# in3-sys Low-level unsafe Rust bindings for the Incubed C library. **[API Documentation](https://docs.rs/in3-sys/)** **NOTE**: We recommend against using this crate directly. Instead, consider using [in3-rs](https://github.com/blockchainsllc/in3/tree/master/rust/in3-rs), which provides a more high-level 'Rusty' interface. ## Requirements - Rust version >= 1.42.0 - A toolchain capable of compiling IN3 C sources - Ubuntu: `apt-get install build-essential` - Windows: `https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/` - OpenSSL dev libs - Ubuntu: `apt-get install libssl-dev` - Windows: _TODO_ - CMake version >= 3.5.1, because we build the bundled IN3 C library with the [`cmake` crate](https://github.com/alexcrichton/cmake-rs) - Ubuntu: `apt-get install cmake` - Windows: `https://cmake.org/install/`, _Make sure you add it to path for windows_ - [bindgen](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen) and therefore clang dev libraries - Ubuntu: `apt-get install clang libclang-dev llvm-dev` - Windows: _TODO_