/// PATCH_FOR_ASYNC_IMAP_LITE [edit] extern crate imap_patch_for_async_imap_lite as imap; extern crate lettre; extern crate lettre_email; extern crate native_tls; use lettre::Transport; use std::net::TcpStream; fn tls() -> native_tls::TlsConnector { native_tls::TlsConnector::builder() .danger_accept_invalid_certs(true) .danger_accept_invalid_hostnames(true) .build() .unwrap() } fn session(user: &str) -> imap::Session> { let mut s = imap::connect( &format!( "{}:3993", std::env::var("TEST_HOST").unwrap_or("".to_string()) ), "imap.example.com", &tls(), ) .unwrap() .login(user, user) .unwrap(); s.debug = true; s } fn smtp(user: &str) -> lettre::SmtpTransport { let creds = lettre::smtp::authentication::Credentials::new(user.to_string(), user.to_string()); lettre::SmtpClient::new( &format!( "{}:3465", std::env::var("TEST_HOST").unwrap_or("".to_string()) ), lettre::ClientSecurity::Wrapper(lettre::ClientTlsParameters { connector: tls(), domain: "smpt.example.com".to_string(), }), ) .unwrap() .credentials(creds) .transport() } #[test] #[ignore] fn connect_insecure_then_secure() { let host = std::env::var("TEST_HOST").unwrap_or("".to_string()); let stream = TcpStream::connect((host.as_ref(), 3143)).unwrap(); // ignored because of https://github.com/greenmail-mail-test/greenmail/issues/135 imap::Client::new(stream) .secure("imap.example.com", &tls()) .unwrap(); } #[test] fn connect_secure() { imap::connect( &format!( "{}:3993", std::env::var("TEST_HOST").unwrap_or("".to_string()) ), "imap.example.com", &tls(), ) .unwrap(); } #[test] fn login() { session("readonly-test@localhost"); } #[test] fn logout() { let mut s = session("readonly-test@localhost"); s.logout().unwrap(); } #[test] fn inbox_zero() { // https://github.com/greenmail-mail-test/greenmail/issues/265 let mut s = session("readonly-test@localhost"); s.select("INBOX").unwrap(); let inbox = s.search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 0); } #[test] fn inbox() { let to = "inbox@localhost"; // first log in so we'll see the unsolicited e-mails let mut c = session(to); c.select("INBOX").unwrap(); // then send the e-mail let mut s = smtp(to); let e = lettre_email::Email::builder() .from("sender@localhost") .to(to) .subject("My first e-mail") .text("Hello world from SMTP") .build() .unwrap(); s.send(e.into()).unwrap(); // now we should see the e-mail! let inbox = c.search("ALL").unwrap(); // and the one message should have the first message sequence number assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 1); assert!(inbox.contains(&1)); // we should also get two unsolicited responses: Exists and Recent c.noop().unwrap(); let mut unsolicited = Vec::new(); while let Ok(m) = c.unsolicited_responses.try_recv() { unsolicited.push(m); } assert_eq!(unsolicited.len(), 2); assert!(unsolicited .iter() .any(|m| m == &imap::types::UnsolicitedResponse::Exists(1))); assert!(unsolicited .iter() .any(|m| m == &imap::types::UnsolicitedResponse::Recent(1))); // let's see that we can also fetch the e-mail let fetch = c.fetch("1", "(ALL UID)").unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.len(), 1); let fetch = &fetch[0]; assert_eq!(fetch.message, 1); assert_ne!(fetch.uid, None); assert_eq!(fetch.size, Some(138)); let e = fetch.envelope().unwrap(); assert_eq!(e.subject, Some(&b"My first e-mail"[..])); assert_ne!(e.from, None); assert_eq!(e.from.as_ref().unwrap().len(), 1); let from = &e.from.as_ref().unwrap()[0]; assert_eq!(from.mailbox, Some(&b"sender"[..])); assert_eq!(from.host, Some(&b"localhost"[..])); assert_ne!(e.to, None); assert_eq!(e.to.as_ref().unwrap().len(), 1); let to = &e.to.as_ref().unwrap()[0]; assert_eq!(to.mailbox, Some(&b"inbox"[..])); assert_eq!(to.host, Some(&b"localhost"[..])); let date_opt = fetch.internal_date(); assert!(date_opt.is_some()); // and let's delete it to clean up c.store("1", "+FLAGS (\\Deleted)").unwrap(); c.expunge().unwrap(); // the e-mail should be gone now let inbox = c.search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 0); } #[test] fn inbox_uid() { let to = "inbox-uid@localhost"; // first log in so we'll see the unsolicited e-mails let mut c = session(to); c.select("INBOX").unwrap(); // then send the e-mail let mut s = smtp(to); let e = lettre_email::Email::builder() .from("sender@localhost") .to(to) .subject("My first e-mail") .text("Hello world from SMTP") .build() .unwrap(); s.send(e.into()).unwrap(); // now we should see the e-mail! let inbox = c.uid_search("ALL").unwrap(); // and the one message should have the first message sequence number assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 1); let uid = inbox.into_iter().next().unwrap(); // we should also get two unsolicited responses: Exists and Recent c.noop().unwrap(); let mut unsolicited = Vec::new(); while let Ok(m) = c.unsolicited_responses.try_recv() { unsolicited.push(m); } assert_eq!(unsolicited.len(), 2); assert!(unsolicited .iter() .any(|m| m == &imap::types::UnsolicitedResponse::Exists(1))); assert!(unsolicited .iter() .any(|m| m == &imap::types::UnsolicitedResponse::Recent(1))); // let's see that we can also fetch the e-mail let fetch = c.uid_fetch(format!("{}", uid), "(ALL UID)").unwrap(); assert_eq!(fetch.len(), 1); let fetch = &fetch[0]; assert_eq!(fetch.uid, Some(uid)); let e = fetch.envelope().unwrap(); assert_eq!(e.subject, Some(&b"My first e-mail"[..])); let date_opt = fetch.internal_date(); assert!(date_opt.is_some()); // and let's delete it to clean up c.uid_store(format!("{}", uid), "+FLAGS (\\Deleted)") .unwrap(); c.expunge().unwrap(); // the e-mail should be gone now let inbox = c.search("ALL").unwrap(); assert_eq!(inbox.len(), 0); } #[test] #[ignore] fn list() { let mut s = session("readonly-test@localhost"); s.select("INBOX").unwrap(); let subdirs = s.list(None, Some("%")).unwrap(); assert_eq!(subdirs.len(), 0); // TODO: make a subdir }