use influxdb_rs::Client; use influxdb_rs::data_model::user::Status; use influxdb_rs::data_model::authorization::AuthPermissions; use influxdb_rs::data_model::authorization::AuthResource; use influxdb_rs::data_model::authorization::AuthResourceType; use url::Url; use chrono::Utc; #[tokio::test] async fn client_token_auth() { let client = Client::new(Url::parse("http://localhost:8086").unwrap(), "test_bucket", "test_org", "0123456789").await.unwrap(); let basic_auth_result =; assert!(basic_auth_result, "PING DIDNT WORK: {}", basic_auth_result); } #[tokio::test] async fn reduced_perms() { // Use Admin Client let client = Client::new(Url::parse("http://localhost:8086").unwrap(), "test_bucket", "test_org", "0123456789").await; // Assert that it succeeded assert!(client.is_ok(), "CLIENT DIDNT WORK: {}", client.unwrap_err()); // Get Client let client = client.unwrap(); // Assert that Org ID is not empty assert_ne!(client.org_id, ""); //Create Read Permissions let permissions = vec![AuthPermissions { action: "read".to_string(), resource: AuthResource { r#type: AuthResourceType::Bucket.to_string(), org_id: None, bucket_id: None, }, }]; // Create a new authorization let create_auth = client.create_authorization(None, &client.org_id, permissions, Status::Active, "read bucket").await; // Assert that it succeeded assert!(create_auth.is_ok(), "CREATE AUTH DIDNT WORK: {} ORG ID: {} AuthType: {}", create_auth.unwrap_err(), client.org_id, AuthResourceType::Bucket.to_string()); //Get Auth Response let auth = create_auth.unwrap(); // Create a new client with the user token let reduced_client = Client::new(Url::parse("http://localhost:8086").unwrap(), "test_bucket", "test_org", &auth.token).await; // Assert that it fails assert!(reduced_client.is_err(), "REDUCED CLIENT DIDNT WORK: {}", reduced_client.unwrap_err()); // Access Bucket with reduced client that doesnt have org ID access let reduced_client = Client::new_without_org_id(Url::parse("http://localhost:8086").unwrap(), "test_bucket", "test_org", &auth.token).await.unwrap(); // Need a date-timestamp for insert let now = Utc::now(); // NOTE: convert time from timstamp_nanos() due to to_rfc3339() doesn't convert nicely with GOLANG let flux_query = format!("from(bucket: \"test_bucket\") |> range(start: time(v: {:?})) |> yield()", now.timestamp_nanos()); let query = influxdb_rs::data_model::query::ReadQuery{ r#extern: None, query: flux_query, r#type: None, dialect: None, now: None, }; let result = reduced_client.query(Some(query)).await; // Assert that it runs assert!(result.is_ok(), "REDUCED CLIENT QUERY DIDNT WORK: {}", result.unwrap_err()); }