use gilrs::{Event as GilEvent, Gilrs}; use imgui::{Context, Ui}; use imgui_gilrs::GamepadHandler; use imgui_wgpu::Renderer; use imgui_wgpu::RendererConfig; #[cfg(feature = "winit")] use imgui_winit_support::WinitPlatform; use std::thread; use wgpu::{ CommandEncoder, CommandEncoderDescriptor, Device, InstanceDescriptor, Queue, Surface, SurfaceConfiguration, TextureView, TextureViewDescriptor, }; #[cfg(feature = "winit")] use winit::{ dpi, event::{Event as WinEvent, WindowEvent}, event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop, EventLoopBuilder, EventLoopProxy}, window::{self, Window}, }; const WINDOW_WIDTH: u32 = 1000; const WINDOW_HEIGHT: u32 = 700; #[cfg(not(feature = "winit"))] fn main() { println!("To run this example:"); println!("\tcargo run --example gamepad_tutorial --features winit") } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] fn main() { let state = init(); main_loop(state) } struct WgpuElements { device: Device, queue: Queue, config: SurfaceConfiguration, surface: Surface, } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] async fn init_wgpu(winit_elem: &WinitElements) -> WgpuElements { let instance = wgpu::Instance::new(InstanceDescriptor { backends: wgpu::Backends::all(), dx12_shader_compiler: wgpu::Dx12Compiler::Fxc, }); let surface = unsafe { instance .create_surface(&winit_elem.window) .expect("Unable to create surface") }; let adapter = instance .request_adapter(&wgpu::RequestAdapterOptions { power_preference: wgpu::PowerPreference::default(), compatible_surface: Some(&surface), force_fallback_adapter: false, }) .await .expect("Unable to request adapter"); let (device, queue) = adapter .request_device( &wgpu::DeviceDescriptor { features: wgpu::Features::empty(), // WebGL doesn't support all of wgpu's features, so if // we're building for the web we'll have to disable some. limits: wgpu::Limits { max_push_constant_size: 4, ..wgpu::Limits::default() }, label: None, }, None, ) .await .expect("Unable to request device"); let config = wgpu::SurfaceConfiguration { usage: wgpu::TextureUsages::RENDER_ATTACHMENT, format: surface.get_capabilities(&adapter).formats[0], width: WINDOW_WIDTH, height: WINDOW_HEIGHT, present_mode: wgpu::PresentMode::Fifo, alpha_mode: wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::Auto, view_formats: vec![surface.get_capabilities(&adapter).formats[0]], }; surface.configure(&device, &config); WgpuElements { device, queue, config, surface, } } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] struct WinitElements { window: Window, event_loop: EventLoop, } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] fn init_winit() -> WinitElements { let event_loop = EventLoopBuilder::with_user_event().build(); let wb = window::WindowBuilder::new() .with_title("imgui-gilrs-example") .with_inner_size(dpi::LogicalSize::new(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT)); let window ="Couldn't create window"); WinitElements { window, event_loop } } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] struct ImguiElements { context: Context, platform: WinitPlatform, renderer: Renderer, ui_state: UiState, } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] fn init_imgui(wgpu_elem: &WgpuElements, winit_elem: &WinitElements) -> ImguiElements { let mut context = Context::create(); context.io_mut().config_flags |= imgui::ConfigFlags::NAV_ENABLE_GAMEPAD; let mut platform = imgui_winit_support::WinitPlatform::init(&mut context); platform.attach_window( context.io_mut(), &winit_elem.window, imgui_winit_support::HiDpiMode::Default, ); let renderer_config = RendererConfig { texture_format: wgpu_elem.config.format, ..Default::default() }; let renderer = Renderer::new( &mut context, &wgpu_elem.device, &wgpu_elem.queue, renderer_config, ); let ui_state = UiState::new(); ImguiElements { context, platform, renderer, ui_state, } } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] struct State { wgpu: WgpuElements, winit: WinitElements, imgui: ImguiElements, gamepad_handler: GamepadHandler, } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] #[inline] fn init() -> State { let winit_elem = init_winit(); let wgpu_elem = pollster::block_on(init_wgpu(&winit_elem)); let imgui_elem = init_imgui(&wgpu_elem, &winit_elem); let gamepad_handler = start_gilrs(winit_elem.event_loop.create_proxy()); State { wgpu: wgpu_elem, winit: winit_elem, imgui: imgui_elem, gamepad_handler, } } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] fn main_loop(state: State) { let State { wgpu: WgpuElements { device, queue, mut config, surface, }, winit: WinitElements { window, event_loop }, imgui: ImguiElements { mut context, mut platform, mut renderer, mut ui_state, }, mut gamepad_handler, } = state; |event, _, control_flow| { *control_flow = ControlFlow::Poll; // Borrow of `event` required because we're gonna later pass it to gamepad_handler match &event { WinEvent::WindowEvent { window_id, event } if *window_id == => { match event { WindowEvent::Resized(new_size) => { config.width = new_size.width; config.height = new_size.height; surface.configure(&device, &config) } WindowEvent::CloseRequested => *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit, WindowEvent::ScaleFactorChanged { scale_factor: _, new_inner_size, } => { config.width = new_inner_size.width; config.height = new_inner_size.height; surface.configure(&device, &config) } _ => (), } } WinEvent::MainEventsCleared => window.request_redraw(), WinEvent::RedrawRequested(window_id) if *window_id == => { if let Ok(texture) = surface.get_current_texture() { let view = texture .texture .create_view(&TextureViewDescriptor::default()); platform .prepare_frame(context.io_mut(), &window) .expect("Failed to prepare frame"); let ui = context.frame(); create_ui(ui, &mut ui_state); let mut encoder = device.create_command_encoder(&CommandEncoderDescriptor { label: Some("ImGui Render Encoder"), }); render( &mut encoder, &view, &mut renderer, &mut context, &queue, &device, ); queue.submit(std::iter::once(encoder.finish())); texture.present(); } } #[allow(unused_variables)] WinEvent::UserEvent(gamepad_event) => { //* if not using feature `winit`, call here //* gamepad_handler.handle_event(context.io_mut(), &gamepad_event) } _ => (), } //* This is the equivalent to: //* gamepad_handler.handle_event(io, gamepad_event) //* when encountering WinEvent::UserEvent(_) //* (See above) //* in that case, if you are using winit (but without the feature enabled) //* you'll have to call here: //* platform.handle_event(context.io_mut(), &window, &event) gamepad_handler.handle_event(context.io_mut(), &window, &mut platform, &event) }) } struct TutorialWindow { button_count: u32, } impl TutorialWindow { fn new() -> TutorialWindow { TutorialWindow { button_count: 0 } } } struct UiState { xbox: TutorialWindow, ps: TutorialWindow, } impl UiState { fn new() -> UiState { UiState { xbox: TutorialWindow::new(), ps: TutorialWindow::new(), } } } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] fn create_ui(ui: &mut Ui, state: &mut UiState) { ui.window("One").build(|| {}); ui.window("Two").build(|| {}); ui.window("Tutorial XBOX").build(|| { ui.text("Hold X to show window menu"); ui.text("While holding:"); ui.text("\tUse RT to switch between windows"); ui.text("\tUse the DPAD to resize the window"); ui.text("\tUse LStick to move the window"); ui.separator(); ui.text("Use the DPAD to move between widgets"); ui.separator(); if ui.button("Press me with A") { += 1 } let count =; ui.text(count); ui.separator(); ui.button("0,0"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("1,0"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("2,0"); ui.button("0,1"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("1,1"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("2,1"); ui.button("0,2"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("1,2"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("2,2"); }); ui.window("Tutorial PlayStation").build(|| { ui.text("Hold Square to show window menu"); ui.text("While holding:"); ui.text("\tUse R2 to switch between windows"); ui.text("\tUse the DPAD to resize the window"); ui.text("\tUse LStick to move the window"); ui.separator(); ui.text("Use the DPAD to move between widgets"); ui.separator(); if ui.button("Press me with X") { += 1 } let count =; ui.text(count); ui.separator(); ui.button("0,0"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("1,0"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("2,0"); ui.button("0,1"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("1,1"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("2,1"); ui.button("0,2"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("1,2"); ui.same_line(); ui.button("2,2"); }); } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] fn render( encoder: &mut CommandEncoder, view: &TextureView, renderer: &mut Renderer, context: &mut Context, queue: &Queue, device: &Device, ) { let mut render_pass = encoder.begin_render_pass(&wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor { label: None, color_attachments: &[Some(wgpu::RenderPassColorAttachment { view, resolve_target: None, ops: wgpu::Operations { load: wgpu::LoadOp::Load, store: true, }, })], depth_stencil_attachment: None, }); renderer .render(context.render(), queue, device, &mut render_pass) .expect("Rendering failed"); } #[cfg(feature = "winit")] fn start_gilrs(event_loop: EventLoopProxy) -> GamepadHandler { thread::spawn(move || { let mut listener = Gilrs::new().expect("Couldn't initialize gilrs"); loop { while let Some(ev) = listener.next_event() { event_loop .send_event(ev) .expect("Event loop no longer exists"); } } }); GamepadHandler::new() }