# ![icon](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/master/images/iconx32.png "icon") ink! Analyzer A library for semantic analysis of [ink!](https://use.ink/) smart contracts. It implements utilities for performing semantic analysis of ink! smart contract code. It therefore implements the core functionality of ink! analyzer at a high level. It currently implements an [Analysis](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/crates/analyzer/src/analysis.rs) entry point that accepts a string representation (`&str`) of ink! smart contract code as input and defines associated methods that compute: - [diagnostics](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/crates/analyzer/src/analysis/diagnostics.rs) - errors and warnings based on ink! semantic rules. - [quickfixes](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/crates/analyzer/src/analysis/diagnostics.rs) - suggested edits/code actions for diagnostic errors and warnings. - [completions](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/crates/analyzer/src/analysis/completions.rs) - completion suggestions for ink! attribute macros, arguments and entities/items. - [code/intent actions](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/crates/analyzer/src/analysis/actions.rs) - contextual assists for: - adding relevant ink! attribute macros, arguments and entities/items - migrating ink! projects to newer versions of ink! (e.g. ink! 4.x to 5.0) - extracting ink! entities (e.g. ink! 5.0 events) into standalone packages - and more! - [hover content](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/crates/analyzer/src/analysis/hover.rs) - descriptive/informational text for ink! attribute macros and arguments. - [inlay hints](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/crates/analyzer/src/analysis/inlay_hints.rs) - inline type and format information for ink! attribute arguments values (e.g. `u32 | _ | @` for ink! message selectors). - [signature help](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/crates/analyzer/src/analysis/signature_help.rs) - popup information for valid ink! attribute arguments for the current context/cursor position. ## Installation Run the following Cargo command in your project directory ```shell cargo add ink-analyzer ``` ## Usage ### Example: Analyzing ink! smart contract code. ```rust use ink_analyzer::{Analysis, TextSize, TextRange, Version}; fn do_analysis() { // Smart contract code. let code = r#" #[ink::contract] mod my_contract { #[ink(storage)] pub struct MyContract { value: bool, } // --snip-- } "#; // Creates analysis snapshot. let analysis = Analysis::new(code, Version::V4); // Computes diagnostics. let diagnostics = analysis.diagnostics(); dbg!(&diagnostics); // Sets the cursor position. let position = TextSize::from(9); // Computes completions. let completions = analysis.completions(position); dbg!(&completions); // Sets the focus range. let range = TextRange::new(position, TextSize::from(25)); // Computes code/intent actions. let actions = analysis.actions(range); dbg!(&actions); // Gets hover content. let hover = analysis.hover(range); dbg!(&hover); // Computes inlay hints. let inlay_hints = analysis.inlay_hints(None); dbg!(&inlay_hints); // Computes signature help. let signature_help = analysis.signature_help(TextSize::from(71)); dbg!(&signature_help); } fn project_code_stubs() { // Generates ink! project code stubs/snippets. let project = ink_analyzer::new_project(String::from("hello_world"), Version::V5); dbg!(&project); } ``` ## Documentation [https://docs.rs/ink-analyzer/latest/ink_analyzer/](https://docs.rs/ink-analyzer/latest/ink_analyzer/) Or you can access documentation locally by running the following command from the project root ```shell cargo doc -p ink-analyzer --open ``` ## Testing You can run unit and integration tests for all the core functionality by running the following command from the project root ```shell cargo test -p ink-analyzer ``` ## License Licensed under either [MIT](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT) or [Apache-2.0](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE) license at your option. ## Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.