fetch the e-mails let fetch = c.fetch("1", "(ENVELOPE INTERNALDATE UID)").unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.len(), 1); let fetch = fetch.iter().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.message, 1); assert_ne!(fetch.uid, None); let e = fetch.envelope().unwrap(); assert_eq!(e.subject, Some(b"My first e-mail"[..].into())); assert_ne!(e.from, None); assert_eq!(e.from.as_ref().unwrap().len(), 1); let from = &e.from.as_ref().unwrap()[0]; assert_eq!(from.mailbox, Some(b"sender"[..].into())); assert_eq!(from.host, Some(b"localhost"[..].into())); assert_ne!(e.to, None); assert_eq!(e.to.as_ref().unwrap().len(), 1); let to = &e.to.as_ref().unwrap()[0]; assert_eq!(to.mailbox, Some(b"inbox"[..].into())); assert_eq!(to.host, Some(b"localhost"[..].into())); let date_opt = fetch.internal_date(); assert!(date_opt.is_some()); let inbox = c.search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 2); // e-mails should be sorted by subject let inbox = c .sort(&[SortCriterion::Subject], SortCharset::UsAscii, "ALL") .unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 2); let mut sort = inbox.iter(); assert_eq!(sort.next().unwrap(), &1); assert_eq!(sort.next().unwrap(), &2); // e-mails should be reverse sorted by subject let inbox = c .sort( &[SortCriterion::Reverse(&SortCriterion::Subject)], SortCharset::Utf8, "ALL", ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 2); let mut sort = inbox.iter(); assert_eq!(sort.next().unwrap(), &2); assert_eq!(sort.next().unwrap(), &1); // the number of reverse does not change the order // one or more Reverse implies a reversed result let inbox = c .sort( &[SortCriterion::Reverse(&SortCriterion::Reverse( &SortCriterion::Reverse(&SortCriterion::Subject), ))], SortCharset::Custom("UTF-8".into()), "ALL", ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 2); let mut sort = inbox.iter(); assert_eq!(sort.next().unwrap(), &2); assert_eq!(sort.next().unwrap(), &1); // let's delete them to clean up c.store("1,2", "+FLAGS (\\Deleted)").unwrap(); c.expunge().unwrap(); // e-mails should be gone now let inbox = c.search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 0); let inbox = c .sort(&[SortCriterion::Subject], SortCharset::Utf8, "ALL") .unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 0); } #[test] fn inbox_uid() { let to = "inbox-uid@localhost"; // first log in so we'll see the unsolicited e-mails let mut c = session(to); c.select("INBOX").unwrap(); // then send the e-mail let s = smtp(to); let e = lettre::message::Message::builder() .from("sender@localhost".parse().unwrap()) .to(to.parse().unwrap()) .subject("My first e-mail") .body("Hello world from SMTP".to_string()) .unwrap(); s.send(&e.into()).unwrap(); wait_for_delivery(); // now we should see the e-mail! let inbox = c .uid_sort(&[SortCriterion::Subject], SortCharset::Utf8, "ALL") .unwrap(); // and the one message should have the first message sequence number assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 1); let uid = inbox.into_iter().next().unwrap(); // we should also get two unsolicited responses: Exists and Recent c.noop().unwrap(); let mut unsolicited = Vec::new(); while let Ok(m) = c.unsolicited_responses.try_recv() { unsolicited.push(m); } assert_eq!(unsolicited.len(), 2); assert!(unsolicited .iter() .any(|m| m == &imap::types::UnsolicitedResponse::Exists(1))); assert!(unsolicited .iter() .any(|m| m == &imap::types::UnsolicitedResponse::Recent(1))); // let's see that we can also fetch the e-mail let fetch = c .uid_fetch(format!("{}", uid), "(ENVELOPE INTERNALDATE FLAGS UID)") .unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.len(), 1); let fetch = fetch.iter().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.uid, Some(uid)); let e = fetch.envelope().unwrap(); assert_eq!(e.subject, Some(b"My first e-mail"[..].into())); let date_opt = fetch.internal_date(); assert!(date_opt.is_some()); // and let's delete it to clean up c.uid_store(format!("{}", uid), "+FLAGS (\\Deleted)") .unwrap(); c.expunge().unwrap(); // the e-mail should be gone now let inbox = c.search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 0); } #[test] #[ignore] fn list() { let mut s = session("readonly-test@localhost"); s.select("INBOX").unwrap(); let subdirs = s.list(None, Some("%")).unwrap(); assert_eq!(subdirs.len(), 1); // TODO: make a subdir } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "test-full-imap")] fn list_status() { let mut s = session("readonly-test@localhost"); let extnames = s.list_status(None, Some("*"), "(HIGHESTMODSEQ)").unwrap(); assert_eq!(extnames.len(), 1); let (name, status) = extnames.get(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(name.name(), "INBOX"); assert!(status.is_some()); assert!(status.as_ref().unwrap().highest_mod_seq.is_some()); } #[test] fn append() { let to = "inbox-append1@localhost"; // make a message to append let e: lettre::Message = lettre::message::Message::builder() .from("sender@localhost".parse().unwrap()) .to(to.parse().unwrap()) .subject("My second e-mail") .body("Hello world".to_string()) .unwrap() .into(); // connect let mut c = session(to); let mbox = "INBOX"; c.select(mbox).unwrap(); //append c.append(mbox, &e.formatted()).finish().unwrap(); // now we should see the e-mail! let inbox = c.uid_search("ALL").unwrap(); // and the one message should have the first message sequence number assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 1); let uid = inbox.into_iter().next().unwrap(); // fetch the e-mail let fetch = c.uid_fetch(format!("{}", uid), "(ENVELOPE UID)").unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.len(), 1); let fetch = fetch.iter().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.uid, Some(uid)); let e = fetch.envelope().unwrap(); assert_eq!(e.subject, Some(b"My second e-mail"[..].into())); // and let's delete it to clean up c.uid_store(format!("{}", uid), "+FLAGS (\\Deleted)") .unwrap(); c.expunge().unwrap(); // the e-mail should be gone now let inbox = c.search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 0); } #[test] fn append_with_flags() { use imap::types::Flag; let to = "inbox-append2@localhost"; // make a message to append let e: lettre::Message = lettre::message::Message::builder() .from("sender@localhost".parse().unwrap()) .to(to.parse().unwrap()) .subject("My third e-mail") .body("Hello world".to_string()) .unwrap() .into(); // connect let mut c = session(to); let mbox = "INBOX"; c.select(mbox).unwrap(); //append let flags = vec![Flag::Seen, Flag::Flagged]; c.append(mbox, &e.formatted()) .flags(flags) .finish() .unwrap(); // now we should see the e-mail! let inbox = c.uid_search("ALL").unwrap(); // and the one message should have the first message sequence number assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 1); let uid = inbox.into_iter().next().unwrap(); // fetch the e-mail let fetch = c .uid_fetch(format!("{}", uid), "(ENVELOPE FLAGS UID)") .unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.len(), 1); let fetch = fetch.iter().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.uid, Some(uid)); let e = fetch.envelope().unwrap(); assert_eq!(e.subject, Some(b"My third e-mail"[..].into())); // check the flags let setflags = fetch.flags(); assert!(setflags.contains(&Flag::Seen)); assert!(setflags.contains(&Flag::Flagged)); // and let's delete it to clean up c.uid_store(format!("{}", uid), "+FLAGS (\\Deleted)") .unwrap(); c.expunge().unwrap(); // the e-mail should be gone now let inbox = c.search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 0); } #[test] fn append_with_flags_and_date() { use imap::types::Flag; let to = "inbox-append3@localhost"; // make a message to append let e: lettre::Message = lettre::message::Message::builder() .from("sender@localhost".parse().unwrap()) .to(to.parse().unwrap()) .subject("My third e-mail") .body("Hello world".to_string()) .unwrap() .into(); // connect let mut c = session(to); let mbox = "INBOX"; c.select(mbox).unwrap(); // append #[allow(deprecated)] // ymd_opt is deprecated in chrono 0.4.23 and replace with new with_ymd_and_hms let date = FixedOffset::east_opt(8 * 3600) .unwrap() .ymd_opt(2020, 12, 13) .and_hms_opt(13, 36, 36) .unwrap(); c.append(mbox, &e.formatted()) .flag(Flag::Seen) .flag(Flag::Flagged) .internal_date(date) .finish() .unwrap(); // now we should see the e-mail! let inbox = c.uid_search("ALL").unwrap(); // and the one message should have the first message sequence number assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 1); let uid = inbox.into_iter().next().unwrap(); // fetch the e-mail let fetch = c .uid_fetch(format!("{}", uid), "(INTERNALDATE UID)") .unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.len(), 1); let fetch = fetch.iter().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.uid, Some(uid)); assert_eq!(fetch.internal_date(), Some(date)); // and let's delete it to clean up c.uid_store(format!("{}", uid), "+FLAGS (\\Deleted)") .unwrap(); c.expunge().unwrap(); // the e-mail should be gone now let inbox = c.search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 0); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "test-full-imap")] fn acl_tests() { use imap::types::AclModifyMode; let user_friend = "inbox-acl-friend@localhost"; let user_me = "inbox-acl@localhost"; // ensure we have this user by logging in once session(user_friend); let mut s_me = session(user_me); let acl = s_me.get_acl("INBOX").unwrap(); // one ACL // assert_eq!(acl.acls().len(), 1); // ACL is for me assert_eq!(acl.parsed().acls()[0].identifier, user_me); // ACL has administration rights assert!(acl.parsed().acls()[0].rights.contains('a')); // Grant read to friend let ret = s_me.set_acl( "INBOX", user_friend, &"lr".try_into().unwrap(), AclModifyMode::Replace, ); assert!(ret.is_ok()); // Check rights again let acl = s_me.get_acl("INBOX").unwrap(); assert_eq!(acl.parsed().acls().len(), 2); let idx = acl .parsed() .acls() .binary_search_by(|e| (*e.identifier).cmp(user_friend)) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(acl.parsed().acls()[idx].rights, "lr".try_into().unwrap()); // Add "p" right (post) let ret = s_me.set_acl( "INBOX", user_friend, &"p".try_into().unwrap(), AclModifyMode::Add, ); assert!(ret.is_ok()); // Check rights again let acl = s_me.get_acl("INBOX").unwrap(); assert_eq!(acl.parsed().acls().len(), 2); let idx = acl .parsed() .acls() .binary_search_by(|e| (*e.identifier).cmp(user_friend)) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(acl.parsed().acls()[idx].rights, "lrp".try_into().unwrap()); // remove "p" right (post) let ret = s_me.set_acl( "INBOX", user_friend, &"p".try_into().unwrap(), AclModifyMode::Remove, ); assert!(ret.is_ok()); // Check rights again let acl = s_me.get_acl("INBOX").unwrap(); assert_eq!(acl.parsed().acls().len(), 2); let idx = acl .parsed() .acls() .binary_search_by(|e| (*e.identifier).cmp(user_friend)) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(acl.parsed().acls()[idx].rights, "lr".try_into().unwrap()); // Delete rights for friend let ret = s_me.delete_acl("INBOX", user_friend); assert!(ret.is_ok()); // Check rights again let acl = s_me.get_acl("INBOX").unwrap(); assert_eq!(acl.parsed().acls().len(), 1); assert_eq!(acl.parsed().acls()[0].identifier, user_me); // List rights let acl = s_me.list_rights("INBOX", user_friend).unwrap(); assert_eq!(acl.parsed().mailbox(), "INBOX"); assert_eq!(acl.parsed().identifier(), user_friend); assert!(acl.parsed().optional().contains('0')); assert!(!acl.parsed().required().contains('0')); // My Rights let acl = s_me.my_rights("INBOX").unwrap(); assert_eq!(acl.parsed().mailbox(), "INBOX"); assert!(acl.parsed().rights().contains('a')); } #[test] fn status() { let mut s = session("readonly-test@localhost"); // Test all valid fields except HIGHESTMODSEQ, which apparently // isn't supported by the IMAP server used for this test. let mb = s .status("INBOX", "(MESSAGES RECENT UIDNEXT UIDVALIDITY UNSEEN)") .unwrap(); assert_eq!(mb.flags, Vec::new()); assert_eq!(mb.exists, 0); assert_eq!(mb.recent, 0); assert!(mb.unseen.is_some()); assert_eq!(mb.permanent_flags, Vec::new()); assert!(mb.uid_next.is_some()); assert!(mb.uid_validity.is_some()); assert_eq!(mb.highest_mod_seq, None); assert_eq!(mb.is_read_only, false); // If we only request one field, we should only get one field // back. (A server could legally send an unsolicited STATUS // response, but this one won't.) let mb = s.status("INBOX", "(MESSAGES)").unwrap(); let mut expected = Mailbox::default(); expected.exists = 0; assert_eq!(mb, expected); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "test-full-imap")] fn qresync() { // Ignored because Greenmail does not support QRESYNC. Does work with Cyrus, though. let to = "inbox-qresync@localhost"; // make a message to append let e: lettre::Message = lettre::message::Message::builder() .from("sender@localhost".parse().unwrap()) .to(to.parse().unwrap()) .subject("QRESYNC test mail") .body("Hello world".to_string()) .unwrap() .into(); let mut s = session(to); // Enable extension s.run_command_and_read_response("ENABLE QRESYNC").unwrap(); // Add an email and get its UID let mbox = "INBOX"; s.select(mbox).unwrap(); s.append(mbox, &e.formatted()).finish().unwrap(); let inbox = s.uid_search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 1); let uid = inbox.into_iter().next().unwrap(); // Mark it as deleted let fetches = s .uid_store(format!("{}", uid), "+FLAGS.SILENT (\\Deleted)") .unwrap(); // Assert that MODSEQ attribute is returned for f in fetches.iter() { assert_ne!(f.mod_seq(), None); } // Expunge it let r = s.uid_expunge(format!("{}", uid)).unwrap(); // Assert that the new highest mod sequence is being returned assert_ne!(r.mod_seq, None); } fn assert_quota_resource( resource: &imap::types::QuotaResource, name: imap::types::QuotaResourceName, limit: u64, usage: Option, ) { assert_eq!(resource.name, name); if let Some(usage) = usage { assert_eq!(resource.usage, usage); } assert_eq!(resource.limit, limit); } #[test] fn quota() { use imap::types::{QuotaResourceLimit, QuotaResourceName}; let greeting = get_greeting(); let is_greenmail = greeting.find("Cyrus").is_none(); let to = "inbox-quota@localhost"; if is_greenmail { let mut c = session(to); // Set a quota c.set_quota("INBOX", &[QuotaResourceLimit::new("STORAGE", 1000)]) .unwrap(); // Check it let quota_root = c.get_quota_root("INBOX").unwrap(); assert_eq!(quota_root.mailbox_name(), "INBOX"); let root_names = quota_root.quota_root_names().collect::>(); // not sure why, but greenmail returns no quota root names assert_eq!(root_names, Vec::<&str>::new()); assert_eq!(quota_root.quotas().len(), 1); let quota = quota_root.quotas().first().unwrap(); assert_eq!(quota.root_name, "INBOX"); assert_quota_resource( "a.resources[0], QuotaResourceName::Storage, 1000, Some(0), ); // TODO no reliable way to delete a quota from greenmail other than resetting the whole system // Deleting a mailbox or user in greenmail does not remove the quota } else { // because we are cyrus we can "test" the admin account for checking the GET/SET commands // the clean: false is because the cyrus admin user has no INBOX. let mut admin = session_with_options("cyrus", false); // purge mailbox from previous run delete_mailbox(&mut admin, "user/inbox-quota@localhost"); let mut c = session(to); let quota_root = c.get_quota_root("INBOX").unwrap(); assert_eq!(quota_root.mailbox_name(), "INBOX"); let root_names = quota_root.quota_root_names().collect::>(); assert_eq!(root_names, vec!["INBOX"]); let quota = quota_root.quotas().first().unwrap(); assert_eq!(quota.root_name, "INBOX"); assert_quota_resource( "a.resources[0], QuotaResourceName::Storage, 1000, Some(0), ); let update = admin .set_quota( "user/inbox-quota@localhost", &[QuotaResourceLimit::new(QuotaResourceName::Storage, 500)], ) .unwrap(); // Cyrus does not return the quota root definition on modification assert_eq!(update.parsed(), &None); let quota_response = admin.get_quota("user/inbox-quota@localhost").unwrap(); let quota = quota_response.parsed().as_ref().unwrap(); assert_eq!(quota.root_name, "user/inbox-quota@localhost"); assert_eq!(quota.resources.len(), 1); assert_quota_resource( "a.resources[0], QuotaResourceName::Storage, 500, Some(0), ); } }