# This file was generated based on ".graphqlconfig". Do not edit manually. schema { query: Query mutation: Mutation subscription: Subscription } directive @concat(value: String!) on FIELD directive @random_uuid on FIELD "A behaviour." type Behaviour { "The name of the behaviour type." name: String! "The namespace the behaviour type belongs to." namespace: String! } "Search for behaviours (component behaviours, entity behaviours or relation behaviours)" type Behaviours { countEntityBehaviours: Int! countEntityComponentBehaviours: Int! countRelationBehaviours: Int! countRelationComponentBehaviours: Int! entities: [EntityBehaviour!]! entityComponents: [ComponentBehaviour!]! relationComponents: [ComponentBehaviour!]! relations: [RelationBehaviour!]! } type Command { arguments(name: String): [CommandArgument!]! help: String name: String namespace: String } type CommandArgument { help: String long: String name: String! required: Boolean! short: String } "Components are composable parts which can be used by types (entity type, relation type)." type Component { behaviours: [ComponentBehaviour!]! "Textual description of the component." description: String! "Query which entity types are using this component" entityTypes: [EntityType!]! "The extensions which are defined by the component." extensions( "If true, the extensions are sorted by type" sort: Boolean, type: ExtensionTypeId ): [Extension!]! "Query which relation types are using this component as inbound type" inboundOf: [RelationType!]! "The name of the component." name: String! "The namespace the component belongs to." namespace: String! "Query which relation types are using this component as outbound type" outboundOf: [RelationType!]! "The properties which are applied on entity or relation instances." properties( "The name of the property" name: String, "If true, the properties are sorted by name" sort: Boolean ): [PropertyType!]! "Query which relation types are using this component" relationTypes: [RelationType!]! } "A component behaviour." type ComponentBehaviour { "The behaviour type." behaviour: Behaviour! "The component." component: Component! "The name of the behaviour type." name: String! "The namespace the behaviour type belongs to." namespace: String! } "An entity behaviour." type EntityBehaviour { "The behaviour type." behaviour: Behaviour! "The entity type." entityType: EntityType! "The instances with the behaviour." instances: [EntityInstance!]! "The name of the behaviour type." name: String! "The namespace the behaviour type belongs to." namespace: String! } """ Entity instances represents an typed objects which contains properties. The entity type defines the properties (name, data type and socket type). In contrast to the entity type the entity instance stores values in it's properties. """ type EntityInstance { """ List of entity behaviours which have been actually applied on the entity instance including behaviours which have been applied after creation. """ behaviours: [EntityBehaviour!]! """ List of component behaviours which have been actually applied on the entity instance including behaviours which have been applied after creation. """ componentBehaviours: [ComponentBehaviour!]! """ The components which have been actually applied on the entity instance including components which have been added after creation. """ components: [Component!]! "The description of the entity instance." description: String! "The unique identifier of the entity instance." id: UUID! "List of relation instances which ends at this entity instance." inbound( "The inbound relation type" type: RelationTypeId ): [RelationInstance!]! "The label of the entity instance if available." label: String "List of relation instances which starts at this entity instance." outbound( "The outbound relation type" type: RelationTypeId ): [RelationInstance!]! """ The properties of then entity instance. Each property is represented by it's name (String) and it's value. The value is a representation of a JSON. Therefore the value can be boolean, number, string, array or an object. For more information about the data types please look at https://docs.serde.rs/serde_json/value/enum.Value.html """ properties( "Filters by property name" name: String, "Filters by property names" names: [String!], "If true, the properties are sorted by name" sort: Boolean ): [PropertyInstance!]! "The entity type of the entity instance." type: EntityType } "Entity types defines the type of entity instance." type EntityType { behaviours: [EntityBehaviour!]! "The components of the entity type." components: [Component!]! "Textual description of the entity type." description: String! "The extensions which are defined by the entity type." extensions( "If true, the extensions are sorted by type" sort: Boolean, type: ExtensionTypeId ): [Extension!]! "List of relation types which has this entity type as inbound." inboundRelations: [RelationType!]! "Returns true, if the entity type is valid. This means all components exists." isValid: Boolean! """ The name of the entity type. The name is the unique identifier for entity types. """ name: String! "The namespace the entity type belongs to." namespace: String! "List of relation types which has this entity type as outbound." outboundRelations: [RelationType!]! """ The properties / property types which are defined by the entity type or by one of the components. """ properties( "The name of the property" name: String, "If true, the properties are sorted by name" sort: Boolean ): [PropertyType!]! } """ An extension provides named but schema-less additional information. Entity types, relation types and property types can provide additional meta data. For example an extension named "shape" provides information about the look and feel in the flow editor. """ type Extension { "The name of the extension." description: String! "The additional information as JSON representation (schema-less)." extension: JSON! "The name of the extension." name: String! "The name of the extension." namespace: String! } """ A flow is a container for entity instances and relation instances. A flow is strictly associated with a wrapper entity instance. The properties of the wrapper entity instance are the properties of the flow. Additionally, flows can be nested - from the perspective of the outer flow the inner flow acts like an entity instance. The wrapper entity instance of the inner flow is the interface which can be accessed by the outer flow. Entity instances and relation instances can be shared with multiple flows. It's even possible to connect entity instances from different flows with relation instances. """ type FlowInstance { "The entity instances contained by this flow." entities: [EntityInstance!]! """ The id of the flow corresponds to the id of the wrapper entity instance This means the vector of entity instances must contain an instance with the id of the flow. """ id: UUID! "The label of the entity instance if available." label: String "The relation instances contained by this flow." relations: [RelationInstance!]! "The (entity-) type of the flow." type: EntityType "The entity instance which is the wrapper for this flow." wrapper: EntityInstance } "Flow types are templates for flow instances." type FlowType { countEntityInstances: Int! countRelationInstances: Int! "Textual description of the flow type." description: String! "The entity instances contained by the flow type" entityInstances: [EntityInstance!]! "The extensions which are defined by the flow type." extensions(type: ExtensionTypeId): [Extension!]! """ Returns true, if the relation type is valid. This means all components exists and the outbound and inbound entity types are valid. """ isValid: Boolean! """ The name of the flow type. The name is the unique identifier for flow types of the same namespace. """ name: String! "The namespace the flow type belongs to." namespace: String! """ The properties of the flow type. This are the properties of the wrapper entity instance. """ properties( "Filters by property name" name: String, "Filters by property names" names: [String!] ): [PropertyInstance!]! "The relation instances contained by the flow type" relationInstances: [RelationInstance!]! "The entity type of the flow type." type: EntityType "The variables of the flow type." variables(name: String): [PropertyType!]! } type InstanceInfo { buildDate: String! description: String! gitBranch: String! gitCommit: String! hostname: String! name: String! pluginApiVersion: String! port: Int! rustcVersion: String! secure: Boolean! version: String! } "Search for instances" type Instances { countEntityInstances( "Counts the entity instances which behaves as the behaviour only." behaviour: BehaviourTypeId, "Counts the entity instances which are composed by the given component only." component: ComponentTypeId, "Counts the entity instances of the given type only." type: EntityTypeId ): Int! countFlowInstances: Int! countRelationInstances( "Counts the entity instances of the given type only." type: RelationTypeId ): Int! """ Search for entity instances. If an id is given, the entity instance with the given id will be returned. If an entity type is given, only entity instances of the given type are returned. """ entities( "Filters the entity instances by applied behaviours." behaviours: [BehaviourTypeId!], "Filters the entity instances by applied components." components: [ComponentTypeId!], "Returns only the entity instance with the given id." id: UUID, "Returns the entity instance with the given label." label: String, "Query by properties." properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!], "Filters the entity instances by type." type: EntityTypeId ): [EntityInstance!]! "Search for flows and their contained instances." flows( "Filters by the id of the flow" id: UUID, "Filters by the label of the flow" label: String, "Filters by the flow type" type: EntityTypeId ): [FlowInstance!]! """ Search for relations instances. Relation instances can be searched by relation type name, the entity type of the outbound entity instance, the entity type of the inbound entity instance, the id of the outbound entity instance or the id of the inbound entity instance. All of these filters can be combined. """ relations( "Filters the relation instances by applied behaviours." behaviours: [BehaviourTypeId!], "Filters the relation instances by applied components." components: [ComponentTypeId!], "Filters the relation instances by the component of the inbound entity instance." inboundComponentTy: ComponentTypeId, "Filters the relation instances by the entity type of the inbound entity instance." inboundEntityTy: EntityTypeId, "Filters the relation instances by the id of the inbound entity instance" inboundId: UUID, "Filters the relation instances by the component of the outbound entity instance." outboundComponentTy: ComponentTypeId, "Filters the relation instances by the entity type of the outbound entity instance." outboundEntityTy: EntityTypeId, "Filters the relation instances by the id of the outbound entity instance" outboundId: UUID, "Query by properties." properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!], "Filters the relation instances by relation type" type: RelationTypeId ): [RelationInstance!]! } "Mutations for the type system, the instances and the flows." type Mutation { "Mutations for instances (entity instances, relation instances)." instances: MutationInstances! "Mutations for instances (entity instances, relation instances)." system: MutationSystem! "Mutations for types (components, entity types, relation types)." types: MutationTypes! } "Mutations for plugins." type MutationCommands { execute(args: JSONObject, name: String!): PropertyInstance } "Mutations for components" type MutationComponents { "Adds an extension to the component with the given name." addExtension(extension: ExtensionDefinition!, type: ComponentTypeId!): Component! "Adds a property to the component with the given name." addProperty(property: PropertyTypeDefinition!, type: ComponentTypeId!): Component! "Creates a new component with the given name and properties." create(description: String, extensions: [ExtensionDefinition!], properties: [PropertyTypeDefinition!], type: ComponentTypeId!): Component! "Deletes the component with the given name." delete(type: ComponentTypeId!): Boolean! "Removes the extension with the given extension_name from the component with the given name." removeExtension(extension: ExtensionTypeId!, type: ComponentTypeId!): Component! "Removes the property with the given property_name from the component with the given name." removeProperty(propertyName: String!, type: ComponentTypeId!): Component! "Renames the component with the given type to the component with the given new type." rename(newType: ComponentTypeId!, type: ComponentTypeId!): Component! "Updates the property with the given name of the given component." updateProperty(name: String!, property: PropertyTypeDefinition!, type: ComponentTypeId!): Component! } "Mutation of entity instances." type MutationEntityInstances { connect(id: UUID!, type: BehaviourTypeId!): EntityInstance! """ Creates a new entity instance of the given type. The entity type must exist. Optionally, an UUID can be specified. If no UUID is specified one will be generated randomly. The given properties consists of a list of pairs of property name and property value. If properties are not provided, default values will be used depending on the data type of the property. """ create( "Creates the entity instance with the given components." components: [ComponentTypeId!], "The id of the entity instance. If none is given a random uuid will be generated." id: UUID, properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!], "The entity type" type: EntityTypeId! ): EntityInstance! "Deletes an entity instance." delete( "If true, all relations to and from the entity instance will be deleted as well" deleteRelations: Boolean, "The id of the entity instance" id: UUID! ): Boolean! disconnect(id: UUID!, type: BehaviourTypeId!): EntityInstance! reconnect(id: UUID!, type: BehaviourTypeId!): EntityInstance! """ Manually tick the entity instance. This means for each property of the entity instance the corresponding reactive stream will be activated with it's last value. This leads to a recalculation if the entity instance is controlled by an behaviour which consumes the reactive streams. Furthermore this leads to a new value propagation if the output property is connected to other properties. """ tick(id: UUID!): EntityInstance! "Triggers the entity instance with the given id." trigger( "Triggers the entity instance with the given id." id: UUID, "Triggers the entity instance with the given label." label: String ): EntityInstance! "Updates the properties of the entity instance with the given id." update( "Adds the given components." addComponents: [ComponentTypeId!], "Updates the entity instance with the given id." id: UUID, "Updates the entity instance with the given label." label: String, "Updates the given properties" properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!], "Removes the given components." removeComponents: [ComponentTypeId!] ): EntityInstance! } "Mutations for entity types" type MutationEntityTypes { "Adds the component with the given component_name to the entity type with the given name." addComponent(component: ComponentTypeId!, type: EntityTypeId!): EntityType! "Adds an extension to the entity type with the given name." addExtension(extension: ExtensionDefinition!, type: EntityTypeId!): EntityType! "Adds a property to the entity type with the given name." addProperty(property: PropertyTypeDefinition!, type: EntityTypeId!): EntityType! "Creates a new entity type with the given name and components and properties." create( components: [ComponentTypeId!], "The extension on the entity type." extensions: [ExtensionDefinition!], "The definitions of properties. These are added additionally to the properties provided by the given components." properties: [PropertyTypeDefinition!], type: EntityTypeId! ): EntityType! "Deletes the entity type with the given name." delete(type: EntityTypeId!): Boolean! "Remove the component with the given component_name from the entity type with the given name." removeComponent(component: ComponentTypeId!, type: EntityTypeId!): EntityType! "Removes the extension with the given extension_name from the entity type with the given name." removeExtension(extension: ExtensionTypeId!, type: EntityTypeId!): EntityType! "Removes the property with the given property_name from the entity type with the given name." removeProperty(propertyName: String!, type: EntityTypeId!): EntityType! } "Mutations for flows and their contained instances." type MutationFlowInstances { "Adds an existing entity instance by id to the given flow by id" addEntity(entityId: UUID!, flowId: UUID!): FlowInstance! "Adds an existing relation instance by edge_key to the given flow by id" addRelation(edgeKey: EdgeKeyDefinition!, flowId: UUID!): FlowInstance! """ Manually ticks all entity instances and relation instances of this flow. This means, for each property of each entity instance and relation instance the corresponding reactive stream will be activated with it's last value. This leads to a recalculation if the instance is controlled by an behaviour which consumes the reactive streams. In case of entity instances, it furthermore leads to a new value propagation if the output property is connected to other properties. """ commit(id: UUID!): FlowInstance! """ Creates a new flow and a corresponding wrapper entity instance. The given entity type must exist. It provides the properties for the wrapper entity instance and therefore defines which properties of the flow are the inputs and outputs. Optionally, an UUID can be specified. Optionally, the initial values of the properties can be specified. Specified properties which are not provided by the given entity type are lacking of a definition (data type, socket type). """ create(flowId: UUID, namespace: String!, properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!], type: String!): FlowInstance! "Creates a new entity instance and adds the entity instance to the given flow by id." createEntity(entityId: UUID, flowId: UUID!, namespace: String!, properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!], type: String!): FlowInstance! """ Creates a new flow from the given type. The corresponding wrapper entity instance will be created with the type. The given entity type must exist. It provides the properties for the wrapper entity instance and therefore defines which properties of the flow are the inputs and outputs. Optionally, an UUID can be specified. Optionally, the initial values of the properties can be specified. Specified properties which are not provided by the given entity type are lacking of a definition (data type, socket type). """ createFromType(namespace: String!, properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!], typeName: String!, variables: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!]): FlowInstance! "Creates a new relation instance and adds the relation instance to the given flow by id." createRelation(edgeKey: EdgeKeyDefinition!, flowId: UUID!, properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!]): FlowInstance! """ Imports the given flow. Creates entity instances and relation instances which are contained in the given flow. """ import(flow: FlowInstanceDefinition!): FlowInstance! "Removes an entity instance from flow." removeEntity(entityId: UUID!, flowId: UUID!): FlowInstance! "Removes an existing relation instance by edge_key from the given flow by id" removeRelation(edgeKey: EdgeKeyDefinition!, flowId: UUID!): FlowInstance! } "Mutations on instances." type MutationInstances { "Mutations on entity instances." entities: MutationEntityInstances! "Mutations for flows and their contained instances." flows: MutationFlowInstances! "Mutations on relation instances." relations: MutationRelationInstances! } "Mutations for plugins." type MutationPlugins { "Redeploys a plugin which is already installed, resolved or active." redeploy(name: String!): Plugin! restart(name: String!): Plugin! start(name: String!): Plugin! stop(name: String!): Plugin! "Uninstalls a plugin" uninstall(name: String!): Boolean! } "Mutation of relation instances." type MutationRelationInstances { connect(edgeKey: EdgeKeyDefinition!, type: BehaviourTypeId!): RelationInstance! """ Creates a new relation instance with the given edge_key. The edge key is the primary key of a relation instance and consists of the id of the outbound entity instance, the name of the relation type and the id of the inbound entity instance. The relation type must exist and the given type name is matched by a prefix search. For example a given type name "default_connector--property_name--property_name" will match as relation type "default_connector". Furthermore the outbound and the inbound entity instance must exist. The given properties consists of a list of pairs of property name and property value. If properties are not provided, default values will be used depending on the data type of the property. """ create( "Creates the relation instance with the given components." components: [ComponentTypeId!], "Specifies the outbound id, the inbound id, the relation type and the instance_id." edgeKey: EdgeKeyDefinition!, properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!] ): RelationInstance! """ Creates a connector from a property of the outbound entity instance to a property of the inbound entity instance. The type_name must match a relation type exactly. """ createConnector( "Creates the relation instance with the given components." components: [ComponentTypeId!], "The id of the inbound entity instance" inboundId: UUID!, "The name of the property of the inbound entity instance" inboundPropertyName: String!, "The id of the outbound entity instance" outboundId: UUID!, "The name of the property of the outbound entity instance" outboundPropertyName: String!, "The initial property values" properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!], "The name of the connector relation type" type: RelationTypeId! ): RelationInstance! "Deletes an relation instance." delete(edgeKey: EdgeKeyDefinition!): Boolean! disconnect(edgeKey: EdgeKeyDefinition!, type: BehaviourTypeId!): RelationInstance! reconnect(edgeKey: EdgeKeyDefinition!, type: BehaviourTypeId!): RelationInstance! """ Manually tick the relation instance. This means for each property of the entity instance the corresponding reactive stream will be activated with it's last value. This leads to a recalculation if the relation instance is controlled by an behaviour which consumes the reactive streams. In case of the default_connector it does NOT lead to a new value propagation, because the reactive streams are not consumed by the default_connector behaviour. """ tick(edgeKey: EdgeKeyDefinition!): RelationInstance! "Updates the properties of the given relation instance by edge key." update( "Adds the components with the given name" addComponents: [ComponentTypeId!], edgeKey: EdgeKeyDefinition!, "Updates the given properties" properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!], "Removes the components with the given name" removeComponents: [ComponentTypeId!] ): RelationInstance! } "Mutations for relation types" type MutationRelationTypes { "Adds the component with the given component_name to the relation type with the given name." addComponent(component: ComponentTypeId!, type: RelationTypeId!): RelationType! "Adds an extension to the relation type with the given name." addExtension(extension: ExtensionDefinition!, type: RelationTypeId!): RelationType! "Adds a property to the relation type with the given name." addProperty(property: PropertyTypeDefinition!, type: RelationTypeId!): RelationType! """ Creates a new relation type with the given name and components and properties. The outbound entity type and the inbound entity type must be specified. """ create( "Adds the given components to the newly created relation type." components: [ComponentTypeId!], "The extension on the relation type." extensions: [ExtensionDefinition!], inboundType: EntityTypeId!, outboundType: EntityTypeId!, "The definitions of properties. These are added additionally to the properties provided by the given components." properties: [PropertyTypeDefinition!], "The relation type." type: RelationTypeId! ): RelationType! "Deletes the relation type with the given name." delete(type: RelationTypeId!): Boolean! "Remove the component with the given component_name from the relation type with the given name." removeComponent(component: ComponentTypeId!, type: RelationTypeId!): RelationType! "Removes the extension with the given extension_name from the relation type with the given name." removeExtension(extension: ExtensionTypeId!, type: RelationTypeId!): RelationType! "Removes the property with the given property_name from the relation type with the given name." removeProperty(propertyName: String!, type: RelationTypeId!): RelationType! } type MutationSystem { commands: MutationCommands! plugins: MutationPlugins! } "Mutations for types (components, entity types, relation types)." type MutationTypes { "Mutations for components" components: MutationComponents! "Mutations for entity types" entities: MutationEntityTypes! "Mutations for relation types" relations: MutationRelationTypes! } type Plugin { dependencies: [Plugin!]! dependents: [Plugin!]! description: String! id: UUID! name: String! path: String! pluginApiVersion: String! rustcVersion: String! shortName: String! state: String! stem: String! unsatisfiedDependencies: [Plugin!]! version: String! } """ The named property stores a value/document as JSON representation. Each property is represented by it's name (String) and it's value. The value is a representation of a JSON value/document. Therefore the value can be boolean, number, string, array or an object. For more information about the data types please look at https://docs.serde.rs/serde_json/value/enum.Value.html """ type PropertyInstance { "The name of the property." name: String! "The type of the property." type: PropertyType "The value of the property as JSON representation." value: JSON! } """ Property types defines the type of a property instance. The property type defines the name, the data type and the socket type of a property. A property type does not contain any value. """ type PropertyType { "The data type of the property instances." dataType: DataType! "Textual description of the component." description: String! "The extensions which are defined by the entity type." extensions( "If true, the extensions are sorted by type" sort: Boolean, type: ExtensionTypeId ): [Extension!]! "The property instance is mutable or immutable." mutability: Mutability! "The name of the component." name: String! "The socket type of the property instances." socketType: SocketType! } "Search queries for the type system, the instances and the flows." type Query { """ Search for behaviours (entity behaviours, entity component behaviours, relation behaviours, relation component behaviours). """ behaviours: Behaviours! "Search for instances (entity instances, relation instances)." instances: Instances! randomUuid: String! system: System! "Search for types (components, entity types, relation types)." types: Types! } "A relation behaviour." type RelationBehaviour { "The behaviour type." behaviour: Behaviour! "The instances with the behaviour." instances: [RelationInstance!]! "The name of the behaviour type." name: String! "The namespace the behaviour type belongs to." namespace: String! "The relation type." relationType: RelationType! } """ Relation instances are edges from an outbound entity instance to an inbound entity instance. The relation instance is of a relation type. The relation type defines the entity types of the outbound entity instance and the inbound entity instance. Furthermore the relation type defines which properties (name, data type, socket type) a relation instance have to have. In contrast to the relation type, the relation instance stores values/ documents in it's properties. """ type RelationInstance { """ List of relation behaviours which have been actually applied on the relation instance including behaviours which have been applied after creation. """ behaviours: [RelationBehaviour!]! """ List of component behaviours which have been actually applied on the entity instance including behaviours which have been applied after creation. """ componentBehaviours: [ComponentBehaviour!]! """ The components which have been actually applied on the relation instance including components which have been added after creation. """ components: [Component!]! "Textual description of the relation instance." description: String! """ The inbound entity instance. You can use this in order to navigate from the inbound entity instance to the outbound entity instance or vice versa. """ inbound: EntityInstance! "The instance id of the relation instance type." instanceId: String! """ The outbound entity instance. You can use this in order to navigate from the outbound entity instance to the inbound entity instance or vice versa. """ outbound: EntityInstance! """ The properties of then relation instance. Each property is represented by it's name (String) and it's value. The value is a representation of a JSON. Therefore the value can be boolean, number, string, array or an object. For more information about the data types please look at https://docs.serde.rs/serde_json/value/enum.Value.html """ properties( "Filters by property name." name: String, "Filters by property names" names: [String!], "If true, the properties are sorted by name" sort: Boolean ): [PropertyInstance!]! "The relation type." type: RelationType } """ A relation type defines the type of an relation instance. The relation type defines the entity types of the outbound and inbound entity instances. Also the relation type defines the properties of the relation instance. """ type RelationType { behaviours: [RelationBehaviour!]! "The relation type composes it's properties by these components." components: [Component!]! "Textual description of the relation type." description: String! "The extensions which are defined by the relation type." extensions( "If true, the extensions are sorted by type" sort: Boolean, type: ExtensionTypeId ): [Extension!]! "The inbound components." inboundComponents: [Component!]! "The inbound entity type(s)." inboundTypes: [EntityType!]! """ Returns true, if the relation type is valid. This means all components exists and the outbound and inbound entity types are valid. """ isValid: Boolean! """ The name of the relation type. The name is the unique identifier for relation types. Returns "default_connector" for "default_connector__property_name__property_name" (without type suffix). """ name: String! "The namespace the relation type belongs to." namespace: String! "The outbound components." outboundComponents: [Component!]! "The outbound entity type(s)." outboundTypes: [EntityType!]! """ The properties / property types which are defined by the relation type or by one of the components. """ properties( "The name of the property" name: String, "If true, the properties are sorted by name" sort: Boolean ): [PropertyType!]! } "Subscriptions for the reactive property instances." type Subscription { entity( "The uuid of the entity instance" id: UUID, "The label of the entity instance" label: String, "The name of the property" propertyName: String! ): PropertyInstance! relation( edgeKey: EdgeKeyDefinition!, "The name of the property" propertyName: String! ): PropertyInstance! } type System { commands(name: String): [Command!]! "Returns the instance information." instanceInfo: InstanceInfo! plugins(id: UUID, name: String, state: String, stem: String): [Plugin!]! } "Search for types (components, entity types or relation types)" type Types { """ Search for components Optionally the list of components can be filtered by name. """ components( "Searches by the namespace of the components." namespace: String, "Searches by the name of the components. Allowed wildcards are: ? and *" search: String, "The component type" type: ComponentTypeId ): [Component!]! countComponents: Int! countEntityTypes: Int! countFlowTypes: Int! countRelationTypes: Int! """ Search for entity types. Optionally the list of entity types can be filtered by name. """ entities( "Searches by the name of the entity types. Allowed wildcards are: ? and *" search: String, "The entity type" type: EntityTypeId ): [EntityType!]! """ Search for flow types. Optionally the list of flow types can be filtered by name. """ flows( "Searches by the name of the flow types. Allowed wildcards are: ? and *" search: String, "The flow type" type: FlowTypeId ): [FlowType!]! namespaces: [String!]! "Search for relation types." relations( "Filters by inbound component" inboundComponent: ComponentTypeId, "Filters by inbound entity type" inboundEntityType: EntityTypeId, "Filters by outbound component" outboundComponent: ComponentTypeId, "Filters by outbound entity type" outboundEntityType: EntityTypeId, "The relation type." type: RelationTypeId ): [RelationType!]! } """ The data types of a value. Derived from serde_json::Value but without value payload. """ enum DataType { "Represents any type (relations)." ANY "Represents a JSON array." ARRAY "Represents a JSON boolean." BOOL "Represents a JSON null value." NULL "Represents a JSON number, whether integer or floating point." NUMBER "Represents a JSON object." OBJECT "Represents a JSON string." STRING } "The mutability of a property." enum Mutability { "The property is immutable." IMMUTABLE "The property is mutable." MUTABLE } """ The socket type defines if the property acts as an input or output socket or is an hidden property """ enum SocketType { "The property acts as input socket and accepts incoming connections." INPUT "The property doesn't act as input or output socket." NONE "The property acts as output socket and accepts outgoing connections." OUTPUT } "A scalar that can represent any JSON value." scalar JSON "A scalar that can represent any JSON Object value." scalar JSONObject """ A UUID is a unique 128-bit number, stored as 16 octets. UUIDs are parsed as Strings within GraphQL. UUIDs are used to assign unique identifiers to entities without requiring a central allocating authority. # References * [Wikipedia: Universally Unique Identifier](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier) * [RFC4122: A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122) """ scalar UUID input BehaviourTypeId { "The name of the behaviour type." name: String! "The namespace of the behaviour type." namespace: String! } input ComponentTypeId { "The name of the component." name: String! "The namespace of the component." namespace: String! } """ The primary key of an edge consists of the outbound id, the type name and the inbound id. """ input EdgeKeyDefinition { "The id of the inbound entity instance." inboundId: UUID! "The instance id." instanceId: String! = "" "The namespace." namespace: String! "The id of the outbound entity instance." outboundId: UUID! "The name of the relation type." typeName: String! } """ Entity instances represents an typed object which contains properties. The entity type defines the properties (name, data type and socket type). In contrast to the entity type the entity instance stores values in it's properties. """ input EntityInstanceDefinition { "The description of the entity instance." description: String! "Entity instance specific extensions." extensions: [ExtensionDefinition!]! "The unique identifier of the entity instance." id: UUID! "The namespace the entity type belongs to." namespace: String! """ The properties of then entity instance. Each property is represented by it's name (String) and it's value. The value is a representation of a JSON. Therefore the value can be boolean, number, string, array or an object. For more information about the data types please look at https://docs.serde.rs/serde_json/value/enum.Value.html """ properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!]! "The name of the entity type." typeName: String! } input EntityTypeId { "The name of the entity type." name: String! "The namespace of the entity type." namespace: String! } input ExtensionDefinition { "The description of the extension." description: String! "The extension as JSON representation." extension: JSON! "The namespace of the extension." type: ExtensionTypeId! } input ExtensionTypeId { "The name of the extension." name: String! "The namespace of the extension." namespace: String! } """ Represents a flow with entity instances and relation instances. The entity type of the flow and the entity types of each provided entity instance must exist. The relation types of each provided relation instance must exist. """ input FlowInstanceDefinition { "Textual description of the flow." description: String! """ The entity instances which are contained in this flow. It can't have a default because the wrapper entity instance must be present in the list of entities. """ entityInstances: [EntityInstanceDefinition!]! """ The id of the flow corresponds to the id of the wrapper entity instance This means the vector of entity instances must contain an instance with the id of the flow. """ id: UUID! "The name of the flow." name: String! "The namespace the entity type belongs to." namespace: String! "The relation instances which are contained in this flow." relationInstances: [RelationInstanceDefinition!]! "The name of the entity type." typeName: String! } input FlowTypeId { "The name of the flow type." name: String! "The namespace of the flow type." namespace: String! } input PropertyInstanceDefinition { "The name of the property." name: String! "The value of the property as JSON representation." value: JSON! } input PropertyTypeDefinition { "The data type of the property" dataType: DataType! "The description of the property" description: String! "Property specific extensions" extensions: [ExtensionDefinition!]! "The property is mutable or immutable" mutability: Mutability! "The name of the property" name: String! "Specifies which type of socket" socketType: SocketType! } """ Relation instances are edges from an outbound entity instance to an inbound entity instance. The relation instance is of a relation type. The relation type defines the entity types of the outbound entity instance and the inbound entity instance. Furthermore the relation type defines which properties (name, data type, socket type) a relation instance have to have. In constrast to the relation type, the relation instance stores values/ documents in it's properties. """ input RelationInstanceDefinition { "Textual description of the relation instance." description: String! "Relation instance specific extensions." extensions: [ExtensionDefinition!]! "The id of the inbound vertex." inboundId: UUID! "The instance id of the relation instance type." instanceId: String! "The namespace the relation type belongs to." namespace: String! "The id of the outbound vertex." outboundId: UUID! """ The properties of then relation instance. Each property is represented by it's name (String) and it's value. The value is a representation of a JSON. Therefore the value can be boolean, number, string, array or an object. For more information about the data types please look at https://docs.serde.rs/serde_json/value/enum.Value.html """ properties: [PropertyInstanceDefinition!]! "The name of the relation type." typeName: String! } input RelationTypeId { "The name of the relation type." name: String! "The namespace of the relation type." namespace: String! }