# imspect A small GUI application for feature engineering in computer vision projects. - Very useful in a **debugger** session. - Non-blocking. Executes in an independent process. - Lightweight, has zero dependencies. - Works only with `numpy` images with data type `uint8` (common data type for `OpenCV`). - The command line executable accepts the classic image formats and additionally the **.npy** format (serialized `numpy` arrays). - Works with Python 3.8+. ## Demo [imspect720.webm](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/bc832470-941b-4e48-9f3d-e7039b3e998b) ## Install `pip install imspect` for Python devs `cargo install imspect` for Rust devs (CLI only) ## Usage ### Python interpreter\debugger ```Python from imspect import imspect import numpy as np # examples of acceptable images img1 = np.empty((60, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8) img2 = np.zeros((60, 100), dtype=np.uint8) + 255 imspect(img1 , img2) ``` ### CLI `imspect path/to/image.png path/to/array.npy`