jobs: - job: test displayName: cargo test --{examples,doc,lib} strategy: matrix: Linux-stable: vmImage: ubuntu-latest rust: stable Linux-beta: vmImage: ubuntu-latest rust: beta Linux-nightly: vmImage: ubuntu-latest rust: nightly MacOS: vmImage: macOS-10.14 rust: stable Windows: vmImage: windows-2019 rust: stable continueOnError: $[eq(variables.rust, 'nightly')] pool: vmImage: $(vmImage) steps: - template: install-rust.yml@templates parameters: rust: $(rust) components: - rustfmt - clippy - script: cargo check --all-targets displayName: cargo check - script: cargo test --examples displayName: cargo test --examples - script: cargo test --doc displayName: cargo test --doc - script: cargo test --lib displayName: cargo test --lib - script: cargo fmt --all -- --check displayName: cargo fmt --check condition: and(eq( variables['rust'], 'beta' ), eq( variables['Agent.OS'], 'Linux' )) - script: cargo clippy -- -D warnings displayName: cargo clippy condition: and(eq( variables['rust'], 'beta' ), eq( variables['Agent.OS'], 'Linux' )) # This represents the minimum Rust version supported. # Tests are not run as tests may require newer versions of rust. - job: msrv pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest displayName: "Minimum supported Rust version: 1.40.0" dependsOn: [] steps: - template: install-rust.yml@templates parameters: rust: 1.40.0 # static-assertions (1.37+) and base64 (1.40+) - script: cargo check displayName: cargo check - job: integration displayName: cargo test --tests pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest services: greenmail: greenmail steps: - template: install-rust.yml@templates - script: cargo test --tests displayName: cargo test # # - template: coverage.yml@templates # parameters: # token: $(CODECOV_TOKEN_SECRET) # services: # greenmail: greenmail # envs: # TEST_HOST: greenmail resources: repositories: - repository: templates type: github name: crate-ci/azure-pipelines ref: refs/heads/v0.4 endpoint: jonhoo containers: - container: greenmail image: greenmail/standalone:1.5.13 ports: - 3025:3025 - 3110:3110 - 3143:3143 - 3465:3465 - 3993:3993 - 3995:3995 env: GREENMAIL_OPTS: "-Dgreenmail.setup.test.all -Dgreenmail.hostname= -Dgreenmail.auth.disabled -Dgreenmail.verbose"