# include_data - Include typed data directly in your executable [![github badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/jmaargh%2Finclude__data-8da0cb?style=flat-square&logo=github&label=github&link=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fjmaargh%2Finclude_data)](https://github.com/jmaargh/include_data) [![docs.rs badge](https://img.shields.io/docsrs/include_data/latest?style=flat-square&label=docs.rs&link=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.rs%2Finclude_data%2F)](https://docs.rs/include_data) [![Crates.io badge](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/include_data?style=flat-square&logo=rust&color=264323)](https://crates.io/crates/include_data) ![licence badge](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/include_data?style=flat-square&logo=opensourceinitiative&logoColor=ffffff) Sometimes, you want to include data directly in your executable file, but you don't want to translate that data into Rust code that does the `static` initialization. This is very useful in embedded contexts, or if you have some (usually relatively small) data that will always be needed, and you don't want to deal with loading it from the filesystem and distributing it as a separate file. The Rust standard library (and core library) contains [`include_bytes`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/core/macro.include_bytes.html) for this purpose. This macro will give you a static reference to a binary array containing the data from a file: that is, a `&'static [u8; N]`. However, if you want to use your static data, you often want it to be of a particular type, not just a `&[u8]`. For example, you may know that your included file is a sequence of `f64`s, or a UTF-32 file, or of some custom type. This crate provides macros for typed compile-time data includes. This is provided by two main macros: - `include_data` - outputs any type which is sound - `include_slice` - outputs a `&'static [T]` slice for any `T` for which this is sound This crate is `no_std` and also no-`alloc`. ## Usage This library will work out-of-the-box with any type that implements [`bytemuck::AnyBitPattern`](https://docs.rs/bytemuck/latest/bytemuck/trait.AnyBitPattern.html). This includes: - Primitive numerical types (`u16`, `i32`, `f64`, etc.) - Arrays of primitive numerical types (e.g. `[f32; N]`) For example: ```rust static MY_INTEGER: i32 = include_data!("../tests/test_data/file_exactly_4_bytes_long"); static SOME_TEXT: &[u32] = include_slice!(u32, "../tests/test_data/some_utf-32_file"); const FOUR_BYTES: [u8; 4] = include_data!("../tests/test_data/file_exactly_4_bytes_long"); ``` Note that `include_data` can assign to `const`, while `include_slice` cannot. Aliases are provided for `include_slice` for primitive number types, using them is a matter of personal preference. For example: ```rust static SOME_TEXT: &[u32] = include_u32s!("../tests/test_data/some_utf-32_file"); ``` ## Usage with custom types You can include data in any custom type you like. The best way of doing this is if your custom type satisfies the requirements for [`bytemuck::AnyBitPattern`](https://docs.rs/bytemuck/latest/bytemuck/trait.AnyBitPattern.html), in which case you can simply use `include_data`. ```rust #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct Foo { integer: u16, pair: [u8; 2], } // Safety: the requirements for `AnyBitPattern` have been manually checked. unsafe impl bytemuck::Zeroable for Foo {} unsafe impl bytemuck::AnyBitPattern for Foo {} static FOO_DATA: Foo = include_data!("../tests/test_data/file_exactly_4_bytes_long"); ``` Alternatively, if your type cannot implement `bytemuck::AnyBitPattern` (especially if it is a foreign type over which you have no control), `include_unsafe` can be used. In this case, you must guarantee that the file included is valid for the target type. This may depend on host platform, compiler version, and compiler profile (amongst other things): recall that Rust does not have a stable ABI. Clearly, this is **very** unsafe and should be avoided if possible. ```rust #[repr(C)] struct StructWithPadding { byte: u8, two_bytes: u16, } // Safety: we guarantee that the included file contains bytes which are // a valid bit-pattern for our struct, when compiled on this host. static BAR_DATA: StructWithPadding = unsafe { include_unsafe!("../tests/test_data/file_exactly_4_bytes_long") }; ``` ## Safety All macros exported by this crate are safe, except `include_unsafe` (assuming, of course, that implementations of `bytemuck::AnyBitPattern` are sound). If the input file size does not match the target type (or is not divisible by it, in the case of slices) or the file cannot be read, compilation will fail. `include_unsafe` is **very** unsafe and should only be used with great care. See the [documentation](https://docs.rs/include_data/latest/include_data/macro.include_unsafe.html) for full details. ## Platform-specific behaviour The interpretation of multi-byte sequences depends on a machine's endianness. In the case of these macros, multi-byte sequences will be interpreted into types according to the endianness of the compilation target, not the compilation host machine. The interpreation of paths passed to these macros is host-platform specific and identical to that of [`include_bytes`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/core/macro.include_bytes.html). ## MSRV The Minimum Supported Rust Version is **1.64.0**. Note that this crate is tested against a pinned version of the compiler, simply because many tests check exact error messages. The current pinned version for testing purposes can be found in `rust-toolchain.toml`. ## Alternatives Depending on what you're trying to achieve, this crate might not be the best choice. Here are a few alternatives which may be more appropriate depending on the situation: - [`static_toml`](https://crates.io/crates/static-toml): if the data you're including fits within a `toml` spec, this crate parses it at compile time and includes the result as static, type-safe, data. - [`const_gen`](https://crates.io/crates/const-gen): tool that helps you use `build.rs` to do compile-time code generation of constant values. More complicated and verbose than `include_data`, but also more flexible. - The standard library has [`OnceLock`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/sync/struct.OnceLock.html) and [`LazyLock`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/sync/struct.LazyLock.html) both of which can be used to assign complex values to `static`s, but do so at runtime and with a non-zero runtime cost. If your type needs runtime construction, these are very good chocies but `include_data` is cheaper for "simple typed data" values. If you know of any others, please drop an issue or open a PR. ## Prior art The techniques used by this crate were published in a [blog post by Jack Wrenn](https://jack.wrenn.fyi/blog/include-transmute/). Some of those techniques were original to Jack, while others were found in forum threads linked from that post. Please do reach out if you are somebody involved with these discussions, or have any prior work in this area. I am also grateful to Jack for comments on an earlier draft of this crate.