# ImgCatr [![Licence](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg?style=flat)](LICENSE) [![Crates.io version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/imgcatr)](https://crates.io/crates/imgcatr) A rust-based command-line command `imgcatr` to display images.

running `imgcatr cat.png`

# Install ### Crate.io Install from __Crate.io__, it's required to have [Cargo](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) on your computer. ```sh cargo install imgcatr ``` ### On MacOS ```sh brew install imgcatr ``` # Usage ### Overview After installing the command on your computer's bin directory, you can directly call `imgcatr` on CLI with the following instructions to display your images. ``` Usage: imgcatr [OPTIONS] Arguments: Image file to display Options: -s, --size Image size to display [default: 138x22] -f, --force Don't preserve the image's aspect ratio -a, --ansi Force output ANSI escape [possible values: truecolor, simple-black, simple-white, ascii] -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` There are some features that you can customize how you would like to display the image. You can follow my documentation below to get more information on this command. ### Display Format With the preparation of the image, you can specify the output format with `-a` or `-ansi`, where Imgcatr has 4 available output formats: `truecolor`, `simple-black`, `simple-white`, `ascii`, and `no_ansi` (For Windows OS).

running `imgcatr cat.png`

### Customized Size The default size of the image display is set to the size of the __CLI__. This means that the height of your image will not go beyond the height of your terminal. However, you can specify the image size with `-s` or `-size` followed by input in `` format. An example is provided below, where the image size is set to 100x100. ```sh imgcatr cat.png --size 100x100 ``` ### Ratio Preserve The image ratio is preserved as default. And option `-f` or `-force` can force the program to not preserve the image ratio.

running `imgcatr cat.png`

# Comment ### Special Thanks This work is derived from an open-sourced project named [`termimage`](https://github.com/nabijaczleweli/termimage). Here, I'm offering my special thanks to the team. ### Comparison The previous work `termimage` uses an older version of the clap-v2 crate(library). `imgcatr` replaces clap-v2 with the latest implementation of clap-v4, which has better performance overall. In addition, `imgcatr` offers a new feature in which users can display the ASCII format of images. ### The Future There will be potential improvement in future work with faster API and more features available.