# inline*rs* [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/inliners.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/inliners) [![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/makovich/inliners.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/makovich/inliners)
Inline images, CSS, JavaScript and more into a single HTML web page. Quite fast. It is mostly influenced by Remi's [inliner](https://github.com/remy/inliner/).
> **WARNING: Works on my machine notice!**
> This project is a result of playing with [rayon](https://docs.rs/rayon/) and [kuchiki](https://docs.rs/kuchiki/) so still not feature complete — but can be easily extended.
## Features
* Inline local stuff (i.e. for development or packaging) and remote (i.e. archiving)
* Can load and inline assets in a very parallel fashion (use `-j THREADS` switch)
* Handles scripts and styles (`@import`, `` or ``, `div { background-image: url('img/i.png'); }`)
* Minify output with [minify-html](https://github.com/wilsonzlin/minify-html) (can do scripts and styles with [esbuild](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild) **but might not work well and as expected**).
## Install
Use [releases page](https://github.com/makovich/inliners/releases) or install from crates.io with `cargo`:
# By default minifies only HTML:
$ cargo install inliners
# If you have Golang installed, allow JS/CSS minification:
$ cargo install inliners --features="esbuild"
# Or disable minification at all:
$ cargo install --no-default-features
# Then:
$ cd mysite
$ inline --no-img --minify index.html > index.min.html
# Or:
$ inline --no-js -o ~/archive/wiki/minipig.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miniature_pig
## Usage
inline 0.5.0
Inline images, CSS, JavaScript and more into a single HTML web page. Quite fast.
inline [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [input]
-h, --help Prints help information
-m, --minify Minify HTML, CSS and JavaScript
-C, --no-css Do not process/embedd CSS stylesheets
-I, --no-img Do not process/embedd images
-J, --no-js Do not process/embedd JavaScript
-q, --quiet Silence all output
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Verbose mode (-v, -vv, -vvv)
-O, --output