### Analyzing the BODYSTRUCTURE data stream within the IMAP protocol. ###### Example Extract BODYSTRUCTURE ```rust use imap_bodystructure::{extractor, parser::*}; fn main() { let text = br#"* 50000 FETCH (BODYSTRUCTURE ("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "utf-8") NIL NIL "8BIT" 393 9 NIL NIL NIL))"#.to_vec(); let bodystructure_text = extractor::extract_bodystructure(&text); assert_eq!(bodystructure_text, br#"BODYSTRUCTURE ("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "utf-8") NIL NIL "8BIT" 393 9 NIL NIL NIL)"#.to_vec()); let body_text_within_parentheses = head_bodystructure(&bodystructure_text).unwrap().0; assert_eq!(body_text_within_parentheses, br#"("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "utf-8") NIL NIL "8BIT" 393 9 NIL NIL NIL)"#.as_ref()); let body_tmp = Body::Single(SingleBody { content_type: ContentTypeHeaderField { ttype: ContentTypeTypeAndSubType { ttype: b"TEXT".to_vec(), subtype: b"PLAIN".to_vec() }, parameters: Parameters { list: vec![Parameter { attribute: b"CHARSET".to_vec(), value: b"utf-8".to_vec() }] } }, content_id: ContentIDHeaderField { value: None }, content_description: ContentDescriptionHeaderField { value: None }, content_transfer_encoding: ContentTransferEncodingHeaderField { value: b"8BIT".to_vec() }, content_size: ContentSize(Some(393), Some(9)), content_md5: ContentMD5HeaderField { value: None }, content_disposition: ContentDispositionHeaderField { value: None, parameters: Parameters { list: vec![ ] } }, content_language: ContentLanguageHeaderField { value: None }, content_location: ContentLocationHeaderField { value: None }, data: vec![], raw_header: vec![], }); assert_eq!(body_parser(body_text_within_parentheses).unwrap().1, body_tmp); # } ``` If you want to extract BODYSTRUCT with uid, you can use find_all_bodystructure_with_uid ```rust # use imap_bodystructure::response::find_all_bodystructure_with_uid; # use imap_bodystructure::parser::*; # use std::collections::HashMap; let mut text = b"* 154 FETCH (UID 649 FLAGS () RFC822.SIZE 2394 INTERNALDATE \"05-Dec-2023 06:16:58 +0000\" BODYSTRUCTURE ((\"text\" \"html\" (\"charset\" \"utf-8\") NIL NIL \"base64\" 1188 16 NIL NIL NIL NIL) \"mixed\" (\"boundary\" \"===============1522363357941492443==\") NIL NIL NIL) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (DATE SUBJECT FROM SENDER REPLY-TO TO CC BCC MESSAGE-ID REFERENCES IN-REPLY-TO X-MAILMASTER-SHOWONERCPT X-CUSTOM-MAIL-MASTER-SENT-ID DISPOSITION-NOTIFICATION-TO X-CM-CTRLMSGS)] {181}\r\nSubject: =?utf-8?b?5L2g5aW9IDBiMGZiYjZkYmFmM2FmYmIgenFhLWVtYWls5rWL6K+V?=\r\nFrom: liutianyu@nextcloud.games\r\nTo: shenzongxu@nextcloud.games\r\nDate: Tue, 05 Dec 2023 06:16:58 -0000\r\n\r\n)\r\n".to_vec(); let r = find_all_bodystructure_with_uid(&mut text, true); let mut h: HashMap, Body> = HashMap::new(); h.insert( b"649".to_vec(), Body::Multi(MultiBody { parts: vec![Body::Single(SingleBody { content_type: ContentTypeHeaderField { ttype: ContentTypeTypeAndSubType { ttype: b"text".to_vec(), subtype: b"html".to_vec(), }, parameters: Parameters { list: vec![Parameter { attribute: b"charset".to_vec(), value: b"utf-8".to_vec(), }], }, }, content_id: ContentIDHeaderField { value: None }, content_description: ContentDescriptionHeaderField { value: None }, content_transfer_encoding: ContentTransferEncodingHeaderField { value: b"base64".to_vec(), }, content_size: ContentSize(Some(1188), Some(16)), content_md5: ContentMD5HeaderField { value: None }, content_disposition: ContentDispositionHeaderField { value: None, parameters: Parameters { list: vec![] }, }, content_language: ContentLanguageHeaderField { value: None }, content_location: ContentLocationHeaderField { value: None }, data: vec![], raw_header: vec![], })], content_type: b"mixed".to_vec(), parameters: Parameters { list: vec![Parameter { attribute: b"boundary".to_vec(), value: b"===============1522363357941492443==".to_vec(), }], }, raw_header: b"Subject: =?utf-8?b?5L2g5aW9IDBiMGZiYjZkYmFmM2FmYmIgenFhLWVtYWls5rWL6K+V?=\r\nFrom: liutianyu@nextcloud.games\r\nTo: shenzongxu@nextcloud.games\r\nDate: Tue, 05 Dec 2023 06:16:58 -0000\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".to_vec(), }), ); assert_eq!(r, (b"".as_ref(), h)); ```