use std::fmt::Debug; use std::fs::{create_dir_all, read_dir, DirEntry, OpenOptions}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, str::FromStr, }; use actix::prelude::{Actor, Context, Handler, Message, Recipient, SendError}; use faccess::{AccessMode, PathExt}; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize}; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::pubsub::{Publication, Subscription}; pub type DataLogIndex = HashMap>; #[derive(Debug, Fail)] pub enum DataLogError { #[fail(display = "Fs error: {}", _0)] FileSystem(String), #[fail(display = "Failed sending index: {:?}", _0)] PullIndex(#[cause] SendError), #[fail(display = "Failed sending log entries: {:?}", _0)] PullDataLogEntry(#[cause] SendError>), #[fail(display = "Could not process DataLogPut: {}", _0)] PutDataLogEntry(#[cause] serde_cbor::Error), #[fail(display = "Could not write data: {:?}", _0)] WriteError(#[cause] serde_cbor::Error), #[fail(display = "Could not read data: {:?}", _0)] ReadError(#[cause] serde_cbor::Error), } impl From for DataLogError { fn from(e: std::io::Error) -> DataLogError { DataLogError::FileSystem(format!("{}", e)) } } /// A message to request a range of entries from a log collection #[derive(Debug, Message)] #[rtype("Result<(), DataLogError>")] pub struct DataLogPull { pub data_log_id: Uuid, pub client: Recipient>, pub selection: Vec, } /// A message to request collection metadata #[derive(Debug, Message)] #[rtype("Result<(), DataLogError>")] pub enum MetadataPull { Single(Uuid), All, } /// A message to request the data log index of a collection #[derive(Debug, Message)] #[rtype("Result<(), DataLogError>")] pub struct LogIndexPull { pub client: Recipient, pub data_log_id: Uuid, } /// Message type for one or more log entries #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Message, Serialize)] #[rtype("Result<(), DataLogError>")] pub struct DataLogPut(pub Vec); impl Into> for DataLogPut { fn into(self) -> Vec { self.0 } } /// Message type for Metadata of a collection #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Message)] #[rtype("Result<(), DataLogError>")] pub struct MetadataPut(T); /// Message Type for sending collection index #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Message, Serialize)] #[rtype("Result<(), DataLogError>")] pub struct LogIndexPut(Uuid, pub HashSet); /// The Actor responsible for processing DataLog requests sent by /// PubSubServer actors. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct DataLogger { log_index: DataLogIndex, data_dir: PathBuf, } impl DataLogger { ///Creates a new DataLogger actor ///## Arguments ///* `app_dir` - The application base directory. Must exist and be accessible with rwx permissions. pub fn new(app_dir: &Path) -> Result { if app_dir .access(AccessMode::EXISTS | AccessMode::READ | AccessMode::WRITE | AccessMode::EXECUTE) .is_ok() { let data_dir_path = app_dir.join("data"); create_dir_all(&data_dir_path)?; Ok(DataLogger { log_index: HashMap::new(), data_dir: PathBuf::from(&data_dir_path), }) } else { Err(DataLogError::FileSystem(format!( "Could not access application base directory with required permissions" ))) } } fn get_collection_log_path(&self, data_log_id: &Uuid) -> PathBuf { let mut path = self.data_dir.join(data_log_id.to_string()); path.push("log"); path } fn _list_entry_ids, F: Fn(&DirEntry) -> bool>( &self, path: P, condition: F, ) -> Result, DataLogError> { let mut results = Vec::new(); let entries = read_dir(path)?; for entry in entries { let dir_entry = entry?; if condition(&dir_entry) { if let Some(dir_name) = dir_entry.file_name().to_str() { if let Some(collection_id) = Uuid::from_str(dir_name).ok() { results.push(collection_id) } } } } Ok(results) } fn read_data_file( &self, filename: &str, path: &PathBuf, ) -> Result { let file = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(path.join(filename))?; serde_cbor::from_reader(&file).map_err(|e| DataLogError::ReadError(e)) } fn write_data_file( &self, filename: &str, path: &PathBuf, data: T, ) -> Result<(), DataLogError> { create_dir_all(path)?; let file = OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .write(true) .open(&path.join(filename))?; serde_cbor::to_writer(file, &data).map_err(|e| DataLogError::WriteError(e)) } } impl Actor for DataLogger { type Context = Context; } impl Handler for DataLogger { type Result = Result<(), DataLogError>; fn handle(&mut self, msg: MetadataPull, _: &mut Context) -> Self::Result { Ok(match &msg { MetadataPull::Single(subscription_id) => { let log_path = self.data_dir.join(subscription_id.to_string()); self.read_data_file("metadata.cbor", &log_path)?; } MetadataPull::All => {} }) } } impl Handler> for DataLogger { type Result = Result<(), DataLogError>; fn handle(&mut self, msg: MetadataPut, _: &mut Context) -> Self::Result { let log_path = self.get_collection_log_path(&; self.write_data_file("metadata.cbor", &log_path, &msg.0) } } impl Handler for DataLogger { type Result = Result<(), DataLogError>; fn handle(&mut self, msg: LogIndexPull, _: &mut Context) -> Self::Result { Ok( if let Some(log_index_entry) = self.log_index.get_key_value(&msg.data_log_id).clone() { &msg.client .try_send(LogIndexPut(*log_index_entry.0, log_index_entry.1.clone())) .map_err(|e| DataLogError::PullIndex(e))?; }, ) } } impl Handler for DataLogger { type Result = Result<(), DataLogError>; fn handle(&mut self, msg: DataLogPull, _: &mut Context) -> Self::Result { let log_path = self.get_collection_log_path(&msg.data_log_id); let mut read_results = Vec::new(); for item in msg.selection { read_results.push(self.read_data_file(&item.to_string(), &log_path)?); } msg.client .try_send(DataLogPut(read_results)) .map_err(|e| DataLogError::PullDataLogEntry(e)) } } impl Handler> for DataLogger { type Result = Result<(), DataLogError>; fn handle(&mut self, msg: DataLogPut, _: &mut Context) -> Self::Result { Ok(for item in msg.0 { let log_path = self.get_collection_log_path(&item.subscription_id); self.write_data_file(&item.publication_id.to_string(), &log_path, &item)?; let log_index_entry = self .log_index .entry(item.subscription_id) .or_insert(HashSet::new()); log_index_entry.insert(item.publication_id); }) } } impl Handler for DataLogger { type Result = Result<(), DataLogError>; fn handle(&mut self, msg: LogIndexPut, _: &mut Context) -> Self::Result { self.log_index.insert(msg.0, msg.1); Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::env::temp_dir; fn create_test_directory() -> PathBuf { let mut p = temp_dir(); p.push(format!("infotainer-{}", Uuid::new_v4().to_hyphenated())); std::fs::create_dir(&p).unwrap(); p } fn remove_test_directory(p: &Path) { std::fs::remove_dir_all(p).unwrap(); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_starting_data_logger() { let test_dir = create_test_directory(); let data_logger = DataLogger::new(&test_dir).unwrap(); let data_logger_actor = data_logger.clone().start(); let mut test_data_dir = PathBuf::from(&test_dir); test_data_dir.push("data"); assert_eq!(data_logger.data_dir, test_data_dir); assert!(data_logger_actor.connected()); remove_test_directory(&test_data_dir); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_starting_data_logger_failure() { let test_data_dir = Path::new("/frank/nord"); let data_logger = DataLogger::new(test_data_dir); assert!(data_logger.is_err()); } }