# inquerest Inquerest can parse complex url query into a SQL abstract syntax tree. Example this url: ```rust /person?age=lt.42&(student=eq.true|gender=eq.'M')&group_by=sum(age),grade,gender&having=min(age)=gt.42&order_by=age.desc,height.asc&page=20&page_size=100 ``` will be parsed into: ```rust Select { from_table: FromTable { from: Table { name: "person", }, join: None, }, filter: Some( BinaryOperation( BinaryOperation { left: BinaryOperation( BinaryOperation { left: Column( Column { name: "age", }, ), operator: Lt, right: Value( Number( 42.0, ), ), }, ), operator: And, right: Nested( BinaryOperation( BinaryOperation { left: BinaryOperation( BinaryOperation { left: Column( Column { name: "student", }, ), operator: Eq, right: Value( Bool( true, ), ), }, ), operator: Or, right: BinaryOperation( BinaryOperation { left: Column( Column { name: "gender", }, ), operator: Eq, right: Value( String( "M", ), ), }, ), }, ), ), }, ), ), group_by: Some( [ Function( Function { name: "sum", params: [ Column( Column { name: "age", }, ), ], }, ), Column( Column { name: "grade", }, ), Column( Column { name: "gender", }, ), ], ), having: Some( BinaryOperation( BinaryOperation { left: Function( Function { name: "min", params: [ Column( Column { name: "age", }, ), ], }, ), operator: Gt, right: Value( Number( 42.0, ), ), }, ), ), projection: None, order_by: Some( [ Order { expr: Column( Column { name: "age", }, ), direction: Some( Desc, ), }, Order { expr: Column( Column { name: "height", }, ), direction: Some( Asc, ), }, ], ), range: Some( Page( Page { page: 20, page_size: 100, }, ), ), } ``` Which translate to the sql statement: ```sql SELECT * FROM person WHERE age < 42 AND (student = true OR gender = 'M') GROUP BY sum(age), grade, gender HAVING min(age) > 42 ORDER BY age DESC, height ASC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 1900 ROWS ``` Note: However, you don't want to convert to the sql statement directly to avoid sql injection attack. You need to validate the tables and columns if it is allowed to be accessed by the user. You also need to extract the values yourself and supply it as a parameterized value into your ORM. ##### Please support this project: [![Become a patron](https://c5.patreon.com/external/logo/become_a_patron_button.png)](https://www.patreon.com/ivanceras) License: MIT