# ink! Analyzer IR [ink!](https://use.ink/) intermediate representations (IRs) and abstractions for [ink! analyzer](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/tree/master/crates/analyzer). This library implements types and abstractions for all ink! entities (e.g contracts, storage, events, topics, impls, constructors, messages, selectors, tests, trait definitions, chain extensions, storage items e.t.c). It uses [rust-analyzer](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer)'s [ra_ap_syntax](https://docs.rs/ra_ap_syntax/latest/ra_ap_syntax/) crate for generating the syntax tree of the ink! smart contract code that it then converts into ink! entity intermediate representations and abstractions. It uses [ra_ap_syntax](https://docs.rs/ra_ap_syntax/latest/ra_ap_syntax/) instead of other Rust parsing and syntax tree libraries because ink! analyzer has similar [design goals](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/blob/master/docs/dev/syntax.md#design-goals) to rust-analyzer. The most important being that parsing should be: - resilient (even if the input is invalid, parser tries to see as much syntax tree fragments in the input as it can). - lossless (even if the input is invalid, the tree produced by the parser represents it exactly). It's the main dependency for the [semantic analyzer](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/tree/master/crates/analyzer) crate. ## Installation Run the following Cargo command in your project directory ```shell cargo add ink-analyzer-ir ``` ## Usage ### Example: Generate an IR of ink! smart contract code. ```rust use ink_analyzer_ir::InkFile; fn generate_ir() { let file = InkFile::parse(r#" #[ink::contract] mod my_contract { #[ink(storage)] pub struct MyContract { value: bool, } // --snip-- } "#); dbg!(&file); let contracts = file.contracts(); dbg!(&contracts); if let Some(contract) = contracts.first() { let storage = contract.storage(); dbg!(&storage); } } ``` ## Documentation [https://docs.rs/ink-analyzer-ir/latest/ink_analyzer_ir/](https://docs.rs/ink-analyzer-ir/latest/ink_analyzer_ir/) Or you can access documentation locally by running the following command from the project root ```shell cargo doc -p ink-analyzer-ir --open ``` ## Testing You can run unit tests for all the core functionality by running the following command from the project root ```shell cargo test -p ink-analyzer-ir ``` ## License Licensed under either [MIT](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT) or [Apache-2.0](https://github.com/ink-analyzer/ink-analyzer/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE) license at your option. ## Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.