syntax = "proto3"; package cosmos.nft.v1beta1; import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; option go_package = ""; // Class defines the class of the nft type. message Class { // id defines the unique identifier of the NFT classification, similar to the contract address of ERC721 string id = 1; // name defines the human-readable name of the NFT classification. Optional string name = 2; // symbol is an abbreviated name for nft classification. Optional string symbol = 3; // description is a brief description of nft classification. Optional string description = 4; // uri for the class metadata stored off chain. It can define schema for Class and NFT `Data` attributes. Optional string uri = 5; // uri_hash is a hash of the document pointed by uri. Optional string uri_hash = 6; // data is the app specific metadata of the NFT class. Optional google.protobuf.Any data = 7; } // NFT defines the NFT. message NFT { // class_id associated with the NFT, similar to the contract address of ERC721 string class_id = 1; // id is a unique identifier of the NFT string id = 2; // uri for the NFT metadata stored off chain string uri = 3; // uri_hash is a hash of the document pointed by uri string uri_hash = 4; // data is an app specific data of the NFT. Optional google.protobuf.Any data = 10; }