# Inline Crate
A small helper tool to inline an entire Rust crate into a single file
## Install
``` sh
cargo install inline-crate --locked
## Usage
``` console
$ inline-crate --help
Inline an entire crate into a single file
Aimed at making it easy to distribute reproducers, or run minimizers.
If an output path is passed, then outputs to the file, otherwise outputs to stdout.
Usage: inline-crate [OPTIONS] [OUTPUT_FILE]
The input crate root
The output file (default: stdout)
-v, --verbose
Print verbose output
Ignore missing modules
-f, --force
Force writing, even if the file exists
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
## License
[BSD 3-Clause License](./LICENSE)