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inquire is a library for building interactive prompts on terminals.

It provides several different prompts in order to interactively ask the user for information via the CLI. With `inquire`, you can use: - [`Text`] to get text input from the user, with _built-in autocompletion support_; - [`Editor`]\* to get longer text inputs by opening a text editor for the user; - [`DateSelect`]\* to get a date input from the user, selected via an _interactive calendar_; - [`Select`] to ask the user to select one option from a given list; - [`MultiSelect`] to ask the user to select an arbitrary number of options from a given list; - [`Confirm`] for simple yes/no confirmation prompts; - [`CustomType`] for text prompts that you would like to parse to a custom type, such as numbers or UUIDs; - [`Password`] for secretive text prompts. --- ## Demo ![Animated GIF making a demonstration of a questionnaire created with this library. You can replay this recording in your terminal with asciinema play command - asciinema play ../assets/expense_tracker.cast](../assets/expense_tracker.gif) [Source](./examples/expense_tracker.rs) ## Features - Cross-platform, supporting UNIX and Windows terminals (thanks to [crossterm](https://crates.io/crates/crossterm)); - Several kinds of prompts to suit your needs; - Support for fine-grained configuration for each prompt type, allowing you to customize: - Default values; - Input validators and formatters; - Help messages; - Autocompletion for [`Text`] prompts; - Custom list filters for Select and [`MultiSelect`] prompts; - Custom parsers for [`Confirm`] and [`CustomType`] prompts; - Custom extensions for files created by [`Editor`] prompts; - and many others! ## Usage Put this line in your `Cargo.toml`, under `[dependencies]`. ``` inquire = "0.7.5" ``` \* This prompt type is gated under a feature flag, e.g.: ``` inquire = { version = "0.7.5", features = ["date", "editor"] } ``` [`text`]: https://docs.rs/inquire/*/inquire/prompts/text/struct.Text.html [`dateselect`]: https://docs.rs/inquire/*/inquire/prompts/dateselect/struct.DateSelect.html [`select`]: https://docs.rs/inquire/*/inquire/prompts/select/struct.Select.html [`multiselect`]: https://docs.rs/inquire/*/inquire/prompts/multiselect/struct.MultiSelect.html [`confirm`]: https://docs.rs/inquire/*/inquire/prompts/confirm/struct.Confirm.html [`editor`]: https://docs.rs/inquire/*/inquire/prompts/editor/struct.Editor.html [`customtype`]: https://docs.rs/inquire/*/inquire/struct.CustomType.html [`password`]: https://docs.rs/inquire/*/inquire/prompts/password/struct.Password.html