use index_alloc::rc::{Rc, Weak}; use index_alloc::IndexAllocator; const MEMORY_SIZE: usize = 1024; const INDEX_SIZE: usize = 64; #[derive(Clone)] pub enum Link<'a, T> { Held(Rc<'a, Node<'a, T>, MEMORY_SIZE, INDEX_SIZE>), Weak(Weak<'a, Node<'a, T>, MEMORY_SIZE, INDEX_SIZE>), } impl<'a, T> Link<'a, T> { fn new_held(node: Rc<'a, Node<'a, T>, MEMORY_SIZE, INDEX_SIZE>) -> Self { Self::Held(node) } fn new_weak(node: Weak<'a, Node<'a, T>, MEMORY_SIZE, INDEX_SIZE>) -> Self { Self::Weak(node) } fn to(&self) -> Option, MEMORY_SIZE, INDEX_SIZE>> { match self { Self::Held(rc) => Some(rc.clone()), Self::Weak(weak) => weak.upgrade(), } } } pub struct Node<'a, T> { val: T, links: [Option>; 4], } impl<'a, T> Node<'a, T> { fn new(val: T) -> Self { Self { val, links: [None, None, None, None], } } fn add_link(&mut self, link: Link<'a, T>) { for l in self.links.iter_mut() { if matches!(l, None) { *l = Some(link); return; } } panic!("No more links available"); } fn iter_links(&self) -> impl Iterator> { self.links.iter().filter_map(move |l| l.as_ref()) } } fn main() { let allocator: IndexAllocator<1024, 64> = IndexAllocator::empty(); let mut main_node = Node::new("Main"); let first_child_node = Rc::try_new(Node::new("First child node"), &allocator).unwrap(); let second_child_node = { let mut node = Node::new("Second child node"); node.add_link(Link::Weak(first_child_node.downgrade())); Rc::try_new(node, &allocator).unwrap() }; main_node.add_link(Link::new_held(first_child_node.clone())); main_node.add_link(Link::new_held(second_child_node.clone())); for l in main_node.iter_links() { println!("Main node is linked to : {}",; } for l in second_child_node.iter_links() { println!("Second child node is linked to : {}",; } }