# 💗 Impulse Impulse is a Rust based DOM framework for building isomorphic web applications. ## Similar Projects - [React] - Isomorphic Javascript framework - [Yew] - Client side Rust Framework ## Work In Progress Currently there's not much to see here. ### Plan - Server side - [ ] Create html elements + text nodes using Rust - [ ] Create html elements + text nodes using `rsx! { }` macro - [ ] Create custom components using Rust - [ ] Create custom components using `rsx! { }` macro - Client side - [ ] Create html elements + text nodes using Rust - [ ] Create html elements + text nodes using `rsx! { }` macro - [ ] Create custom components using Rust - [ ] Create custom components using `rsx! { }` macro - [ ] Attach Rust code to events (onclick, etc) - [ ] Hydrate server side generated code [React]: https://reactjs.org/ [Yew]: https://github.com/DenisKolodin/yew