* This file is part of the Incubed project.
* Sources: https://github.com/blockchainsllc/in3
* Copyright (C) 2018-2020 slock.it GmbH, Blockchains LLC
* Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in accordance
* with the commercial license agreement provided with the Software or, alternatively,
* in accordance with the terms contained in a written agreement between you and
* slock.it GmbH/Blockchains LLC. For licensing terms and conditions or further
* information please contact slock.it at in3@slock.it.
* Alternatively, this file may be used under the AGPL license as follows:
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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/** @file
* Request Context.
* This is used for each request holding request and response-pointers but also controls the execution process.
* */
#ifndef CONTEXT_H
#define CONTEXT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "data.h"
#include "scache.h"
#include "stringbuilder.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "client.h"
* type of the request context,
typedef enum ctx_type {
RT_RPC = 0, /**< a json-rpc request, which needs to be send to a incubed node */
RT_SIGN = 1 /**< a sign request */
} req_type_t;
* the weight of a certain node as linked list.
* This will be used when picking the nodes to send the request to. A linked list of these structs desribe the result.
typedef struct weight {
unsigned int index; /**< index of the node in the nodelist */
uint32_t s; /**< The starting value */
uint32_t w; /**< weight value */
char* url; /**< the url of the node */
address_t address; /**< address of the server */
struct weight* next; /**< next in the linked-list or NULL if this is the last element*/
} node_match_t;
/** response-object.
* if the error has a length>0 the response will be rejected
typedef struct in3_response {
uint32_t time; /**< measured time (in ms) which will be used for ajusting the weights */
in3_ret_t state; /**< the state of the response */
sb_t data; /**< a stringbuilder to add the result */
} in3_response_t;
* The Request config.
* This is generated for each request and represents the current state. it holds the state until the request is finished and must be freed afterwards.
* */
typedef struct in3_req {
uint_fast8_t signers_length; /**< number or addresses */
uint_fast16_t len; /**< the number of requests */
uint_fast16_t attempt; /**< the number of attempts */
uint32_t id; /**< JSON RPC id of request at index 0 */
req_type_t type; /**< the type of the request */
in3_ret_t verification_state; /**< state of the verification */
char* error; /**< in case of an error this will hold the message, if not it points to `NULL` */
json_ctx_t* request_context; /**< the result of the json-parser for the request.*/
json_ctx_t* response_context; /**< the result of the json-parser for the response.*/
d_token_t** requests; /**< references to the tokens representring the requests*/
d_token_t** responses; /**< references to the tokens representring the parsed responses*/
in3_response_t* raw_response; /**< the raw response-data, which should be verified. */
uint8_t* signers; /**< the addresses of servers requested to sign the blockhash */
node_match_t* nodes; /**< selected nodes to process the request, which are stored as linked list.*/
cache_entry_t* cache; /** CTX [label="req_new()"]
CTX -> exec
exec -> error [label="IN3_..."]
exec -> response[label="IN3_OK"]
exec -> waiting[label="IN3_WAITING"]
waiting -> sign[label=RT_SIGN]
waiting -> request[label=RT_RPC]
sign -> exec [label="in3_ctx_add_response()"]
request -> exec[label="in3_ctx_add_response()"]
response -> free
{ rank = same; exec, sign, request }
* ```
* Here is a example how to use this function:
* ```c
in3_ret_t in3_send_req(in3_req_t* req) {
in3_ret_t ret;
// execute the context and store the return value.
// if the return value is 0 == IN3_OK, it was successful and we return,
// if not, we keep on executing
while ((ret = in3_req_execute(ctx))) {
// error we stop here, because this means we got an error
if (ret != IN3_WAITING) return ret;
// handle subcontexts first, if they have not been finished
while (ctx->required && in3_req_state(ctx->required) != REQ_SUCCESS) {
// exxecute them, and return the status if still waiting or error
if ((ret = in3_send_req(ctx->required))) return ret;
// recheck in order to prepare the request.
// if it is not waiting, then it we cannot do much, becaus it will an error or successfull.
if ((ret = in3_req_execute(ctx)) != IN3_WAITING) return ret;
// only if there is no response yet...
if (!ctx->raw_response) {
// what kind of request do we need to provide?
switch (ctx->type) {
// RPC-request to send to the nodes
case RT_RPC: {
// build the request
in3_http_request_t* request = in3_create_request(ctx);
// here we use the transport, but you can also try to fetch the data in any other way.
// clean up
// this is a request to sign a transaction
case RT_SIGN: {
// read the data to sign from the request
d_token_t* params = d_get(ctx->requests[0], K_PARAMS);
// the data to sign
bytes_t data = d_to_bytes(d_get_at(params, 0));
// the account to sign with
bytes_t from = d_to_bytes(d_get_at(params, 1));
// prepare the response
ctx->raw_response = _malloc(sizeof(in3_response_t));
// data for the signature
uint8_t sig[65];
// use the signer to create the signature
ret = ctx->client->signer->sign(ctx, SIGN_EC_HASH, data, from, sig);
// if it fails we report this as error
if (ret < 0) return req_set_error(ctx, ctx->raw_response->error.data, ret);
// otherwise we simply add the raw 65 bytes to the response.
sb_add_range(&ctx->raw_response->result, (char*) sig, 0, 65);
// done...
return ret;
* ```
NONULL in3_ret_t in3_req_execute(
in3_req_t* req /**< [in] the request context. */
* returns the current state of the context.
NONULL in3_req_state_t in3_req_state(
in3_req_t* req /**< [in] the request context. */
* returns the error of the context.
char* req_get_error_data(
in3_req_t* req /**< [in] the request context. */
* returns json response for that context
char* req_get_response_data(
in3_req_t* req /**< [in] the request context. */
* returns the result or NULL in case of an error for that context. The result must be freed!
char* req_get_result_json(in3_req_t* ctx, int index);
* returns the type of the request
NONULL req_type_t req_get_type(
in3_req_t* req /**< [in] the request context. */
* frees all resources allocated during the request.
* But this will not free the request string passed when creating the context!
NONULL void req_free(
in3_req_t* req /**< [in] the request context. */
* adds a new context as a requirment.
* Whenever a verifier needs more data and wants to send a request, we should create the request and add it as dependency and stop.
* If the function is called again, we need to search and see if the required status is now useable.
* Here is an example of how to use it:
* ```c
in3_ret_t get_from_nodes(in3_req_t* parent, char* method, char* params, bytes_t* dst) {
// check if the method is already existing
in3_req_t* req = req_find_required(parent, method, NULL);
if (ctx) {
// found one - so we check if it is useable.
switch (in3_req_state(ctx)) {
// in case of an error, we report it back to the parent context
return req_set_error(parent, ctx->error, IN3_EUNKNOWN);
// if we are still waiting, we stop here and report it.
return IN3_WAITING;
// if it is useable, we can now handle the result.
d_token_t* r = d_get(ctx->responses[0], K_RESULT);
if (r) {
// we have a result, so write it back to the dst
*dst = d_to_bytes(r);
return IN3_OK;
} else
// or check the error and report it
return req_check_response_error(parent, 0);
// no required context found yet, so we create one:
// since this is a subrequest it will be freed when the parent is freed.
// allocate memory for the request-string
char* req = _malloc(strlen(method) + strlen(params) + 200);
// create it
sprintf(req, "{\"method\":\"%s\",\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"params\":%s}", method, params);
// and add the request context to the parent.
return req_add_required(parent, req_new(parent->client, req));
* ```
NONULL in3_ret_t req_add_required(
in3_req_t* parent, /**< [in] the current request context. */
in3_req_t* req /**< [in] the new request context to add. */
* searches within the required request contextes for one with the given method.
* This method is used internaly to find a previously added context.
NONULL_FOR((1, 2))
in3_req_t* req_find_required(
const in3_req_t* parent, /**< [in] the current request context. */
const char* method, /**< [in] the method of the rpc-request. */
const char* param_query /**< [in] a optional string within thew params. */
* removes a required context after usage.
* removing will also call free_ctx to free resources.
NONULL in3_ret_t req_remove_required(
in3_req_t* parent, /**< [in] the current request context. */
in3_req_t* req, /**< [in] the request context to remove. */
bool rec /**< [in] if true all sub contexts will aƶsp be removed*/
* check if the response contains a error-property and reports this as error in the context.
NONULL in3_ret_t req_check_response_error(
in3_req_t* c, /**< [in] the current request context. */
int i /**< [in] the index of the request to check (if this is a batch-request, otherwise 0). */
* determins the errorcode for the given request.
NONULL in3_ret_t req_get_error(
in3_req_t* req, /**< [in] the current request context. */
int id /**< [in] the index of the request to check (if this is a batch-request, otherwise 0). */
* sends a request and returns a context used to access the result or errors.
* This context *MUST* be freed with req_free(ctx) after usage to release the resources.
NONULL in3_req_t* in3_client_rpc_ctx_raw(
in3_t* c, /**< [in] the client config. */
const char* request /**< [in] rpc request. */
* sends a request and returns a context used to access the result or errors.
* This context *MUST* be freed with req_free(ctx) after usage to release the resources.
NONULL in3_req_t* in3_client_rpc_ctx(
in3_t* c, /**< [in] the clientt config. */
const char* method, /**< [in] rpc method. */
const char* params /**< [in] params as string. */
* determines the proof as set in the request.
NONULL in3_proof_t in3_req_get_proof(
in3_req_t* req, /**< [in] the current request. */
int i /**< [in] the index within the request. */
#define TRY_SUB_REQUEST(req, name, res, fmt, ...) \
{ \
sb_t sb = {0}; \
sb_printx(&sb, fmt, __VA_ARGS__); \
in3_ret_t r = req_send_sub_request(req, name, sb.data, NULL, res, NULL); \
_free(sb.data); \
if (r) return r; \
#define TRY_CATCH_SUB_REQUEST(req, name, res, _catch, fmt, ...) \
{ \
sb_t sb = {0}; \
sb_printx(&sb, fmt, __VA_ARGS__); \
in3_ret_t r = req_send_sub_request(req, name, sb.data, NULL, res, NULL); \
_free(sb.data); \
if (r) { \
_catch; \
return r; \
} \
#define TRY_FINAL_SUB_REQUEST(req, name, res, _catch, fmt, ...) \
{ \
sb_t sb = {0}; \
sb_printx(&sb, fmt, __VA_ARGS__); \
in3_ret_t r = req_send_sub_request(req, name, sb.data, NULL, res, NULL); \
_free(sb.data); \
_catch; \
if (r) \
return r; \
#ifdef __cplusplus