# inoutflow-bsc A command line program to compute and print out in/out flow of BNB of the target wallet/contract address # How it works It will involve utilizing 3 related APIs of [bscscan.com](https://bscscan.com) as follows 1. Get list of normal transactions - [link](https://docs.bscscan.com/api-endpoints/accounts#get-a-list-of-normal-transactions-by-address) 2. Get list of internal transactions - [link](https://docs.bscscan.com/api-endpoints/accounts#get-a-list-of-internal-transactions-by-address) 3. Get address's balance - [link](https://docs.bscscan.com/api-endpoints/accounts#get-bnb-balance-for-a-single-address) in order to have an understanding of BNB in/out flow, and balance respectively for each type of transaction as well as final balance for entire address. # Technical Tips We can manually compute balance of target address ourselves without requesting to balance API by sum in/out flow of BNB from normal, and internal transactions, and subtract by fees from normal transactions. We have no need to try to get fees from internal transactions because internal transaction is part of normal transaction, and its `gasPrice` and `gasUsed` fields are not available as part of API returned. So only fees from normal transactions are enough. In short, ``` Address balance = in/out BNB flow of normal txs + in/out BNB flow of internal txs + fees of normal txs ``` **NOTE**: We have no need to involve BEP-20, and BEP-721 transactions here because they are also as part of normal transaction as they shared the same transaction hash. It just happens that for this type of transaction, it sends `0` BNBs but other tokens. So normal transactions' fees cover everything we need. # How to setup 1. Register an account on [bscscan.com](https://bscscan.com) 2. Create a new API key 3. Build project via `cargo build`. 3. Define environment variable namely `HX_INOUTFLOW_API_KEY` to api-key that you have from step 2. 4. Execute e.g. `cargo r -- ` # Usage ``` inoutflow-bsc ``` Sample output is similar to following ``` Found 594 txs! - BNB outflow: 1837.683964544 BNBs - BNB inflow: 2.006 BNBs - Net in/out balance: -1835.677964544 BNBs Found 134 internal txs! - BNB outflow: 0 BNBs - BNB inflow: 1836.96689 BNBs - Net in/out balance: 1836.96689 BNBs Total 728 txs Total balance: 0.042507285 BNBs ``` # License MIT, Wasin Thonkaew